Difference between revisions of "NukeNews No. 11 - ENGLISH"

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Line 44: Line 44:
  7.  Talvivaara will Aktivist*innen fernhalten
  7.  Talvivaara will Aktivist*innen fernhalten
  8.  Aktuelle Entwicklungen zu Fennovoimas AKW-Neubauprojekt
  8.  Aktuelle Entwicklungen zu Fennovoimas AKW-Neubauprojekt
  9.  Sommer-Mini-Camp 2014 in Südböhmen
  9.  Summer-Mini-Camp 2014 in the South of the Czech Republic
  10. Uranfrachter kollidiert in der Ostsee mit Segelyacht
  10. Uranium freighter collided with a sailboat in the Baltic Sea
  11. Network office launched
  11. Network office launched
  12. Canada: Liquid high-level nuclear waste could pass through Niagara
  12. Canada: Liquid high-level nuclear waste could pass through Niagara
Line 267: Line 267:
  9.  Sommer-Mini-Camp 2014 in Südböhmen
  9.  Summer-Mini-Camp 2014 in the South of the Czech Republic
  Als jemand, der schon an mehreren AKtivitäten des Nuclear Heritage
  As somebody, who has particitpated already in several activities of
Network teilgenommen hat, schätze ich besonders die nukenews und weiß,
the Nuclear Heritage Network I value especially the nukenews and know,
  dass es keine einfache Sache ist, so etwas ohne großes Geld aufrecht
  that it is not an easy thing to have something like this going without
  zu erhalten. Für mache von Euch, welche dieses Infonetzwerk noch
  big money. For some you, who would like to see this info-network still
  verbessert sehen möchten (z.B. indem sie einige Übersetzungen machen)
  improved (for examply by doing some translations) and personal
  und die persönlichen Kontakte unter uns intensivieren wollen, möchte
  contacts among us intensified, I´d like to offer organizing something
  ich anbieten, etwas wie ein Arbeits- und Kennenlern-Camp in der Nähe
  like a work- and get-to-know-the-country-and-each-other-camp near the
  der südböhmischen Stadt Kaplice, nahe der Grenze zu Österreich
  town of Kaplice in the South of the Czech Republic, very close to the
  gelegen, zu organiseren. Für etwa 5 bis max. 10 Menschen kann ich
  Austrian border. For around 5- max. 10 people I could offer some
  eine einfache Unterkunft und tlw. Verpflegung anbieten. Den Transport
  simple accomodation and partly supply of nurishment. Transport to at
  bis mindestens Prag oder Linz müsstet Ihr selber organisieren, mit
  least Prague or Linz would have to be organized by yourself, with the
  dem Rest würde ich Euch so gut es geht helfen.
  rest I´d try my best to help.
  Zeit: etwa eine Woche im Juli oder August 2014. Interessierte
  Time: about a week in July or August 2014. People intersted please
  schreiben bitte bis etwa März 2014 an "b.riepl AT eduhi.at"
  write to: b.riep@eduhi.at until around March 2014
  (http://sonneundfreiheit.eu bzw. http://slunceasvoboda.eu)
  (www.slunceasvoboda.eu respectively www.sonneundfreiheit.eu)
  Die einladende NGO hat einige Erfahrungen und know-how in
  The inviting NGO has some experience and know-how in cross border
  grenzüberschreitenden Kooperationen mit Interessen auch den
  cooperation with also interests reaching beyond anti-nuclear activism,
  eigentlichen Anti-Atom-Aktivismus überschreitend, indem versucht
  attempting to integrate elements of culture and renewable energy
  wird, kultur- und erneuerbare Energieelemente zu integrieren.
  10. Uranfrachter kollidiert in der Ostsee mit Segelyacht
  10. Uranium freighter collided with a sailboat in the Baltic Sea
  Am 18. Oktober 2013 kollidierte vor der Insel Rügen der russische
  Near the Rügen island (Germany) on October 18th, 2013, the Russian
  Atomfrachter "Mikhail Lomonosov" mit einer Segelyacht. Der Frachter
  freighter "Mikhail Lomonosov" collided with a sailboat. The freighter
  der russischen Reederei "Northern Shipping Company" ist bekannt für
  is well-known for shipments of radioactive materials for the "Northern
Transporte von radioaktivem Material, und Medienberichten zufolge
Shipping Company", and it turned out it had loaded both uranium
  hatte er auch hier Uranhexafluorid und Urandioxid geladen. Die Yacht
  hexafluoride and uranium dioxide according to media coverage again.
  wurde bei dem Zusammenstoß schwer beschädigt, während über eventuelle
  The sailboat suffered serious damages, while about the impacts on the
  Schäden am Frachter noch keine Angaben gemacht wurden. In Bezug auf
  freighter nothing is public yet. Regarding uranium hexafluoride, it is
  Uranhexafluorid ist besonders alarmierend, dass die Substanz bei
  particularly alarming that in contact with water it forms the deadly
  Kontakt mit Wasser die tödliche Flusssäure bildet.
  hydrofluoric acid.  
  Nach von Anti-Atom-Aktivist*innen beschafften Informationen sollte das
  As far as anti-nuclear organizers found out, the material was supposed
  radioaktive Material per LKW von Hamburg zur Urananreicherungsanlage
  to be transported on trucks from Hamburg to the Gronau uranium
  Gronau transportiert werden.
  enrichment facility.  
  Aktuelle Informationen unter:

Revision as of 17:05, 13 December 2013

NukeNews: Czech | English | Finnish | French | German | Polish | Russian | Slovenian

*     NukeNews #11 - Anti-Nuclear Information Service      *

SORRY! Not all parts of this newsletter have been translated into
English, as we didn't have enough translation support. Please help us
to change this! Tell us if you can help with translation of the
NukeNews into English!

0.  Preface
With this 11th issue of the NukeNews we are unfortunately quite late.
Apologizes for that! However, with 30 news this is our second largest
newsletter ever. And we are close to finishing the third year of this
news tool - amazing if you imagine that the NukeNews are in operation
as a completely volunteer based and no-budget service for this long
time, and always more the less regularly was released. Before the
start of this tool in June 2011, some three months after the beginning
of the Fukushima disaster, it took the project three more years from
the first attempts to get started until the official launching.

In this release, we have news, events and campaign updates from
activists in ten countries around the world. We cover basic news on
safety issues in nuclear waste management, some recent accidents,
projects against the EU subsidies plans for nuclear power, specific
nuclear power plants like Hinkley Point and Visaginas, and some more.
If you have updates for our next newsletter, check the section at the
end of this email for information on deadlines, format and contact.

Outline of the current NukeNews issue #11
0.  Preface
1.  "Feldgewahrsam" gegen Aktivist*innen der Castor-Blockade war
2.  Auswirkungen von Freisetzungen beim Rückbau von Atomanlagen auf
    die öffentliche Gesundheit
3.  Aktion zur Bannung der Bombe in Livermore
4.  Fennovoimas Imagewashing, Manipulation der öffentlichen Meinung &
5.  Die radioaktiven Risiken des Frackings
6.  CASE PYHÄJOKI: Künstlerische Reflexionen der Auswirkungen der
7.  Talvivaara will Aktivist*innen fernhalten
8.  Aktuelle Entwicklungen zu Fennovoimas AKW-Neubauprojekt
9.  Summer-Mini-Camp 2014 in the South of the Czech Republic
10. Uranium freighter collided with a sailboat in the Baltic Sea
11. Network office launched
12. Canada: Liquid high-level nuclear waste could pass through Niagara
13. UK: Hartlepool Nuclear Power Station given 5-year life extension
14. Shoddy nuclear technology and poor safety culture should not be
    exported from Russia to Finland
15. Hinkley Point NPP: "Most expensive in the world"
16. Save Santa Mountain from Mining
17. UK: Opposing the Hinkley Deal
18. Radiation Free Lakeland: NEW website
19. Nuclear Train Derailment - Barrow, Cumbria
20. Final repositories in Scandinavia: report indicates threats shown
    in seismology and palaeoseismology
21. Dumping Low Level Radioactive Waste in Landfill
22. Campaign "No to State aid for nuclear!"
23. NO Geological Dumping of High Level Nuclear Waste! The Wrong
24. CASE PYHÄJOKI in retrospect: With joy and love
25. China Eyes Up Sellafield - while scrapping nuclear plans at home
26. Activists block a uranium transport in the South of France
27. Say no! to an uranium mining project in Nunavut
28. Visaginas NPP fate "undecided",
    As politicians ignore the decision of the referendum
29. Update on repression against environmental groups in Russia
30. Decisions move closer in the UK
31. Upcoming events
32. About NukeNews

1.  "Feldgewahrsam" gegen Aktivist*innen der Castor-Blockade war
Wie das Landgericht Lüneburg in einem im August 2013 ergangenen
Beschluss feststellte, war die Festsetzung von rund 1.300
Demonstrant*innen in einem "Feldgewahrsam" beim Castor-Transport im
November 2011 bei Harlingen rechtswidrig. Die Anti-Atom-Aktivist*innen
hatten eine Sitzblockade im Rahmen einer Aktion der Gruppe
"WiderSetzen" auf der Castor-Transportstrecke verlassen, nachdem die
Polizei das Bahngleis unter Anwendung von Gewalt räumte. Laut
Gerichtsbeschluss hätte die Polizei gegen die Aktivist*innen zunächst
einen Platzverweis aussprechen und ihnen die Möglichkeit des
Verlassens des Geländes einräumen müssen. Und selbst danach hätte die
Polizei sofort nach der Festnahme die betreffenden Aktivist*innen
einem Richter vorführen müssen, was jedoch nur bei 21 der 1.300
Festgenommenen der Fall war. Die Aktivist*innen erwägen nun, auf
Schadensersatz für die rechtswidrige Festnahme zu klagen.

Die Entscheidung des Landgerichts könnte bis zu 3.000 Aktivist*innen
betreffen, die während der Castor-Blockaden 2010 und 2011 unter
diesen Bedingungen in Gewahrsam genommen wurden.

Weitere Informationen unter:

2.  Auswirkungen von Freisetzungen beim Rückbau von Atomanlagen auf
    die öffentliche Gesundheit
Der Rückbau der britischen Atomanlage Hinkley Point A begann 2006 mit
der Installation von Abluftstutzen direkt in den Kern der zwei
entleerten Magnox-Reaktoren, die für die gesetzlich vorgeschriebene
Frist von 80 Jahren versiegelt bleiben sollten. Zudem gibt es
Emissionen bei der Stilllegung der Kühlbecken und Abwasserbehälter,
welche in die Atmosphäre entleert wurden. Die gemeldeten
Gesundheitsschäden der Öffentlichkeit haben in dieser Zeit zugenommen,
darunter ein plötzlicher Tod durch Herz-Kreislauf-Störungen,
zahlreiche Krebsfälle und -tote, zunehmende Kinder- und
Embryonensterblichkeit, sowie eine vergrößerte Anzahl von Mutationen
durch Erbkrankheiten. Den Gesundheitsbericht und weitere Details
gibt's auf der Stop-Hinkley-Webseite.

3.  Aktion zur Bannung der Bombe in Livermore
Mehr als 200 Aktivist*innen trafen sich an den Toren des Lawrence
Livermore-Labors 68 Jahre nachdem die USA eine Atombombe auf Hiroshima
in Japan warfen. Das Livermore-Labor liegt in der San Francisco Bay
Area und ist einer der beiden Orte, die jeden nuklearen Sprengkopf des
U.S.-Arsenals entwickeln. Die Demo am 6. August hatte großartige
Sprecher*innen, darunter der gefeierte Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg,
Geistliche Nobuaki Hanaoka, die Autorin Cecile Pineda, der Dichter
Pete Yamamoto und Loulena Miles von Tri-Velley CAREs. Das Thema dieses
Jahres war "Unfertige Angelegenheiten und unsere dringendste
Verantwortung; die Bombe am Livermore-Labor und weltweit verbannen."
Die Demo wurde durch dutzende Friedens- und Bürgerrechtsgruppen
gefördert. Die Teilnehmer*innen marschierten von der nordwestlichen
Ecke des Livermore-Labors zum Westtor, wo 31 Menschen wegen der
Teilnahme an dieser gewaltfreien direkten Aktion inhaftiert wurden.

Mehr: http://www.trivalleycares.org

4.  Fennovoimas Imagewashing, Manipulation der öffentlichen Meinung &
Fennovoima-Logos schmücken öffentliche Einrichtungen in Pyhäjoki, wie
den Zaun des Sportplatzes nahe der Oberschule. Der Name des
Unternehmens ist zweigeteilt auf diesem Schild. Die gewählten Farben
erinnern an einen sauberen blauen Himmel und saftige grüne Erde. Das
minimalistische, serifenlose, ultra-saubere Logo trägt zur
Markenbildung bei. All das zusammen formt ein subtil verzerrtes und
zynisches Bild der falschen Geschichte von der ökologischen
Atomenergie: Die Befürworter*innen behaupten sie sei grün, weil kein
Kohlendioxid bei der Produktion frei werde. Fennovoimas Müll ist weit
tödlicher und eine Gefahr für den ganzen Planeten wie es lokale
Kohlendioxidemissionen nicht sind. Dieses klassische Greenwashing ist
Teil einer breiten Strategie, um die Realität der wahren Kosten dieser
Energieproduktion zu verschleiern.

Lies den vollständigen Artikel:

5.  Die radioaktiven Risiken des Frackings
Fracking ist nicht nur schlecht für das Klima, weil es in Verbindung
zur Freisetzung großer Mengen Kohlendioxid steht und eine Gefahr für
Gesundheit und Umwelt durch die giftigen Flüssigkeiten darstellt, die
benutzt werden, um das Schiefergas aus dem Gestein zu pressen, sondern
auch eine Gefahr durch austretendes Radongas. "Public Health England",
früher "Health Protection Agency", bereitet einen Bericht vor, um
mögliche Gefährdungen der öffentlichen Gesundheit in Bezug auf
Fracking auszumachen, welcher die Gefahren durch radioaktive
Emissionen zeigt. PHE untersucht die möglichen Risiken durch Radon in
Folge von austretenden Gasströmen in die Häuser der Bevölkerung.

Radon wird als zweitgrößte Ursache von Lungenkrebs in Großbritannien
gehandelt. Ein US-amerikanischer Bericht bestätigte Bedenken, dass
Radon mit dem Erdgas aus dem Schiefer vermischt und gemeinsam zu den
Kund*innen transportiert wird. Zusätzlich hat die norwegische
Umweltberatungsfirma Det Norske Veritas Kontamination mit Atommüll
als Problem des Frackings identifiziert.

Mehr dazu:

6.  CASE PYHÄJOKI: Künstlerische Reflexionen der Auswirkungen der
Ein einzigartiges Treffen fand von 1. bis 11. August 2013 im Dorf
Pyhäjoki statt - die Region wurde von Fennovoima für den Neubau eines
Atomkraftwerks in Finnland ausgewählt. Fennovoima wurde ursprünglich
durch den deutschen Atomkonzern EON initiiert, gab aber das Projekt
auf - vielleicht ein Erfolg der lokalen und internationalen Kampagnen
gegen das neue Atomkraftwerk. Unglücklicherweise scheint ein neuer
Spieler das Feld (und EONs Anteile) zu übernehmen: der russische
Atomgigant Rosatom. Um das Bewusstsein zu diesem Thema zu steigern und
um die Angelegenheit mit einem anderen Blickwinkel zu betrachten,
wurde das Kunstprojekt "CASE PYHÄJOKI - Künstlerische Reflexionen der
Auswirkungen der Atomkraft" gestartet - eine transdisziplinäre
künstlerische Expedition, Produktionswerkstatt und
Präsentationsveranstaltungen in Pyhäjoki, Nordösterbotten.

Großartiges Material ist dabei entstanden, viele Lesungen und
Exkursionen wurden in Film und Text dokumentiert:

7.  Talvivaara will Aktivist*innen fernhalten
Wie im August berichtet, forderte das Bergbauunternehmen Talvivaara
das finnische Innenministerium um Unterstützung bei der Entfernung von
Aktivist*innen an, die das Gelände ohne Erlaubnis besuchen. Dasselbe
Unternehmen ist für verschiedene ökologische Unfälle in ihren Anlagen
verantwortlich, besonders für die riesige Leckage im November 2012,
welche als das größte Chemie-Desaster in der Geschichte Finnlands
gilt. Im Frühling entzog das Verwaltungsgericht von Vaasa die
Erlaubnis für außerordentliche Aktivitäten, die illegal durch lokale
Autoritäten gewährt wurden. Verschiedene Regel- und Gesetzesbrüche
durch das Bergbauunternehmen wurden zuerst durch besorgte
Bürger*innen und Aktivst*innen veröffentlicht.

Der Betreiber verschmutzt ständig die Umwelt verschmutzt und verstößt
gegen die ohnehin schwachen Umweltschutzauflagen. Jene, welche auf
diese Themen aufmerksam machen, sollen stärker verfolgt werden. Das
Ministerium hat angedeutet dem Talvivaara-Bergbau helfen zu wollen,
wenn im Herbst die Polizeigesetze geändert werden sollen. Es scheint
als würden die Behörden sagen: "Stoppt nicht die immensen
Umweltverschmutzungen, sondern bestraft jene, die darüber reden!"


8.  Aktuelle Entwicklungen zu Fennovoimas AKW-Neubauprojekt
Fennovoima hat den russischen Staatskonzern Rosatom als Betreiber für
sein geplantes Atomkraftwerk in Pyhäjoki (Finnland) am Felsen
"Hanhikivi" ausgesucht. Die Verhandlungen zur Übernahme Rosatoms als
größten Investor für das Vorhaben wurden begonnen. Rosatom  würde
Eigentümer von einem Drittel der Anteile werden und damit E-ON
ersetzen, das zuvor das Projekt verlassen hatte. Ein weiteres Drittel
der Anteile gehört Energieunternehmen überall in Finnland, der Rest der
finnischen Industrie. Die Energieunternehmen sind kommunale Firmen und
die politische Entscheidung zur Fortsetzung des AKW-Projekts liegt im
Moment in verschiedenen Kommunen auf dem Tisch. Sie müssen bis Ende
Oktober 2013 entscheiden, ob sie weiterhin in das Atomkraftwerk
investieren wollen.

Rosatom war nicht als Hersteller des Atomkraftwerks vorgesehen und die
eigentliche Anlage unterscheidet sich von der, auf die sich die
ursprüngliche Grundsatzentscheidung der finnischen Regierung bezogen
hatte. Daher muss Fennovoima dem Ministerium für Arbeit und Wirtschaft
im kommenden Frühjahr 2014 ein neues Gutachten über die
Umweltauswirkungen und Sicherheit der Anlage vorlegen.


9.  Summer-Mini-Camp 2014 in the South of the Czech Republic
As somebody, who has particitpated already in several activities of
the Nuclear Heritage Network I value especially the nukenews and know,
that it is not an easy thing to have something like this going without
big money. For some you, who would like to see this info-network still
improved (for examply by doing some translations) and personal
contacts among us intensified, I´d like to offer organizing something
like a work- and get-to-know-the-country-and-each-other-camp near the
town of Kaplice in the South of the Czech Republic, very close to the
Austrian border. For around 5- max. 10 people I could offer some
simple accomodation and partly supply of nurishment. Transport to at
least Prague or Linz would have to be organized by yourself, with the
rest I´d try my best to help.

Time: about a week in July or August 2014. People intersted please
write to: b.riep@eduhi.at until around March 2014
(www.slunceasvoboda.eu respectively www.sonneundfreiheit.eu)

The inviting NGO has some experience and know-how in cross border 
cooperation with also interests reaching beyond anti-nuclear activism,
attempting to integrate elements of culture and renewable energy

10. Uranium freighter collided with a sailboat in the Baltic Sea
Near the Rügen island (Germany) on October 18th, 2013, the Russian
freighter "Mikhail Lomonosov" collided with a sailboat. The freighter
is well-known for shipments of radioactive materials for the "Northern
Shipping Company", and it turned out it had loaded both uranium
hexafluoride and uranium dioxide according to media coverage again.
The sailboat suffered serious damages, while about the impacts on the
freighter nothing is public yet. Regarding uranium hexafluoride, it is
particularly alarming that in contact with water it forms the deadly
hydrofluoric acid. 

As far as anti-nuclear organizers found out, the material was supposed
to be transported on trucks from Hamburg to the Gronau uranium
enrichment facility. 


11. Network office launched
Since September 2013, the long-announced International Network Office
has been in operation. For now, it has opening hours only once a week:
Wednesdays between 2 and 4 PM CET/CEST (Central European -Summer-
Time). During the opening hours, the office is available via phone
(+49 3431 5894177), email (office AT nuclear-heritage.net), Skype
(projekthaus.mannsdorf), jabber/XMPP (user: network.office, domain:
jabber.ccc.de), and in person (D-04720 Döbeln, Am Bärental 6).

The mission of the International Network Office is to support
anti-nuclear activists by connecting them to other groups, speakers
and experts on specific topics. We also want to support and coordinate
the production (and distribution) of multilingual flyers on local
anti-nuclear topics. And, we also want to help to organize networking
gatherings. Basically, the goal is to support anti-nuclear struggles
by networking and sharing information/contacts.

Three volunteers committed to office hours shifts until the end of
this year. They are not paid and they do other political work besides
this, too. So please don't expect too much when you are calling. From
January 2014 we will need volunteers again to continue the Network
Office. If you are interested to support  this anti-nuclear service,
contact us!


12. Canada: Liquid high-level nuclear waste could pass through Niagara
Liquid highly-enriched uranium from Canada’s Chalk River research
reactor could be trucked through Niagara on the way to be processed in
South Carolina, says a report bound for regional council's planning
committee in November. The waste could be coming any time between 2013
and 2018 - the period U.S. approval is in force - but the report notes
no "special notification" will be given when the waste rolls through,
due to security concerns.

The report from the Region's planning department notes this will be
the first time Canadian authorities have tried to truck highly-
enriched uranium as a liquid solution.


13. UK: Hartlepool Nuclear Power Station given 5-year life extension
As reported by BBC on November 5th, 2013, the Hartlepool NPP is to
stay open for an extra five years. The site was due to close in 2019
but will now remain operational until 2024, owner EDF Energy
confirmed. It has also been confirmed that a new visitor centre will
open at the plant.

As far as we know this is the first British extension of nuclear power
station lifetimes since Hinkley B and Hunterston B were given 7-year
extensions (both to 2023) in 2012. Original shut-down date for
Hartlepool was 2009. Interesting that Hartlepool only given a 5-year
extension. EDF had announced in 2012 that all its AGR station would be
considered for a 7-year extension in 2016. (And that Sizewell B would
be considered for a 20-year extension - from 2034 - then...


14. Shoddy nuclear technology and poor safety culture should not be
    exported from Russia to Finland
The Finnish nuclear operator Fennovoima publicly announced on
September 3 the intention to buy a VVER-1200 (AES-2006) reactor from
the Russian state nuclear corporation "Rosatom". The deal may cost
around 6.4 billion Euro and include transferring 34% of Fennovoima's
ownership to Rosatom. Corruption scandals involving Rosatom over the
past several years clearly demonstrate that the Russian nuclear
industry cannot be trusted to produce quality equipment for nuclear
plants. In February 2012, for example, a Rosatom-owned company was
accused of selling shoddy equipment to nuclear plants inside and
outside Russia.

According to Russian experts, VVER technology is far from perfect: "If
an uncontainable leak breaks out in the primary circuit of a VVER-type
reactor, or other failures cause water to stop circulating in the
cooling system, core damage could occur, complete with the resulting
massive release of radiation."
"It is truly shocking that Fennovoima decided to help Rosatom in
building of Russian-designed nuclear reactors in Finland and the
European Union. This is highly risky and unacceptable, and may lead to
a repetition of the Fukushima disaster inside Europe", said Russian
Ecodefense in a press release.

Read more:

15. Hinkley Point NPP: "Most expensive in the world"
According to an analysis published by reputable equity investors
Liberium Capital, the agreement signed by the UK Government with
Electricité de France to build a new nuclear power station, Hinkley C,
in Somerset would make Hinkley C "The most expensive power station" in
the world; with the longest construction period. They go on to argue
that the the government's agreement to underwrite the £16bn Hinkley
Point nuclear power station could prove to be "economically insane"
and hugely costly to consumers, saying, "Having considered the known
terms of the deal, we are flabbergasted that the UK government has
committed future generations of consumers to the costs that will flow
from this deal."

Learn more:

16. Save Santa Mountain from Mining
Finnish activists started a new online campaign against the Sokli mine
plans in Eastern Finland by the Russian border. Sokli basically is
supposed to exploit Finland's richest phosphate resource, which
contains relatively high concentrations of radioactive minerals. The
mine is located in the upper area of Nuorttijoki river system. Close
to the planned mining area lies the Törmäoja and Yli-Nuortti rivers,
and the glades of Ainijärvi, which are all part of the Natura 2000
network. Sokli is located between the Urho Kekkonen National Park and
the Värriö Nature Park near Korvatunturi, the "home of Santa Claus".
The area further includes the famous Tuntsa wilderness and three
Natura Network locations.

The Korvatunturi fell is best known as the home of Father Christmas
(or Joulupukki in Finnish). According to Finnish Folklore, this land
is the location of Father Christmas’ secret workshop, where toys,
trinkets and gifts are made and eventually wrapped by gnomes.

Responsible is the Yara International company with the Norwegian state
as the largest shareholder. The phosphorus ores in Sokli contain ten
times the amount of radioactive material in uranium, thorium, radium
of normal levels. In the niobium ores, the levels are even 200-fold.
Yara intends to mine phosphorus 4-10 tons per year and to use this
phosphorus to make fertilizers. There are concerns about the
radioactivity levels of fertilizers. The prospective Sokli mine area
will be between 4000-6000 hectares (40-60 km2).

Learn more:

17. UK: Opposing the Hinkley Deal
In Bridgwater (the nearest town to the site intended for Hinkley C),
South-West Against Nuclear (SWAN) organised a local demonstration
against the deal the very same day it was announced by David Cameron,
21st October. The protest involved dumping a pile of animal dung
outside the EDF shop in Bridgwater and hanging a banner over the shop

A man in cow costume addressed shoppers while supporters emptied
shopping bags of dung onto a plastic sheet, blocking the shop's
entrance. A placard in Chinese was stuck into the pile. Two Chinese
state companies have signed letters of intent to invest in the project
and it has been reported that it is "expected" they will invest 30-40%
between them.

Protestors cleaned the pavement around the pile and at the end of the
demo removed the dung for organic recycling. Police however later
confiscated the dung and placed it in their van, saying that they
believed it might be used to commit criminal damage.

Watch the video on:

18. Radiation Free Lakeland: NEW website
Nuclear is a Living Nightmare! Radioactive contamination of air, sea
and groundwater. Nuclear "energy" needs chemicals and fossil fuel
power plants during and decades after any electricity production.
Radiation causes cancers and other diseases. Nuclear causes a snowball
of blight now, and for generations after us.


19. Nuclear Train Derailment - Barrow, Cumbria
September 18th 2013: According to the nuclear industry the flasks were
empty and on their way to Sellafield when two wheels left the track on
16th September. Flasks on their way to Sellafield are most often full
of spent fuel being sent to Sellafield to be reprocessed making the
wastes even more dangerous. These flasks had gone on a long journey
having sailed from Japan to Barrow and back again with Highly Active
Waste who knows how many times. The Highly Active Waste (a result of
reprocessing spent fuel to make MOX which nobody wants) is presumably
going to be stuffed into the containers and then trundled back along
the tracks it has already derailed from, to be shipped from Barrow
across the Pacific, through the Panama Canal and to Japan where it
will be met with huge protest.


20. Final repositories in Scandinavia: report indicates threats shown
    in seismology and palaeoseismology
This summer, the Swedish scientist Nils-Axel Mörner published a report
"Patterns in seismology and palaeoseismology, and their application in
long-term hazard assessments - the Swedish case in view of nuclear
waste management" showing evidence for a massive understatement of the
tectonic threats to final repositories in Scandinavia: earthquakes,
tsunamis and other events appeared much more frequently and in higher
extend in the past than considered by the studies of the nuclear
industry. The report opens general questions about the suitability of
the Scandinavian rock formations for the long-term storage of
dangerous material. It should affect the discussion on Onkalo in
Finland and on the supposed Forsmark repository for spent fuel.

"Seismic events are recorded by instruments, historical notes and
observational criteria in geology and archaeology. Those records form
a pattern of events. From these patterns, we may assess the future
seismic hazard. (...) The nuclear industries in Sweden and Finland
claim that the high-level nuclear waste can be buried in the bedrock
under full safety for, at least, 100 000 yr. It seems hard, if on the
whole possible, to make such assessments from the short periods of
pattern recognition in seismology (< 100 yr) and palaeoseismology
(some 13 000 yr). All assessments seem to become meaningless, maybe
even misleading. In this situation, we must restrict ourselves from
making too optimistic an assessment."

Read the report:

21. Dumping Low Level Radioactive Waste in Landfill
Following vigorous campaigning by Radiation Free Lakeland Tim Farron
MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale in Cumbria has said there is "Powerful
Evidence" to scrap the deregulation which allows low level radioactive
waste into landfill. The UK government has signed up to the Euratom
Treaty which describes in detail a plan to turn Lillyhall landfill
site into a Radioactive Waste Repository with a "controlled release of
radioactivity to groundwaters."


22. Campaign "No to State aid for nuclear!"
The petition against state aid for nuclear was launched in September
on the website http://www.my-voice.eu! A huge success with over 20 000
signatures - we need to continue mobilising all over Europe until
April 2014.

This decision on the new state aid regime is in the hands of the EU
Commission alone - it requires only a simple majority and is no
obliged to involve the member states (Council) or the European
Parliament to decide the state aid guidelines. It is therefore vital
to mobilise Europe's citizens. Our chances aren't too bad as trouble
with the pronuclear crusade is causing the next delay in the EU
Commission. There will be no decision taken before April 2014 - this
means, more time for more protest! Join and spread the petition NOW.

Please think about what you and your organization/network/group can
do. Join and spread the petition NOW in your personal & organization's
mailings, newsletters, facebook etc.

23. NO Geological Dumping of High Level Nuclear Waste! The Wrong
FOLLOWING Nirex and the ending of the "Managing Radioactive Wastes
Safely" process with Cumbria County Council's no vote, any new
consultation regarding geological dumping should not include Cumbria.
Instead the 84 members of the County Council have been airbrushed out
of this new "democratic" process alongside the hundreds of members of
the parish councils, the overwhelming majority of whom have said no
repeatedly. The UK government want to deal with the few patsys on the
Executive of Allerdale and Copeland Borough Councils who said yes
while airbrushing away the majority who said NO!


24. CASE PYHÄJOKI in retrospect: With joy and love
"CASE PYHÄJOKI - Artistic reflections on nuclear influence" was a
trans-disciplinary expedition and production workshop in Pyhäjoki,
Northern Finland from 1.-11.8.2013. The sixth nuclear power plant
(NPP) of the country is planned to be built in Pyhäjoki Hanhikivi
cape. The participants created different types of engagements,
prototype events and experiments, reaching from a large "thank you"
sign for those who refuse to sell their land to the nuclear power
company, to the design of a "power sports day"; including a local
fairytale, a mural painting with local youth, a special karaoke
playlist, a DIY geiger counter building workshop, and more. The more
includes new and deepened friendships, collaborations and memories of
good times and meetings with local people.

People involved to the CASE PYHÄJOKI project will continue with
follow-ups more the less connected to the issue of den proposed NPP in
Pyhäjoki and to nuclear power in general. The project is documented on
their blog, announcements of new activities will be announced there
and if possible with the NukeNews, too.

Read more reflections on backgrounds on the CASE PYHÄJOKI project:

25. China Eyes Up Sellafield - while scrapping nuclear plans at home
Imagine a world where the repressed Chinese people are marching in the
streets opposing nuclear power - while the supposedly free British
citizens are encouraged by government to meekly submit to yet another 
nuclear consultation aiming to bury hot nuclear wastes in leaky
geology. Imagine a world where a repressive regime will take notice of
public opinion and scrap plans for a nuclear development while a
supposedly democratic government will try to bypass public opinion by
dealing only with a few unrepresentative patsys in borough councils.
Sounds mad? It is mad! And it is happening right now...


26. Activists block a uranium transport in the South of France
On the 12th of September, about 30 activists from the collective Stop
Uranium blocked a truck carrying uranium tetrafluorid near Narbonne,
in the South of France. The blockade lasted for one hour.
Radioactivity measures were made: a dose about 50 times the average
radioactivity level could be measured one meter away from the truck.

The truck was coming from Comurhex Malvési, a facility owned by Areva,
where uranium is being transformed for the first time after it arrives 
in France. About one fourth of the uranium used in the world is
processed there. The aim of the action was to highlight the dangers of
the facility and the transports. 3 to 5 trucks are leaving the
facility every day, carrying uranium tetrafluorid.

See pictures of the blockade there:

27. Say no! to an uranium mining project in Nunavut
Areva is coveting the underground of Nunavut, in the North of Canada,
and expect to build a uranium mining there. Opening the way to uranium
mining would threaten this territory, already made vulnerable by
climate change. The consequences would be catastrophic for the Inuit,
whose lifestyle, relying on hunting, requires a clean environment.
We launched a petition (in English and French) to French ministers to
demand them canceling this mining project:


28. Visaginas NPP fate "undecided",
    As politicians ignore the decision of the referendum
Despite the results of the referendum in October 2012, where people
voted against a new nuclear power plant in Lithuania, politicians are
still trying to push for the project. The Government of Lithuania, as
announced in the media, will soon make the decision regarding the fate
of Visaginas NPP. The plans to discuss the common position of three
Baltic countries, regarding the project, have also been announced. So
far, both Latvian and Estonian politicians were reluctant towards this

Read more:

29. Update on repression against environmental groups in Russia
Since Western media are not reporting that much anymore on repression
against non-governmental groups in Russia (except for the case with
jailed Greenpeace activists), I will put some update on this crackdown
going on presently. Feel free to send around. Greenpeace case is
getting a lot of coverage in Russia and governmental media broadcasts
a lot of bullshit to make sure Russians hate environmental activists
of all kinds.

Ugly thing happened in the South of Russia, Krasnodar city, close to
the site of 2014 Winter Olympic Games just few days ago. Local police
together with FSB (exKGB) tryed to catch environmental activist
Rudomakha. They came to the office of local political party
threatening to storm it because they thought activist is inside. But
he left earlier. Police gave no explanations but local people think it
is because of Olympics. Rudomakha spent a lot of time criticizing the
destruction of local nature related to Olympics preparations.
Fortunately, activist is still not arrested.

Read the complete story:

30. Decisions move closer in the UK
The announcement of a strike price despite a year of negotiations is
claimed to be on the brink of agreement, with UK media speculating on
a price of around 93 pounds per MWh more than twice the current market
price - the condemned government are determined to feather the nests
of big business by increasing fuel poverty through it's regressive
energy policy.

It looks like China general nuclear power group will be EDFs
investment partners and if they achieve the kind of stakes they're
aiming for (rumour has it they're looking for an almost equal stake)
then the coalition government will succeed in giving the worlds most
powerful authoritarian state partial control of the most dangerous
technology on British soil, with not one iota of the concern that
Thatcher expressed in her day wen she had her government block Kuwaiti
investment in the UK energy market.

Read more:

31. Upcoming events
(just an extract, tell us your events for the next newsletter)
more events: http://upcoming.nuclear-heritage.net

Please feel invited to send us your local and international events for
this website and the NukeNews!

24/10/13-23/03/14: exhibition "Langzeit und Endlager" at Museum zu
                   Allerheiligen, Klosterstr. 16, in Schaffhausen (CH)
10/12/13 5.30 PM:  Celebration of 30 years of accomplishment of
                   Communities Against a Radioactive Environment and
                   will debut a short documentary film about
                   Tri-Valley CAREs at Livermore Public Library,
                   Community Rooms A&B, 1188 S. Livermore Ave., in
                   Livermore (USA)
12/12/13:          Global Action Day Against Nuclear Power 2013
12/12/13 at 12 PM: MKG Seminar: SSM and Nuclear Waste Council - in the
                   completion phase in Stockholm (S)
2014:              Probably Castor transport of high level radioactive
                   waste from Sellafield (UK) and of intermediate
                   level radioactive waste from La Hague (F) to
                   Gorleben (D) and protests
2014:              Nuclear Waste Transport to Ahaus - current status:
                   "postponed" (D)
06/02/14-07/02/14: Long-term Performance of Engineered Barrier Systems
                   (PEBS) at BGR in Hannover (D)
08/03/14:          Fukushima related actions in the Dreyeckland
                   region (CH, D, F)
08/03/14:          Fukushima rally in Jülich (D)
09/03/14 at 2 PM:  human chain Fessenheim at vallée du Rhône (F)
09/03/14 at 2 PM:  Fukushima disaster remembrance: international
                   brigde actions in the Upper Rhine area (D)
08/04/14-10/04/14: Symposium on Recycling of metals arising from
                   operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities
                   at the Studsvik site outside Nyköping (S)
26/04/14:          ecological festival "Für eine Zukunft nach
                   Tschernobyl und Fukushima" (D)
29/04/14:          European Anti Nuclear Forum in Prague (CZ)
03/05/14-08/05/14: Atomforum of the German nuclear industry in
                   Frankfurt/Main (D)
11/05/14-15/05/14: European Nuclear Conference in Marseille (F)
summer 2014:       Walk For A Nuclear Free Future from Miami, FL to
                   the Y-12 Nuclear Facility Oakridge, TN 2014 (USA)
22/08/14-24/08/14: solar festival in Peckwitz (D)
01/01/15-30/04/15: (estimated) main hearing on the Environmental Court
                   on SKB's application to build KBS3 final nuclear
                   waste repository at District Court in Nacka (S)


32. About NukeNews
The NukeNews are a multilingual newsletter system of the Nuclear
Heritage Network and are supposed to reflect the activities, topics
and struggles of anti-nuclear activists connected through this
international community. The messages are written and translated by
activists, additionally to their usual anti-nuclear activities. No
one is paid for that work, as we want to provide resources like this
information system to the anti-nuclear struggle as independent as
possible. The newsletter aims to inform and update as well activists
as the interested audience.

Your contributions to the next issue of the NukeNews are welcome.
Send them via email to "news AT NukeNews.nuclear-heritage.net". It
should be brief information in English of not more than one paragraph,
including a concise headline and an optional link to a webpage
providing more information. Deadline for the 12th issue of the
NukeNews will be 5th of January, 2014.

Spread the word and learn more about the NukeNews: