NukeNews No. 12 - RUSSIAN

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NukeNews: Czech | English | Finnish | French | German | Polish | Russian | Slovenian

*   NukeNews #12 - Антиядерный Информационный Бюллетень    *

SORRY! Not all parts of this newsletter have been translated into
Russian, as we didn't have enough translation support. Please help us
to change this! Tell us if you can help with translation of the
NukeNews into Russian!

0.  Preface
Although the last issue was released just a month ago due to a great
delay in the NukeNews, we already gathered a number of news for this
12th edition of the Nuclear Heritage Network's multilingual newsletter
system. However, it is a short one this time...

A very interesting report explains why the German anti-nuclear
movement decided not to take the chance of delegating two
representatives to the German "Final Disposal Commission". There is
also criticism on WWF's cooperation with the Russian atomic giant
Rosatom as well as information on the search for a final repository
for nuclear waste near St. Petersburg and official data on the
severe radioactive contamination in the area of the Beloyarsk NPP
In two articles, we learn about the plans for a new reactor at the
Slovenian Krško NPP and the struggle against these reactor plans.

Have a good anti-nuclear winter, and send us your updates for the
spring edition until 30th of March!

Outline of the current NukeNews issue #12
0.  Preface
1.  Отчет: антиядерные действия в Берлине и Бюхеле
2.  Фенновойма сокращается
3.  Хинкли Пойнт: Комиссия открывает углубленное расследование
    британских мер, поддерживающих атомную энергию
4.  Walkatjurra Walkabout - Ход по стране
5.  Radioactive Grave One Kilometer From The Baltic Sea And 40 km From
    St. Petersburg
6.  Concrete - it depends on what you make of it!
7.  Germany: Two empty seats - environmental movement does not take
    part at repository commission
8.  Rosatom practises greenwashing - with the help of "environmental"
    organisations (RNEI) and WWF Russia
9.  Big announcements of new reactor in Slovenia, prolonging of
    life-time of old reactor and safety issues
10. The Preparations for Construction of a Second NPP Reactor in
    Slovenia in Difficulty
11. Exhibition: The history of harassment of the no nukes movement
    Part 2
12. Rosatom recognizes high levels of pollution in the Beloyarsk NPP
13. Film project Nuclear Lies - successful crowd funding
14. Further language versions of the NukeNews newsletter
15. Upcoming events
16. About NukeNews

1.  Отчет: антиядерные действия в Берлине и Бюхеле
Вспоминая трагедию Хиросимы и Нагасаки - Некоторые из вас, возможно,
видели листовки "I CAN" или "Atomwaffen frei jetzt", я не знаю, если
вы, читатель, тоже поддержали акцию или даже приехали в Бюхель, что бы
блокировать ворота аэропорта недалеко от реки Мозель ... Я надеюсь,
что многие из вас потратили время, чтобы подумать о том, что произошло
6-го и 9-го августа 1945 года и, может быть, об опасности, с которой
мы все еще сталкиваемся сегодня. Я это сделал, так как я отправился в
Берлин уже 2 числа того месяца. Я планировал голодать там среди
инициаторов и участников, как я делал это в Париже в 2012.

Читать историю целиком:

2.  Фенновойма сокращается
Проект АЭС Фенновойма в беде, его покинуло более 15 акционеров.
Некоторые вышли полностью, некоторые частично. Но неожиданностью для
всех были несколько крупных промышленных акционеров. Сегодня ситуация
в том, что только 50,28% акций находятся в собственности финских
владельцев. Остальное выставлено на продажу.

После выхода E.On, Фенновойма изменила поставщика реактора: Росатом
предлагает реактор на 1200 МВт. (Это на 25% меньше, чем первоначальный
план 1600 МВт). Росатом планирует купить акции изначально
принадлежащие E.On, это 34%. После ухода E.On в 2012 году, существуют
дополнительные 16% акций на продажу, но до сих пор нет покупателей.

Читать историю полностью:

3.  Хинкли Пойнт: Комиссия открывает углубленное расследование
    британских мер, поддерживающих атомную энергию
Европейская комиссия начала углубленное расследование для изучения
того планирует ли Великобритания субсидировать строительство и
эксплуатацию новой атомной электростанции Хинкли-Пойнт в Сомерсет, в
соответствии с государственными правилами помощи ЕС. В частности,
Комиссия сомневается, что проект нуждается в поддержке из-за
подлинного провала рынка. Открытие углубленного расследования дает
заинтересованным третьим сторонам возможность высказать свои замечания
по этой мере.

Читать релиз целиком:

4.  Walkatjurra Walkabout - Ход по стране
это праздник местности Wangkatja, свидетельство силы сообщества,
которое боролось, чтобы остановить добычу урана на Yeelirrie на
протяжении более сорока лет, и шанс собраться вместе, чтобы продолжать
разделять нашу приверженность к устойчивому будущему без атома. Это
шанс воссоединиться с землей, чтобы возродить традицию ходить на
стране. Walkatjurra Walkabout свободна от наркотиков и алкоголя.

Walkatjurra Walkabout назначено с 23 апреля по 26 мая 2014, и мы
хотели бы пригласить вас присоединиться к нам. "Ход по стране
связывает людей с землей и культурой. Walkatjurra Walkabout является
местом паломничества по местности Wangkatja в духе наших предков, так
что вместе, мы, как настоящие хранители, можем защитить нашу землю и
нашу культуру для будущих поколений ... Мы призываем всех людей, изо
всех мест, собраться вместе, чтобы идти с нами, чтобы послать четкий
сигнал, что мы хотим, что бы местную окружающую среду и наши священные
места оставили в покое" ( Кадо Мьюир, Традиционный Владелец,

В 2013 году Walkatjurra Walkabout имел огромный успех и продолжает
расти и укреплять связи между защитой территории и остановкой добычи
урана. После 5 лет проуранового государственного управления, Wangkatja
остается свободной от добычи урана. Давайте продолжать оказывать
давление и оставим уран нетронутым - Wanti Uranium! Оставьте его в

Больше информации:

5.  Radioactive Grave One Kilometer From The Baltic Sea And 40 km From
    St. Petersburg
On Friday, December 27 at 3 PM, in the administration building
of Sosnovy Bor, public hearings on the preliminary EIA materials on
"Point of disposal of radioactive waste" (PDRW) were held. Burial
is proposed in clay at a depth of 50 m, between two water
horizons. It is approximately 3 km from the residential area (village
Rakopezhi ), 1 km from the Baltic Sea and 5 km from the pine forest.

A discussion on this project has been on-going for more than two
years. Independent experts, nuclear scientists, representatives of
public organizations of Sosnovy Bor, as well as the Legislative
Assembly of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, representing the
Communist Party, Just Russia, Yabloko party, has come out with harsh
criticism of the project.

Read the complete story:

6.  Concrete - it depends on what you make of it!
The trial against four people, who blockaded the last castor transport
to Gorleben (D) in November 2011 and stopped the transport for 15
hours has been set. Instead of paying a fine of 1,100 EUR each, the
court suggested everyone donate 250 EUR to the union "Children of
Chernobyl". A hearing did not occur. The four activists fiXed
themselves beneath the railways in a construction of chains that
connected their arms into a big block of concrete.

7.  Germany: Two empty seats - environmental movement does not take
    part at repository commission
German environmental organizations and anti-nuclear initiatives have
decided not to participate in the commission of experts to search for
a repository. The process for the search for a repository is
non-transparent and seems set to focus on Gorleben, where already 1.8
billion EUR have been invested and infrastructure has been set up:
interim storage, spent fuel, pilot conditioning plant and police
barracks in the district town are available. There was no broad social
debate on the procedure and the criteria for the task of nuclear waste
storage before the adoption of the law. The concentration of the
repository search to highly radioactive waste restricts the view to
only about five percent of the damage caused by the nuclear power
plants waste. Furthermore, the financing of the search process through
a public fund, fed by the operators of nuclear power plants, is not
guaranteed. The site selection law allows expropriations and minimizes
currently existing legal sources of verification. Finally, the federal
states would be deprived of power, and with the Federal Office for
nuclear waste disposal a new super-agency will have far-reaching

8.  Rosatom practises greenwashing - with the help of "environmental"
    organisations (RNEI) and WWF Russia
The nuclear Mafia in Russia is getting support from environmental
organisations. This is "Russisch-Deutsches Büro für Umweltinformation"
(RNEI), branch of "Deutsch-Russischer Austausch". And this is Russian
WWF. Both offered some awards for a competition for best environmental
article/report among reporters of radio, TV and newspapers, declared
by Rosatom, the federal agency for nuclear energy in Russia.

9.  Big announcements of new reactor in Slovenia, prolonging of
    life-time of old reactor and safety issues
2013 ended with a strong statement of the owner of Krško NPP, GEN
Energija, that a second block will be constructed in 15 years in
Krško. This statement has no legal basis, as the decision to build an
additional block in Krško has officially not been made so far.
Moreover, Slovenia clearly does not need an additional block, as the 
energy scenarios prepared for a new energy program in 2011 show that  
Slovenia can export electricity with no additional nuclear 
facilities. Apart from that, the planned site for construction in  
Krško is seismically risky. In 2013 Slovenia received a report on
seismic risks of Krško site from French IRSN, which warns that the
site has significant seismic risks. In order to discuss the report
with IRSN experts and highlight the need for public participation in  
nuclear debates, Focus organised an international conference (links
to the presentations are available at

Greenpeace Slovenia and Focus also sent several open letters to the
Slovenian Nuclear Safety Authority in relation to the damaged fuel  
rods in the existing reactor in Krško and raised attention of the  
Slovenian and Croatian media for the issue. While fixing the problems
with the reactor, the operator is in a process of obtaining a permit
to prolong the life-time of the reactor by 50% (by 2043, instead of
2023). So far, no open public debate has been held on the issue in

10. The Preparations for Construction of a Second NPP Reactor in
    Slovenia in Difficulty
Though the majority of the Slovenian population have for many years
rejected the idea of construction of a second NPP reactor in Krško, a
previous national government founded a semi-private electric company
in public ownership GEN to promote and organize such a project and to
extend the life time of the first reactor for an additional twenty
years. Without a decision of the parliament the GEN started research
and administrative preparations and authorized the French institute
IRSN to conduct seismic studies about the reactor site.

But the IRSN's opinion on this matter is not favorable as expected by
the GEN. Acknowledging the fact that the feasibility of designing a
reactor against fault surface displacement is questionable, and
consistent with IAEA and NRC recommendations, IRSN believes that GEN
should consider revising its strategy for the Krško II project and
further examine the possibility of searching for an alternative site.

It is unlikely that a new NPP  could be built anywhere else in
Slovenia in light of past public opinion pools. Now the GEN has
excluded the IRSN from further participation on the research of the
site, trying to find another institute that would be willing to
confirm that the existing site is appropriate.

Leo Šešerko

11. Exhibition: The history of harassment of the no nukes movement
    Part 2
This is the second exhibition about the history of harassment of the
no-nukes movement. There were 1,200 visitors for the first exhibition
held in August 2013. The purpose of this exhibition is to study the
history of harassment to avoid repeating them again. Lately, there
have been cyber-attacks against no-nukes movement websites. This
exhibition in Sinjuku public gallery in Tokyo will include a session
about how to deal with new technologies.

18.1.2014 13:00-18:00
19.1.2014 10:00-16:00

12. Rosatom recognizes high levels of pollution in the Beloyarsk NPP
In context of the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) process for the
construction of a 5th reactor at Beloyarsk NPP close to Yekaterinburg,
a BN-1200 Fast Breeder reactor, files disclosed Rosatom's knowledge of
high radioactive contamination in the area: annual 90,000-100,000 tons
of radioactive discharges into water, including cesium-13, enter the
biological cycle in the river, fish, soil and water. The report states
that the cesium-137 concentration in well water is more than ten times
higher than the so-called "level of intervention" by the Russian
"Radiation Safety Standards" (NRB-99), and the activities of
cesium-137, strontium-90 and cobalt-60 are close to the levels of

Learn more:

13. Film project Nuclear Lies - successful crowd funding
The young film maker Praved Krishnapilla from the South of India, a
region which is directly affected by the NPP in Koodankulam, is
working on a 60-minutes film to portray the shameful methods and lies
of the nuclear lobby in his country and around the world. Within only
a few weeks and a lot of committed work by different - mainly Austrian
- activists (Praved has been living in Vienna since 1999), it seems
clear that the necessary money (more than 20.000 €) for this project
has been successfully collected. Very helpful in that process was the
internet platform Initial 
support for this project came also from the grand dame of the Austrian 
Green Movement Feda Meissner-Blau.

More about the film:

14. Further language versions of the NukeNews newsletter
As in newsletter #11 already mentioned, the Czech-Austrian NGO
"Sonne+Freiheit" plans a mini camp probably in the second half of
August 2014 in the South of the Czech Republic with the aim of further
improving the work with and around the NukeNews newsletter. Anybody
interested in joining, please contact by the end of March 2014:
"b.riepl at"

It is probable that with the help of the Upper Austrian regional
government - beginning with 2014 - there will also be versions of the
NukeNews in Slovene, Croat and Polish.

15. Upcoming events
(just an extract, tell us your events for the next newsletter)
more events:

Please feel free to send us your local and international events for
this website and the NukeNews!

24/10/13-23/03/14: exhibition "Langzeit und Endlager" at Museum zu
                   Allerheiligen, Klosterstr. 16, in Schaffhausen (CH)
2014:              Nuclear Waste Transport to Ahaus - current status:
                   "postponed" (D)
01/02/14 at 11 AM: regional conference "AKW Grohnde abschalten" at
                   Gemeindehaus in Salzgitter-Bleckenstedt (D)
06/02/14-07/02/14: Long-term Performance of Engineered Barrier Systems
                   (PEBS) at BGR in Hannover (D)
08/02/14 at 11 AM: nuclear waste conference at Volkshochschule,
                   Wilhelmshöher Allee 19-21, in Kassel (D)
09/02/14 at 11 AM: federal anti-nuclear conference for global
                   networking at Volkshochschule, Wilhelmshöher Allee
                   19-21, in Kassel (D)
10/02/14-12/02/14: International Uranium Film Festival in Washington
                   DC (USA)
03/03/14 at 10 AM: Waste Management (WM) 2014 Conference in Phoenix
08/03/14:          Fukushima related actions in the Dreyeckland
                   region (CH, D, F)
08/03/14:          Fukushima rally in Jülich (D)
09/03/14 at 2 PM:  human chain Fessenheim at vallée du Rhône (F)
09/03/14 at 2 PM:  Fukushima disaster remembrance: international
                   brigde actions in the Upper Rhine area (D)
18/03/2014:        Easter march to the uranium enrichment facility in
                   Gronau (D)
08/04/14-10/04/14: Symposium on Recycling of metals arising from
                   operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities
                   at the Studsvik site outside Nyköping (S)
23/04/14-26/05/14: Walkatjurra Walkabout - Walking for Country 2014;
                   pilgrimage across Wangkatja country (AUS) 
26/04/14:          ecological festival "Für eine Zukunft nach
                   Tschernobyl und Fukushima" (D)
29/04/14:          European Anti Nuclear Forum in Prague (CZ)
03/05/14-08/05/14: Atomforum of the German nuclear industry in
                   Frankfurt/Main (D)
11/05/14-15/05/14: European Nuclear Conference in Marseille (F)
summer 2014:       Walk For A Nuclear Free Future from Miami, FL to
                   the Y-12 Nuclear Facility Oakridge, TN 2014 (USA)
04/08/14-08/08/14: Nuclear Heritage Network gathering near Kiel (D)
09/08/14-16/08/14: International Anti-nuclear Camp near Kiel (D)
20/08/14-24/08/14: Anti-nuclear mini camp near Kaplice (CZ)
22/08/14-24/08/14: solar festival in Peckwitz (D)
21/09/14-25/09/14: Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology 2014 International
                   Conference in Freiberg (D)
2014:              Probably Castor transport of high level radioactive
                   waste from Sellafield (UK) and of intermediate
                   level radioactive waste from La Hague (F) to
                   Gorleben (D) and protests
01/09/15-30/11/15: (estimated) main hearing on the Environmental Court
                   on SKB's application to build KBS3 final nuclear
                   waste repository at District Court in Nacka (S);jsessionid=EF1A95844F8E4E013BCB14F2A5E66F59.1_cid284#link4

16. About NukeNews
The NukeNews are a multilingual newsletter system of the Nuclear
Heritage Network and are supposed to reflect the activities, topics
and struggles of anti-nuclear activists connected through this
international community. The messages are written and translated by
activists, additionally to their usual anti-nuclear activities. No
one is paid for that work, as we want to provide resources like this
information system to the anti-nuclear struggle as independent as
possible. The newsletter aims to inform and update as well activists
as the interested audience.

Your contributions to the next issue of the NukeNews are welcome.
Send them via email to "news AT". It
should be brief information in English of not more than one paragraph,
including a concise headline and an optional link to a webpage
providing more information. Deadline for the 13th issue of the
NukeNews will be 30th of March, 2014.

Spread the word and learn more about the NukeNews: