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Line 39: Line 39:
  6.  Anglija: Peticija Stop Moorside
  6.  Anglija: Peticija Stop Moorside
  7.  Anglija: 'Ne tako kratka' srečanja - Jedrski vlaki, Carnforth
  7.  Anglija: 'Ne tako kratka' srečanja - Jedrski vlaki, Carnforth
  8.  Estonian energy company says "No" to investing in Visaginas NPP
  8.  Estonska energetska družba rekla "NE" investiranju v jedrsko
  9.  Russia: International campaign to support Russian
    elektrarno Visaginas
  9.  Rusija: Mednarodna kampanja za podporo ruskemu
  10. Czech Republic-Slowakia-Hungary: New developments
  10. Češka - Slovaška - Madžarska: Novice
  11. Europe: Japanese expert in Europe informing about Fukushima
  11. Europe: Japanese expert in Europe informing about Fukushima
  12. New World Nuclear Industry Status Report online
  12. New World Nuclear Industry Status Report online
Line 170: Line 171:
  8.  Estonian energy company says "No" to investing in Visaginas NPP
  8.  Estonska energetska družba rekla "NE" investiranju v jedrsko
    elektrarno Visaginas
  Lithuania and "Hitachi, Ltd." are preparing a plan to establish an
  Litva in "Hitachi, Ltd." pripravljata načrt za vzpostavitev
  interim project company to move forward Visaginas NPP project.
projektnega podjetja, da bi zagotovili napredovanje projekta izgradnje
However, it seems the project does not have many chances, since it
  nuklearke Visaginas. Zdi se, da projekt nima veliko možnosti, saj ne
  cannot be implemented without regional partners – Estonia and Latvia.
  more biti izvajan brez regionalnih partnerjev - Estonije in Latvije.
  Estonia is especially reluctant about investing in the new power
  Estonija je še posebej nenaklonjena vlaganju v novo elektrarno. Sandor
  plant. Sandor Liive from "Eesti Energia" said that cheap nuclear
  Liive iz podjetja Eesti Energie je dejal, da poceni jedrska energija
  energy does not exist anymore, and if Lithuanians would approach
  več ne obstaja, in če bi Litvanci Estoniji ponudili možnost
  Estonia with the offer to invest in Visaginas NPP now (quote from
  investiranja v nuklearko Visiginas (citat iz avgusta 2014), bi bil
August 2014), the answer will be "No".
odgovor "ne".
  Read more:
  Več na:
  9.  Russia: International campaign to support Russian
  9.  Rusija: Mednarodna kampanja za podporo ruskemu
  That Russia has a specific understanding of what is in the national
  Da ima Rusija specifično razumevanje kaj je nacionalni interes in kaj
  interest and what not, is nothing new. But discriminating against
  ne, ni nič novega. Toda diskriminacija proti-jedrskih aktivistov, še
  Anti-nuke-activists especially from the NGO Ecodefense reached a
  posebej nevladne organizacije Ecodefense, je dosegla nov nivo, ki
  level, which demands an international outcry.
  zahteva mednarodni protest.
  Below you find a broad platform to do so - in many languages. Please
  Na povezavi najdete obsežno platformo za ta namen - v več jezikih.
  support our friends in Russia, it will help the Anti-Nuke-Movement as
  Prosimo podprite naše prijatelje v Rusiji, saj bo to pomagalo
a whole:
proti-jedrskemu-gibanju kot celoti:
  10. Czech Republic-Slowakia-Hungary: New developments
  10. Češka - Slovaška - Madžarska: Novice
  On the one hand the plans to build two more units in the Southern
  Na eni strani so bili načrti za gradnjo dveh novih enot v nuklearki
  Czech Temelín NPP were cancelled - due to economical arguments. But
  Temelín na jugu Češke odpovedani zaradi finančnih argumentov. A
  there are still attempts to extend Temelín NPP - and also at Dukovany
  poskusi za razširitev jedrske elektrarne Temelín ostajajo, prav tako
  NPP, the second atomic power station in the Czech Republic - for at
  za Dukovany - drugo jedrsko elektrarno na Češkem - za vsaj za en
  least one more reactor each. On the other hand the Czech state
  dodaten reaktor za vsako. Po drugi strani pa energetsko podjetje CEZ,
  dominated power-utility CEZ seems to be planning taking over large
  katerega največji lastnik je češka država, načrtuje prevzem delov
  parts of the Slovak SE utility currently owned by the Italian company
  slovaškega energetskega koncerna SE, ki je trenutno v lasti
  ENEL, which is trying to get rid of some possibly not so profitable
  italijanske družbe ENEL, katera se poskuša znebiti nekaterih naložb
  investments outside Italy. The result could be a new push in Slovakia
  izven Italije. Rezultat bi lahko bil nov zagon na Slovaškem in na
  as well as in the Czech Republic to invest in further NPPs with own
  Češkem, da vlagajo v nadaljnje jedrske elektrarne z lastnimi
  Or maybe also with Russian help, which seems the case especially in
  Mogoče pa tudi z rusko pomočjo, kar se zdi še posebej za primer
  Hungary, where the whole foreign political strategy of former
  Madžarske, kjer celotna zunanje-politična strategija bivšega disidenta
  dissident Viktor Orban seems to increasingly become a simple copy of
  Viktorja Orbana izgleda kot vedno bolj preprosta kopija Putinovih
  Vladimir Putin's Russian drive for new land, no matter where and of
  ruskih teženj po več ozemlja, seveda z močnim interesom za več ruske
  course with a strong interest in more Russian nuclear technology and
  jedrske tehnologije in na splošno vedno večjo energetsko odvisnostjo
generally a still greater energy-dependency of other countries on
  drugih držav od Rusije. Tukaj so tudi govorice o podpori Kitajske v
  Russia. But there were also already rumours about Chinese support in
  določenih državah, kar je gotovo primer z Romunijo.
  the respective countries, which is definitively the case with Romania.
  See more:
  Več na:

Revision as of 15:52, 10 December 2014

NukeNews: Czech | English | Finnish | French | German | Polish | Russian | Slovenian

*     NukeNews #15 - Proti-jedrski informacijski servis    *

0.  Predgovor
Pozdravljeni ob 15. izidu večjezičnega glasila mreže Nuclear Heritage
Network! V tokratni številki naši aktivisti poročajo o zadevah, s
katerimi se borijo v Franciji, Ukrajini, na Poljskem, Angliji, Rusiji,
Kanadi in drugih regijah. Teme vključujejo uran, nove reaktorje,
podaljševanje življenjske dobe reaktorjev ter jedrske odpadke.

Avgusta smo imeli NukeNews minikamp v Kaplicah na Češkem. Razpravljali
smo o projektu NukeNews ter možnostih za razširitev in razvoj. Če vas
zanima razprava in doseženi rezultati, lahko pregledate zapiske iz
srečanja na:

Vaši prispevki na naslednjo številko NukeNews so dobrodošli! Več
informacij na koncu glasila (točka 25). Prav tako cenimo podporo v
obliki prevajanja in lektoriranja. Če ste zainteresirani za prevajanje
novic NukeNews v kateri drug jezik, bi bili zelo veseli.

Povzetek NukeNews #15
0.  Predgovor
1.  Pridruži se kampanji Bure365
2.  Ukrajina: Novice o načrtih gradnje reaktorja - jedrska elektrarna
3.  Fotografska razstava "Obrazi urana" na Češkem, Polná
4.  Shod proti uranu na Češkem, Brzkov
5.  Prizadevanja za neodvisno spremljanje stanja radioaktivnosti na
    severozahodu Anglije
6.  Anglija: Peticija Stop Moorside
7.  Anglija: 'Ne tako kratka' srečanja - Jedrski vlaki, Carnforth
8.  Estonska energetska družba rekla "NE" investiranju v jedrsko
    elektrarno Visaginas
9.  Rusija: Mednarodna kampanja za podporo ruskemu
10. Češka - Slovaška - Madžarska: Novice
11. Europe: Japanese expert in Europe informing about Fukushima
12. New World Nuclear Industry Status Report online
13. Updates on Polish NPP construction
14. Canada: OPG says Darlington risks are contained
15. On the Yellowcake Trail
16. Smolensk Russian nuclear industry lies in official documents
17. Contract for Polish NPP construction
18. News from hearings in Russia
19. Lifetime extension of Kola NPP 4th reactor: an unnecessary risk
20. Rosatom's activities in Finland granted by Finnish government
21. EU approves subsidies for Hinkley Point NPP
22. Leaked Photographs of Sellafield
23. A wake up call for Capenhurst
24. Upcoming events
25. About NukeNews

1.  Pridruži se kampanji Bure365
Kampanja Bure365 se je začela junija 2014 z namenom nasprotovanja
projektu "Cigéo". Ta projekt - odlagališče visoko-radioaktivnih
nevarnih odpadkov - bi naj bil zgrajen v majhni vasici Bure na vzhodu
Francije. Proti-jedrske skupine iz Francije in vse Evrope vabijo k
pridružitvi tej kampanji in k organiziranju čim večjega števila akcij.
Dobrodošle so vse vrste solidarnostnih ukrepov: državljanska
nepokorščina, javno opominjanje, neposredne akcije, pravna dejanja...

Preberite poziv:

2.  Ukrajina: Novice o načrtih gradnje reaktorja - jedrska elektrarna
Dobre novice: uradniki pravijo, da Ukrajina pri izgradnji novih enot
jedrske elektrarne Khmelnitskiy ne bo več sodelovala z Rusijo.

Slabe novice: Še vedno razmišljajo o gradnji novega reaktorja, a z
vključitvijo drugega partnerja. Še več, v začetku septembra je
ukrajinski premier dejal, da se mora vlada do konca leta odločiti o
potencialni lokaciji in partnerju. Govori se o tudi delni (do 40%)
privatizaciji družbe Energoatom. Menijo, da bo privatizacija pomagala
vključiti zasebne investitorje v projekte. Druga možnost za
pridobivanje sredstev je sporazum o izvozu električne energije v EU.
Med možnimi tehničnimi partnerji se omenjajo češka podjetja, vendar je
še veliko negotovosti in pomanjkanja informacij. Kakorkoli že,
pravijo, da obstoječe infrastrukture v nuklearki Khmelnitskiy ni možno

3.  Fotografska razstava "Obrazi urana" na Češkem, Polná
Od 24. septembra do 31. oktobra 2014 je potekala fotografska razstava
"Faces of Uranium" (Obrazi urana) avtorja Václava Vašků-ja v pasaži
knjigarne "Kuba and Pařízek" na Češkem, Husovo náměstí 44, Polná.
Fotografska razstava je potekala sočasno z izdelavo študije
izvedljivosti odprtja rudnikov urana Brzkov in Horní Věžnice (vlada je
naročila državnemu podjetju DIAMO, da dokonča to študijo do 30.
septembra 2014). Odprtje fotografske razstave je bilo 24. septembra ob
15.00, prisoten je bil tudi Václav Vašků.

Preberite celoten članek:

4.  Shod proti uranu na Češkem, Brzkov
Shod proti planiranemu rudarjenju urana se je zgodil 7. septembra
2014, udeležilo se ga je okrog 200 ljudi, večinoma domačinov in
udeležencev iz okoliških mest. Shod je bil organiziran s strani
združenja "Our Future Without Uranium" (Naša prihodnost brez urana),
ki izraža neodobravanje prebivalcev Brzkovega glede namere vlade, da
obnovi rudarjenje urana v prihodnosti, kar bi lahko bilo v nasprotju s
politiko Republike Češke o surovinah, iz leta 1999. V tem času lahko
državljani podpišejo peticijo civilnega združenja imenovano "NE
rudarjenju urana v gorovjih" (okrog 1200 podpisov od julija), ki je
naslovljena na premierja Sobotko.

Preberite celoten članek:

5.  Prizadevanja za neodvisno spremljanje stanja radioaktivnosti na
    severozahodu Anglije
'Radiation Free Lakeland' lobira za neodvisno spremljanje radiacije na
severozahodu Anglije. Za nadzor nad radioaktivnostjo bi naj skrbel
Radiation Monitoring iz Lancashire-a (kratica RADMIL),ki je bil
razpuščen pred nekaj leti zaradi rezov v finance.


6.  Anglija: Peticija Stop Moorside
Ustvarjena je bila peticija, s katero se želi ustaviti Moorside, ki ga
je industrija opisala kot "največji jedrski razvojni projekt v
Evropi". Kljub temu, da ni rešitve za problem jedrskih odpadkov, se je
vlada odločila za uničenje širokega dela Cumbrie, z namenom izgradnje
novih jedrskih reaktorjev.

Citiramo poslanca Michaela Meacherja: Novo jedrsko elektrarko
potrebujemo enako kot potrebujemo luknjo v glavi!" Prosimo podpišite
peticijo in delite naprej.


7.  Anglija: 'Ne tako kratka' srečanja - Jedrski vlaki, Carnforth
Vlaki, ki vozijo zabojnike visoko-radioaktivnih jedrskih gorivnih
palic, redno vozijo skozi Carnforth. Te vlake, ki vozijo odpadno
gorivo, upravlja DRS (Direct Rail Services) v lastništvu Uprave za
jedrsko razgradnjo. Visoko radioaktivne odpadke prevažajo skozi
nekatera najbolj naseljena območja v Angliji.


8.  Estonska energetska družba rekla "NE" investiranju v jedrsko
    elektrarno Visaginas
Litva in "Hitachi, Ltd." pripravljata načrt za vzpostavitev
projektnega podjetja, da bi zagotovili napredovanje projekta izgradnje
nuklearke Visaginas. Zdi se, da projekt nima veliko možnosti, saj ne
more biti izvajan brez regionalnih partnerjev - Estonije in Latvije.
Estonija je še posebej nenaklonjena vlaganju v novo elektrarno. Sandor
Liive iz podjetja Eesti Energie je dejal, da poceni jedrska energija
več ne obstaja, in če bi Litvanci Estoniji ponudili možnost
investiranja v nuklearko Visiginas (citat iz avgusta 2014), bi bil
odgovor "ne".

Več na:

9.  Rusija: Mednarodna kampanja za podporo ruskemu
Da ima Rusija specifično razumevanje kaj je nacionalni interes in kaj
ne, ni nič novega. Toda diskriminacija proti-jedrskih aktivistov, še
posebej nevladne organizacije Ecodefense, je dosegla nov nivo, ki
zahteva mednarodni protest.

Na povezavi najdete obsežno platformo za ta namen - v več jezikih.
Prosimo podprite naše prijatelje v Rusiji, saj bo to pomagalo
proti-jedrskemu-gibanju kot celoti:

10. Češka - Slovaška - Madžarska: Novice
Na eni strani so bili načrti za gradnjo dveh novih enot v nuklearki
Temelín na jugu Češke odpovedani zaradi finančnih argumentov. A
poskusi za razširitev jedrske elektrarne Temelín ostajajo, prav tako
za Dukovany - drugo jedrsko elektrarno na Češkem - za vsaj za en
dodaten reaktor za vsako. Po drugi strani pa energetsko podjetje CEZ,
katerega največji lastnik je češka država, načrtuje prevzem delov
slovaškega energetskega koncerna SE, ki je trenutno v lasti
italijanske družbe ENEL, katera se poskuša znebiti nekaterih naložb
izven Italije. Rezultat bi lahko bil nov zagon na Slovaškem in na
Češkem, da vlagajo v nadaljnje jedrske elektrarne z lastnimi

Mogoče pa tudi z rusko pomočjo, kar se zdi še posebej za primer
Madžarske, kjer celotna zunanje-politična strategija bivšega disidenta
Viktorja Orbana izgleda kot vedno bolj preprosta kopija Putinovih
ruskih teženj po več ozemlja, seveda z močnim interesom za več ruske
jedrske tehnologije in na splošno vedno večjo energetsko odvisnostjo
drugih držav od Rusije. Tukaj so tudi govorice o podpori Kitajske v
določenih državah, kar je gotovo primer z Romunijo.

Več na:

11. Europe: Japanese expert in Europe informing about Fukushima
Mr. Kazuhiuko Kobayashi from Japan, who spent many years in Germany,
is known to be a fierce critic of the nuclear lobby. This autumn he is
again visiting Europe to talk about the current situation around
Fukushima and the plans of the Japanese Nuclear Lobby. He is visiting
Germany, Poland, Austria, Turkey and Slovenia and besides informing
the public he also supports, with the donations received, a children's
project in Japan.

See also:

12. New World Nuclear Industry Status Report online
One of the best reports with information concerning worldwide nuclear
industry developments, the 2014 edition of the World Nuclear Industry
Status Report is now available.

The 2014 edition (and previous editions) are posted at: 

13. Updates on Polish NPP construction
Drilling works of the dunes in Lubiatowo - one of the NPPs candidate
sites at Wejherowo, Pomerania - by Worley Parsons under the complex
siting and environmental studies have been - thanks to local opponents
supported by GP - successfully postponed for past week and months.
There are some chances for the consortium to miss the deadline with
finishing of the EIA report by January 2015. This should be submitted
to public consultations soon after that, maybe during Spring 2015. The
so called environmental decision has been expected by them for late
2016. The final siting decision is scheduled at the moment for the
turn of 2017 and 2018.

The biggest problem remains - of course - the "model of financing".
PGE has managed to gain four "partner-shareholders" among Polish
state-owned companies (energy and copper mining): ENEA, KGHM Polska
Miedź and TAURON Polska Energia. The agreement among them should still
be approved by the UOKiK, the state public watchdog for consumers.

14. Canada: OPG says Darlington risks are contained
Nuclear project costs in Ontario and elsewhere have been notorious for
escalating. Since the turn of the century, the overhauls of both OPG’s
Pickering A nuclear station and Bruce Power’s Bruce A nuclear station
blew far past their original cost estimates.


15. On the Yellowcake Trail
Canada's uranium history. Elliot Lake, Ontario was once the "Uranium
Capital" of the world. Within 20 years of operation, more than 30 dams
built to contain uranium tailings failed, dump­ing nuclear waste and
chemical toxins into the Serpent River watershed which flows into Lake
Huron. By 1996 when the mine finally closed, over 170,000,000 tonnes
of radioactive tailings were left behind.


16. Smolensk Russian nuclear industry lies in official documents
In the course of public hearings on equipping the new Smolensk Nuclear
Power Plant (NPP) with the experimental VVER-TOI reactor, the Russian
state nuclear corporation Rosatom continues to perpetuate the
illusion of environmental safety and the economic feasibility of
building the new station by continually referring to non-existent
prohibitions to alternatives and dreams of "safe" radioactive waste.

Learn more:

17. Contract for Polish NPP construction
The special purpose vehicle company of the PGE conglomerate to build
the first NPP in Poland, PGE EJ1, on 12 September signed a contract as
a result of a tender with the AMEC Nuclear UK Ltd corporation for
carrying out the tasks of the so called owner's engineer. The contract
amounts to a record on the PGE's nuclear spending list so far high
level of PLN 1,3 bn (ca. EUR 300m). The media report it as a net
amount, so at least VAT taxes might be to be added.

18. News from hearings in Russia
Nearly 30 questions posed to a roundtable discussion held in the
middle of October on boosting the engineered power capacity of the
Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant's No 1 reactor by Bellona remained
unanswered by the meeting's adjournment, raising stark concerns over
whether Rosenergoatom, Russia's nuclear utility, knows what it's
getting itself into.


19. Lifetime extension of Kola NPP 4th reactor: an unnecessary risk
Since October 11th all of four reactors of Kola Nuclear Power Plant
are running over the allotted lifetime. Friday, October 10th the
lifetime of the 4th reactor was finished. Kola Environmental Center
considers that lifetime prolongation of nuclear reactors over the
project period carried additional risks without real needs.

Read the complete article:

20. Rosatom's activities in Finland granted by Finnish government
In the dispute whether or not the involvement of the Russian atomic
giant Rosatom in the Fennovoima project to construct a new NPP in
Pyhäjoki required a new "decision in principle", the Finnish
government approved Rosatom's activities. The government voted in the
middle of September ten in favour and seven against it. As a
consequence the Green Party left the government.

In 2010 the Finnish parliament made the so-called Hanhikivi NPP
possible, when they issued a decision in principle for Fennovoima's
plans. However, at that time the German E.on energy giant held some
34% of the shares of this company; Russia was not involved. When E.on
left the nuclear project, the construction plans almost failed. Then
Rosatom took over E.on's part and now owns one third of Fennovoima.
Besides that, the reactor design was changed as well as the dimensions
of the project. The latest official viewpoint was that this requires a
completely new decision in principle for the NPP - a major delay of
the project.

Latest news from Pyhäjoki was the construction start of the roads to
the proposed NPP site on 16th of September.

21. EU approves subsidies for Hinkley Point NPP
Initially, the EU commission raised serious doubts about the planned
strike price deal for French atomic giant EDF's two new reactors at
Hinkley Point in the United Kingdom. The proposed 17.6 Billion Pound
deal were suspected to be potentially wasteful and illegal public

Eventually, the proposed British state aid for nuclear power on
October 8, 2014 was approved by the European commission. The 35-year
contract for difference guarantees a minimum revenue for the reactor.
The British government agreed to pay EDF 92.50 Pounds per MWh from
Hinkley Point C, which is twice the current wholesale price of

The Austrian government announced a challenge to the European Court
of Justice against the Commission's decision.

Learn more:

22. Leaked Photographs of Sellafield
Photographs leaked by a whistleblower showing decades of neglect of
dangerous wastes at the Sellafield site have been sent by Radiation
Free Lakeland to the Austrian Chancellor. The photographs were
published in The Ecologist on 27th October under the headline: "Leaked
Sellafield photos reveal ‘massive radioactive release threat.’"

Read the complete article:

23. A wake up call for Capenhurst
American radioactive Uranium Hexaflouride (UF6) leak signals major
concern for North West residents. Sunday (October 26, 2014) night's
leak of Uranium Hexaflouride from the Honeywell Uranium enrichment
plant at Metropolis, Illinois, clearly illustrates the kind of
dangers that are inherent in such plants.

Various reports show a cloud of Uranium Hexaflouride drifting away
from the plant. Uranium hexafluoride is highly toxic, reacts
violently with water and is corrosive to most metals.

Read the complete article:

24. Upcoming events
(just an extract, tell us your events for the next newsletter)
more events: http://upcoming.nuclear-heritage.net

Please feel free to send us your local and international events for
this website and the NukeNews!

01/06/14-June '15: "Bure 365" - decentralized actions against nuclear
                    waste repository in Bure (F)
06/10/14-03/11/14: Uranium Filmfestival at Scharfrichter Kino,
                   Milchgasse 2, in Passau (D)
autumn/winter 2014:Jülich atomic research center's high level
                   radioactive waste exports to the USA & protests (D)
01/11/14-02/11/14: Berliner Energietisch's energy conference (D)
03/11/14-09/11/14: working meeting of ATOMIC BALTIC network/project at
                   project house, Am Bärental 6, in Döbeln (D)
07/11/14:	    remembrance events in many regions on Sébastien
                   Briat - an activist 2004 killed by the Castor train
08/11/14 at 11 AM: seminar "Verteilung von Radioaktivität in die/der
                   Umwelt - tolerierbares Strahlenrisiko?" at Harald-
                   Koch-Haus, Steinstr. 48, in Dortmund (D)
14/11/14-17/11/14: National Summit for a Nuclear Free Future at
                   National 4-H Youth Conference Center, 7100
                   Connecticut Ave., in MD 20815, Chevy Chase (USA)
15/11/14:          nationwide action day on nuclear waste (D)
15/11/14 at 2 PM:  rally against Fessenheim NPP at Rathausplatz in
                   Neuenburg (D)
15/11/14 at 6 PM:  workshop "Radioaktivität in unserer Umwelt" at
                   "Nacht der Wissenschaft" at Herrenhäuser Str. 2,
                   building 4113, room A101, in Hannover (D)
17/11/14:          Conference on EU Energy Union - "How to shape Energy
                   Policy so as to boost European competitiveness?" at
                   Charlemagne Building, European Commission, Brussels
26/11/14 at 1 PM:  Nuclear Waste Council's seminar on organizational
                   issues surrounding construction & operation of a
                   spent nuclear fuel repository at Näringslivets hus,
                   Storgatan 19, in Stockholm (S)
27/11/14 8 PM CET: ATOMIC BALTIC network/project's updating Skype
28/11/14-30/11/14: international uranium transports meeting at
                   Paul-Gerhardt-Haus, Friedrichstr. 10, in Münster (D)
29/11/14-30/11/14: uranium symposium in Niamey (RN)
30/11/14:          "YES or NO, Trident still has to go – NOW!" rally
                   at Faslane nuclear submarines site (UK)
01/12/14-05/12/14: International Conference on Occupational Radiation
                   Protection: Enhancing the Protection of Workers -
                   Gaps, Challenges and Developments in Vienna (A)
24/01/15 at 1 PM:  "Wrap Up Trident!" Mass Demo at TBC in London (UK)
01/02/15-04/02/15: Health Physics Society 48th Midyear Topical Meeting
                   in Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA (USA)
21/03/15 at 11 AM: nuclear waste conference at Volkshochschule,
                   Wilhelmshöher Allee 19-21, in Kassel (D)
14/04/15-16/04/15: World Uranium Summit in Québec City (CDN)
25/04/15-01/05/15: European Action Weeks For A Future After Chernobyl
                   And Fukushima
12/05/15-15/05/15: "Innovation in the Third Millennium" nuclear
                   conference at Delta Winnipeg hotel, 350 St Mary Ave,
                   in Winnipeg, Manitoba (CDN)
22/05/15 at 2 PM:  cultural resistance party with citizens' initiative
                   & Kulturelle Landpartie organizers at atomic
                   facilities in Gorleben (D)
summer 2015:       Walk For A Nuclear Free Future from Nuclear Facility
                   Oakridge, TN to Hiroshima 2015 (USA & J)
12/07/15-16/07/15: Health Physics Society 60th Annual Meeting in
                   Indianapolis, Indiana (USA)
2015:              Probably Castor transport of high level radioactive
                   waste from Sellafield (UK) and of intermediate
                   level radioactive waste from La Hague (F) to
                   Gorleben (D) and protests
01/09/15-30/11/15: (estimated) main hearing on the Environmental Court
                   on SKB's application to build KBS3 final nuclear
                   waste repository at District Court in Nacka (S)
10/10/15 at 11 AM: nuclear waste conference at Volkshochschule,
                   Wilhelmshöher Allee 19-21, in Kassel (D)
25/04/16-01/05/16: European Action Weeks For A Future After Chernobyl
                   And Fukushima


25. About NukeNews
NukeNews is a multilingual newsletter system of the Nuclear Heritage
Network. It reflects the activities, topics and struggles of
anti-nuclear activists connected through this international community.
The messages are written and translated by activists, additionally to
their usual anti-nuclear activities. The newsletter aims to inform and
update as well activists as the interested audience.

Your contributions to the NukeNews are welcome! Send them via email to
"news AT NukeNews DOT nuclear-heritage DOT net". The text should be
very brief and in English. Please don't make it longer than one
paragraph. We need a concise headline for your article, and you can
add a link to a webpage providing more information. Deadline for the
16th issue of the NukeNews is 7th of December, 2014.

Spread the word and learn more about the NukeNews: