NukeNews No. 14 - FINNISH

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*     NukeNews #14 - Ydinvoiman vastainen uutispalvelu     *

SORRY! Not all parts of this newsletter have been translated into
Finnish, as we didn't have enough translation support. Please help us
to change this! Tell us if you can help with translation of the
NukeNews into Finnish!

0.  Johdanto
Tervetuloa NukeNewsin - Nuclear Heritage Networkin monikielisen
tiedotejärjestelmän - 14. numeron pariin! Tämän julkaisun myötä
ydinvastainen uutispalvelumme saavuttaa myös kolmannen vuosipäivänsä.
Aloitimme tämän kansainvälisen projektin kolme kuukautta sen jälkeen,
kun Fukushiman reaktoreiden räjähdysten sarja alkoi kesäkuun kuudes
päivä 2011.

Tässä numerossa kerromme solidaarisuuskampanjasta venäläisille
ystävillemme, jotka ovat kohdanneet vainoa ”ulkomaalaisina
agentteina”. Raportoimme kahdesta tuoreesta tapauksesta. Auttakaa
levittämään sanaa ja tukemaan aktivisteja Venäjällä heidän

Haluamme myös kutsua sinut mukaan suureen kansainväliseen
ydinvastaiseen kesätoimintaleiriin Pohjois-Saksaan elokuussa – löydät
lisätietoa alempaa tästä tiedotteesta. Tässä numerossa raportoimme
ydinvoimala- ja ydinjätekamppailuista pääasiassa Itä-Euroopasta ja

Sisältö NukeNews nro#14
0.  Johdanto
1.  Slovakia: Lisää viivästystä Mochovcen ydinvoimalaprojektissa
2.  Uusi uraanikaivos Keski-Eurooppaan?
3.  Tsekki: Tuleeko Bystřice nad Pernštejnemiin ydinpolttoainetehdas?
4.  Revenge for successful campaign against Baltic NPP - Ecodefense
    has been declared a "Foreign Agent"
5.  Pidä huolta tämän karhun kodista! – mielenosoitus Lontoossa
6.  Free the Sellafield Deer Demonstrations
7.  UK: Lillyhall Landfill Given the Go Ahead to Dump
8.  UK: Vigil at Heysham Nuclear Power Station
9.  UK: Colourful Demonstration Outside the Committee on Radioactive
    Waste Management meeting in Workington
10. UK: Demonstration - Beacon of Nuclear Truth?
11. Europe at Risk – Petition to Shut Dungeness B Now
12. Slovenia: Owner of Krsko NPP with plans for 2nd reactor, though
    no political + public decision has been made yet
13. 2015 Kongressi syöpäsairauksista - Näkökohta ydinvoiman käytön
14. Germany: Invitation for joint autumn campaign on nuclear waste
15. Russian human rights activists under pressure
16. Solidarity with the persecuted groups in Russia
17. Nuclear Heritage Network related anti-nuclear summer camps
18. Upcoming events
19. About NukeNews

1.  Slovakia: Lisää viivästystä Mochovcen ydinvoimalaprojektissa
Slovakian pääministeri Robert Fico kertoi Euroopan ydinvoimafoorumissa
uusien voimalayksiköiden 3 ja 4 viimeistelytöiden viivästyvän edelleen
hieman. Kolmosyksikön viimeistelytöiden osalta ei voida pysyä
suunnitellussa aikataulussa, jonka mukaan yksikkö olisi valmistunut
tämän vuoden joulukuussa. Kolmosyksikön sähköntuotannon on arvioitu
pääsevän alkuun vuoden 2016 loppupuolella tai vasta vuoden 2017
puolella. Rakennusprojektin alkaessa vuonna 2008 uusien reaktoreiden
käyttöönotto arvioitiin tapahtuvan kolmosyksiköllä vuonna 2012 ja
nelosyksiköllä 2013.

Myös talousvaikeudet hankaloittavat projektia. Alun perin 2,8
miljardiksi arvioidut rakennuskulut ovat nousseet jo 3,8 miljardiin.

Lue lisää:

2.  Uusi uraanikaivos Keski-Eurooppaan?
Vaikka tsekkiläiset veronmaksajat – sekä eurooppalaiset veronmaksajat
Brysselistä tulevien tukien muodossa – joutuvat maksamaan vielä
kymmeniä miljardeja Tsekin korunaa viime vuosikymmeninä maassa
toimineiden uraanikaivosten ja -rikastamoiden jälkihoidosta, uudesta
uraanikaivoshankkeesta Tsekin tasavaltaan on tehty vakavissaan
esitettyjä suunnitelmia. Pääministeri Sobotka ja teollisuusministeri
Mládek julkistivat pohdintansa uraaniesiintymien hyödyntämisestä
Brzkov’ssa ja Horní Věžnicessä lähellä Polnáa Jihlavan piirikunnassa.
Esiintymien on arvioitu sisältävän 3100 tonnia uraania. Tarkoituksena
on pitää Tsekin uraanikaivosteollisuus toiminnassa.

Lue koko tarina:

3.  Tsekki: Tuleeko Bystřice nad Pernštejnemiin ydinpolttoainetehdas?
Prahan ydinpolttoaineinstituutti (ÚJP Praha a.s.) suunnittelee
laitoksen rakentamista VVER-reaktoreiden ydinpolttoaineen sekä
köyhdytetyn uraanin tuottamiseksi Bystřice nad Pernštejnemiin.
Suunniteltu kapasiteetti on 450 prosessoitua uraanioksiditonnia
vuodessa (800 polttoainenippua). Toistaiseksi ÚJP Praha a.s.:n johto
ei ole ilmoittanut, minkä asiakkaan tarpeita polttoainelaitos
palvelisi. Hankkeen investoija ÚJP Invest, s.r.o., on ilmoittanut,
että suunnitelmaan EIA-prosessi on saatu päätökseen joulukuun 2013

Lue lisää:

4.  Revenge for successful campaign against Baltic NPP - Ecodefense
    has been declared a "Foreign Agent"
On June 16, 2014 the Russian environmental NGO Ecodefense received an
inspection report of the Ministry of Justice declaring the
organization a "Foreign Agent". The decision was based on Ecodefense's
successful campaigning against Baltic NPP near Kaliningrad. 2013 the
construction work on site had been frozen and continuation is unclear
after intensive campaigns against the new nuclear power plant. To be
declared a "Foreign Agent" means de facto the closure of an
organization. Ecodefense interpreted the declaration a revenge for the
successful activities against Baltic NPP.

A previous inspection by the Russian authorities in spring 2013 didn't
find any indices for considering Ecodefense a "Foreign Agent". It
seems that the 2014 inspection first came to the same result but under
pressure from Moscow was changed to the final statement Ecodefense
indeed would act as a "Foreign Agent". By definition, "Foreign Agents"
are registered Russian nongovernmental organizations (NGO) undertaking
political activities with foreign support. This weak definition of the
law practically could allow to declare many critical NGOs "Foreign
Agents". The law had been criticized by Russian human rights
organizations already since 2012, when it was introduced. Ecodefense
was one of the 11 NGOs filing a complaint against the law to the
European Court of Human Rights in early 2013.

Read the complete article:

5.  Pidä huolta tämän karhun kodista! – mielenosoitus Lontoossa
Uraania Perusta Britannian uusien ydinvoimaloiden polttoaineeksi?
Uuden Karhuherra Paddington -elokuvan kuvausten ollessa täydessä
käynnissä, kuuluisa karhuherra Paddingtonia esittävä patsas Lontoossa
oli kampajoitsijoiden keskipisteenä tammikuun 9. päivänä kuluvaa
vuotta. Kampanjoitsijat toivat esille uraanikaivostoiminnan uhkaa
Perussa, joka on Andien karhujen ja myös Paddingtonin kotimaa.

6.  Free the Sellafield Deer Demonstrations
February 17th locals, Animal Rights Activists and Anti Nuclear
Activists joined together to oppose the culling of roe deer trapped by
Sellafield’s new militaristic fences.

7.  UK: Lillyhall Landfill Given the Go Ahead to Dump
Despite Demonstrations and hundreds of letters of opposition Lillyhall
Landfill was given the go ahead on February 26th to dump High Volumes
of so called Very Low Level wastes. The media has kept this low key
with little local reporting and no national reporting.

8.  UK: Vigil at Heysham Nuclear Power Station
Radiation Free Lakeland joined with other groups in a Vigil on 8th
March for Fukushima to remember the victims of the ongoing disaster
and call for a halt to nuclear at Heysham and elsewhere. Organiser Mo
Kelly from Lancaster graphically illustrated how high a 5 metre storm
surge would be – higher that the military style fences around the

9.  UK: Colourful Demonstration Outside the Committee on Radioactive
    Waste Management meeting in Workington
International Authority on Nuclear Safety says "Its always the
technology that lets us down". Quite – thats what we think about the
plan to use previously unused and scientifically impossible to predict
"engineered barriers" 1000 metres underground with geology as the last
line of defence when the barriers inevitably deteriorate. The
government is keen to show that "steady progress is being made in the
implementation of geological disposal working within the underpinning
principles of voluntarism and partnership with local communities".

10. UK: Demonstration - Beacon of Nuclear Truth?
On May 30th, 2014 members of Radiation Free Lakeland and Save the
Sellafield Deer went along to set up their own exhibition outside the
new propaganda vehicle for Sellafield. Around 250 people stopped to
chat about the real Sellafield Story, to take leaflets and to look at
our exhibition illustrating  the vicious nuclear cycle from uranium
mining to geological dumping.

11. Europe at Risk – Petition to Shut Dungeness B Now
The people of Europe assume that safety limits are there to keep
people safe. Not so in the case of Dungeness B nuclear plant (UK)
which is now run by Électricité de France. Graphite bricks in the
Dungeness B reactor are cracking and starting to lose weight due to
bombardment of radiation. The graphite is about to breach safety
levels and the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) would have had to
prosecute or even shut down the plant. But instead, the regulators are
considering a request from EDF energy, to simply airbrush away the
safety limits.

12. Slovenia: Owner of Krsko NPP with plans for 2nd reactor, though
    no political + public decision has been made yet
Regardles of the fact, that there has been no political and public
decision, whether we as a country want to have another nuclear
reactor, and the fact, that we don't have a coherent and comprehensive
energy strategy that would include or exclude a new power reactor (new
energy concept/strategy will be produced in the optimal scenario in no
less than 2 years), the owner of the Krsko NPP is planning their
project for the second nuclear reactor in Krsko. They have already
spent more than 10 million EUR on various researches and studies for
the second reactor, although they don't know if they will implement
the project or not.

Currently there are too many obstacles (political - preliminary
elections in July 2014, financial - rising costs of the nuclear
projects worldwide, ...) for the implementation, but they hold their
project on stand-by, ready to start with it when the time will be
right. For that reason their priority now is to prolong the life time
of Krsko NPP for 20 years (from 2023 to 2043).

13. 2015 Kongressi syöpäsairauksista - Näkökohta ydinvoiman käytön
"Elämää tiedon avulla" on Baijerissa toimivan syöpäyhdistyksen
tunnuslause. Samaan aikaan tiede työskentelee kvanttiparantamisen ja
aivojen erilaisten solujen roolin kanssa: Unohtuuko tässä syövän hoito
tai laiminlyödäänkö sitä suurien voittojen toivossa? - Jälkimmäinen
vaihtoehto tuli äskettäin minulle jälleen mieleeni, kun keskustelin
italialaisen ystäväni kanssa. Hän kertoi, että eräs löydetty parantava
molekyyli yksinkertaisesti hylättiin ja samalla jatkettiin testejä,
jotka eivät johtaneet vaihtoehtoon tälle sairaalalääkkeelle - elää ja
antaa kuolla -hengessä. Tässä yhteydessä on huomioitava myös
epäilyttävä sopimus IAEA:n (Kansainvälinen atomienergiajärjestö) ja
WHO:n (Maailman terveysjärjestö) välillä, jonka mukaisesti WHO
suodattaa IAEA:n määräämän informaation pois.

Lisää aiheesta:

14. Germany: Invitation for joint autumn campaign on nuclear waste
Despite the general criticism of the Nuclear Waste Commission, many
people talk with and about the Commission and not about the nuclear
waste as such. We want to change that!

The joint preparation of the Nuclear Waste Inventory in the past year
has created a technically substantiated and widely acclaimed framework
for the nuclear waste discussion. We propose as the next step to
actively trigger ourselves the public discussion with a joint campaign
in autumn 2014 and invite to a 1st nationwide campaign meeting on
Saturday, July 19, 11 AM in Göttingen at DGB, Weendener Landstr. 6.

read the complete article:

15. Russian human rights activists under pressure
Friends of us, human rights activists from Murmansk, Russia, who are
also involved to the Nuclear Heritage Network, joined actions,
projects and contributed practically to our international anti-nuclear
work, are currently faced to pressure by authorities. Their
organization "Humanistic Youth Movement" (GDM) is accused to act as
"foreign agent" as they receive funding from abroad and their
activities are considered "political" by the prosecutor. This status
would cause the closure of the organization as it is practically
impossible to continue work with that label. The case was forced by
the Russian secret service FSB, although in an earlier inspection by
the Ministry of Justice the final reports stated there was no
indication to consider GDM a "foreign agent". On July 8, 2014 they
will have the public hearing in the Murmansk District Court.

In Germany, a solidarity campaign has been started to spread the word
about the case, and also to support other concerned NGOs in Russia
like Ecodefense which was declared a "foreign agent" in the middle of
June. We also want to collect money to support the legal costs like
lawyers, court costs and fines that these NGOs are posed to. Please
support our Russian friends with solidarity statements, articles or
financial contributions.

    bank account: Spenden & Aktionen 
    purpose: "Soli Russland"
    IBAN: DE29 5139 0000 0092 8818 06 
    bank: Volksbank Mittelhessen

Learn more:

Call-out for solidarity (German):

16. Solidarity with the persecuted groups in Russia
Two solidarity campaigns have been started to support NGOs affected by
the latest persecution under the "foreign agent" law in Russia. In
Germany a campaign informs about the repression and political
background, collects donations for the affected groups, spreads the
word about concrete cases and activates groups to express their
solidarity. Currently they focus on the persecution of "Humanistic
Youth Movement" (GDM) and the already as "foreign agent" declared
"Ecodefense. Additionally an international solidarity campaign has
been initiated by anti-nuclear activists demanding Ecodefense's
acquittal of the "foreign agent" stigmatization in a multi-lingual

Since some time progressive Russian groups and activists are under
oppression by the state's authorities. With the "foreign agent" and
"extremism" laws instruments have been created to suppress and
eliminate organizations and movements being critical to the state, but
also any others bothering the political powers. In this context legal
organizations de facto get prohibited if they are classified "foreign
agents", because under these circumstances the continuation of work is
almost impossible. With vague accusations of extremism even
individuals who made critical statements were threatened with
perennial imprisonment and virtually vanished into thin air.
Environmental and human rights groups as well as other progressive
organizations shall be stigmatized spies and discredited publicly.

Read the complete article:

Solidarity campaigns:

17. Nuclear Heritage Network related anti-nuclear summer camps
You are invited to join this year's Nuclear Heritage Network related
anti-nuclear camps in August. First, the annual Nuclear Heritage
Network Gathering will take place from August 4-8 near Kiel in
northern Germany. It's aim is to develop and strengthen the
international network of anti-nuclear activists and the tools to
support activists against atomic power. In the same place afterwards
the big anti-nuclear summer camp will take place from August 9-16
inviting people of any age, families, activists and organizer to offer
and participate in workshops, lectures and actions. Main action days
will be August 10 and 14. Eventually, we will have a specific NukeNews
Mini Camp near Kaplice in Czech Republic from August 25-30 where we
will discuss the NukeNews newsletter system, challenges we had with
some language versions and perspectives to extend the languages and
topics we cover.

More information:

18. Upcoming events
(just an extract, tell us your events for the next newsletter)
more events:

Please feel free to send us your local and international events for
this website and the NukeNews!

03/08/14 1.30 PM:  Hiroshima and Nagasaki remembrance rally at uranium
                   enrichment facility in Gronau (D)
04/08/14-08/08/14: Nuclear Heritage Network gathering near Kiel (D)
09/08/14:          Actions against nuclear weapons at AWE Aldermaston
                   & AWE Burghfield (UK)
09/08/14-16/08/14: International Anti-nuclear Camp near Kiel (D)
16/08/14-24/08/14: Lausitzcamp on energy topics & against open pit
                   coal mining in the Lausitz region (D)
20/08/14-24/08/14: Anti-nuclear mini camp near Kaplice (CZ)
22/08/14-24/08/14: solar festival in Peckwitz (D)
30/08/14:          anti nuke bloc NATO SUMMIT in Newport (UK)
30/08/14 at 11 AM: nuclear waste conference at Volkshochschule,
                   Wilhelmshöher Allee 19-21, in Kassel (D)
04/09/14-17/09/14: Energiewende Festival in Rubigen near Bern (CH)
08/09/14:          nuclear waste commission meeting at Bundestag in
                   Berlin (D
13/09/14-17/09/14: "AFRIRPA 04" - The Fourth Regional African Congress
                   of International Radiation Protection Association
                   in Rabat (MA)
14/09/14-18/09/14: 2014 conference of American Nuclear Society's
                   Radiation Protection & Shielding Division in
                   Knoxville, TN (USA)
15/09/14-17/09/14: OECD/NEA: Constructing Memory - An International
                   Conference and Debate on the Preservation of
                   Records, Knowledge and Memory of Radioactive Waste
                   across Generations in Verdun (F) 
21/09/14-25/09/14: Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology 2014 International
                   Conference in Freiberg (D)
22/09/14-28/09/14: next working meeting of the Atomic Baltic project
                   in Döbeln (D)
28/09/14-01/10/14: International Radon Symposium in Charleston, South
                   Carolina (USA)
29/09/14-03/10/14: International Uranium Film Festival in Berlin (D)
23/10/14-26/10/14: "Remembering for a common future" international
                   partnership conference in Krzyzowa (PL)
27/10/14-31/10/14: Radiobioassay & Radiochemical Measurements
                   Conference in Knoxville, TN (USA)
29/11/14-30/11/14: uranium symposium in Niamey (RN)
01/12/14-05/12/14: International Conference on Occupational Radiation
                   Protection: Enhancing the Protection of Workers -
                   Gaps, Challenges and Developments in Vienna (A)
01/02/15-04/02/15: Health Physics Society 48th Midyear Topical Meeting
                   in Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA (USA)
2015:              Probably Castor transport of high level radioactive
                   waste from Sellafield (UK) and of intermediate
                   level radioactive waste from La Hague (F) to
                   Gorleben (D) and protests
01/09/15-30/11/15: (estimated) main hearing on the Environmental Court
                   on SKB's application to build KBS3 final nuclear
                   waste repository at District Court in Nacka (S)

19. About NukeNews
NukeNews is a multilingual newsletter of the Nuclear Heritage Network
to reflect the activities, topics and struggles of anti-nuclear
activists. The articles are written and translated by activists,
additionally to their usual anti-nuclear activities. No- one is paid
for that work, as we want to provide resources like this information
system to the anti-nuclear struggle as independent as possible.

Your contributions to the next issue of the NukeNews are welcome.
Send them via email to "news AT". It
should be brief information in English of not more than one paragraph,
including a concise headline and an optional link to a webpage
providing more information. Deadline for the 15th issue of the
NukeNews will be 14th of September, 2014.

Spread the word and learn more about the NukeNews: