NukeNews No. 21 - CROATIAN

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*     NukeNews 21 – Antinuklearni informativni bilten      *

0.  Predgovor
Dok mi slažemo poruke koje smo primili mrežom Nuclear Heritage, u
sjevernoj Finskoj u Pyhäjoki počinje tjedna akcija za povratak Capea.
Rosatom koji dominira Fennovoimom već je uništio velika šumska i
močvarna područja od kojih su mnoga zaštićena kao prirodne
znamenitosti  finskim  i međunarodnim zakonima. Proteklih tjedana
održane su brojne uspješne akcije na koje je policija reagirala
nasiljem. Primjerice, ujutro 22. travnja aktivisti su napadnuti
suzavcem s vrlo kratke udaljenosti kako bi se spriječila akcija
građanskog neposluha. Nekoliko dana prije toga jedna se osoba vezala
za bager, a policajci su je mučili električnim šokerom.

Situacija u sjevernoj Finskoj jedna je od tema NukeNewsa 21, uz priče
aktivista iz Australije, Kanade, Češke, Francuske, Indije, Japana,
Rusije, Slovenije i Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Pod brojem 16. u ovom
biltenu objavljen je poziv na sudjelovanje u minikampu NukeNewsa u
Srednjoj Saskoj. Nadamo se da će vam ovo izdanje biti zanimljivo

Sadržaj  NukeNews #21
0.  Predgovor
1.  Finska: Na gradilištu Fenovoima ponovno blokiran promet
2.  Uranske vijesti iz Zapadne Australije
3.  FRANCKUSHIMA: Grafički prikaz o Fukushimi i nuklearnom riziku u
4.  Australija: Šetnja Karlamilyi parkom
5.  Australija: Međunarodni nuklearni otpad i Južnoaustralska vrhovna
6.  Reflections on the Indian Nuclear Project
7.  Irati Wanti ("The Poison - Leave It")
8.  Days of Action in Russia: "Chernobyl 30 years"
9.  Close the old and dangerous Pickering Nuclear Station (Canada)
10. UK: An Open Letter to the Mayor of Copeland in West Cumbria
11. UK: Disappearing Trick: Birds and Nuclear Waste
12. UK: Pro Nuclear Propaganda Ratcheted Up on the Fifth Year of the
    Ongoing Fukushima Disaster
13. Slovenia: Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of the Chernobyl
    NPP Accident
14. Report: NEC2016 Conference: "Nuclear Energy - Expensive Gamble"
15. Brzkov (CZ): Will they stop the proceedings for extension of the
    protected deposit area?
16. NukeNews Mini Camp in Middle Saxony/Germany
17. Thematic Anti-nuclear World Social Forum
18. Upcoming events
19. About NukeNews

1.  Finska: Na gradilištu Fenovoima ponovno blokiran promet
Prosvjednici protiv nuklearke Fenovoima-Rosatom blokirali su ujutro
22. siječnja 2016. promet - najprije su stajali ispred radnih
strojeva, a poslije su se i popeli na njih.

Ono što je dosad tamo napravljeno izgleda kao vrlo veliki deponij.
Postoji samo jedna dovoljno velika cesta po kojoj ta velika vozila
mogu doći do gradilišta. Dakle, zamislite što se dogodi kad netko
zatvori tu cestu. Sve se prestane kotrljati! E, to smo mi napravili
22. siječnja. Neki zabrinuti građani popeli su se na kamione i time
potpuno blokirali rad. Mislim da ćemo to raditi još neko vrijeme.

Saznajte više na:

2.  Uranske vijesti iz Zapadne Australije
Prema izvješću iz veljače rudnik urana Wiluna je zatvoren. U EPA je
pohranjeno preko 2400 prijavaka, a sad usmjeravamo pažnju na ponudu za
rudnike urana Mulga Rock, a to je devet otvorenih okana, 15 milijuna
litara vode na dan, čišćenje 3709 ha i 30 milijuna tona radioaktivnih
ostataka. Projekt vodi tvrtka Vimy Resources koju je izmislila bivša
FMG-ova produžena ruka Minderoo Grupe, bivši Liberal MP koji je 27 % u
vlasništvu Twiggy Forresta. Ovo je posljednja u nizu prijava za
iskapanje urana u zapadnoj Australiji, nadamo se za svagda! Te brze
uranske procjene provode se zbog nadolazećih državnih izbora u ožujku
2017. U zapadnoj Australiji nema dvostrane potpore iskapanju urana –
pod novom Vladom tomu bismo mogli stati nakraj  pa se sad ove
kompanije trude osigurati odobrenje u nadi da će im u budućnosti biti
dozvoljeno iskapanje kada dođe na vlast neka druga opcija. To je dobar
znak da su zabrinuti i da mi pobjeđujemo.

Saznajte više na:

3.  FRANCKUSHIMA: Grafički prikaz o Fukushimi i nuklearnom riziku u
U ožujku 2016. obilježena je 5. godišnjica fukušimske katastrofe,
podsjetnik da je nuklearni rizik još daleko od rješenja. Dapače,
unatoč katastrofi i njezinim žalosnim društvenim i ekološkim
posljedicama, sve se čini mirno, trivijalizirano i zaboravljeno.
Istodobno je obilježena i objava prvog izdanja Franckushime, grafičkog
eseja o jedinstvenom novinarskom vizualnom pristupu koji baca novo
svjetlo na katastrofu u Fukushimi i nuklearne rizike u Francuskoj.
Kako biste podržali tu knjigu na francuskom jeziku ili saznali više
posjetite web-stranicu:

4.  Australija: Šetnja Karlamilyi parkom
Starješine Martua pozvale su ljude da im se pridruže na 8. danu šetnje
kroz nacionalni park Karlamilyi u protest prijedlogu rudnika urana
Kintyre. Pođite s nama, hodat ćemo kroz Karlamilyi park preko rijeke.
Šetnja počinje kroz Lullapakujarra sve do Punumullara, a zatim do
velike vode Puljcatja sve do kupki Desert Queen i Kintyre. Prijavite
se, jer je broj sudionika ograničen.

5.  Australija: Međunarodni nuklearni otpad i Južnoaustralska vrhovna
Vođa opozicije Bill Shorten dao je potporu izgradnji odlagališta
nuklearnog otpada u Južnoj Australiji vrijednog nekoliko milijuna
dolara. Vlada Južne Australije još nije zauzela stav o prijedlogu
izgradnje odlagališta gdje bi se skladištilo više od 10 % svjetskog
nuklearnog otpada, izjavio je premijer Jay Weatherill. Studija je
pokazala da će nuklearno odlagalište u Južnoj  Australiji  moći
uskladištiti 13 % svjetskog otpada, a bit će otvoreno do kraja
sljedeće dekade. Besprimjerna politička potpora skriva se iza priče o
dobroj zaradi - naime, Južna Australija mogla bi postati globalno
spremište za nuklearni otpad visoke razine u zamjenu za 445 bilijuna

Vrhovno državno ekološko tijelo pozdravilo je objavljivanje izvješća
koje propituje grandiozne tvrdnje o zlatnoj koki Južne Australije
proizišle iz globalne nuklearne industrije. Izvješće je izradila
vodeća ekonomska institucija The Australia Institute. Konzervatorsko
vijeće Južne Australije zadužilo je Australski Institut da analizira
podložnost senatora Seana Edwardsa Južnoaustralskoj nuklearnoj
vrhovnoj komisiji.

Više informacija:

6.  Reflections on the Indian Nuclear Project
The village of Jaduguda is situated in the newly created state of
Jharkhand in north-east India. Low-grade uranium ore was discovered
there in the early 1950s and mining started in 1967. In the
intervening decades, approximately 1,000 tons of uranium ore has been
brought to the surface daily and processed at a mill situated adjacent
to the mine. Milled uranium concentrate is then transported some 1,400
kilometres to Hyderabad where it is further processed into uranium
oxide pellets that charge the fuel rods powering ten of India's
nuclear reactors. Approximately 25% of the uranium used by the nuclear
industry in India comes from the Jaduguda mines.

Read the complete article:

7.  Irati Wanti ("The Poison - Leave It")
A group of politicians and business-people are developing a plan to
build an international high-level nuclear waste dump in South
Australia. The plan is strongly opposed by many South Australians and
by an overwhelming majority of Aboriginal people.

The Australian Nuclear Free Alliance, representing Aboriginal people
from across Australia, calls on nuclear nations NOT to dump nuclear
waste in Australia. The nuclear industry has a track record of
Aboriginal dispossession and environmental pollution − from the atomic
bomb tests to uranium mining to nuclear waste dump proposals.

We call on nuclear nations NOT to dump nuclear waste in Australia.
Endorsed by Australian Nuclear Free Alliance at its 2015 Annual
Gathering on Nukunu Country, South Australia. 

Please add your group's endorsement to the international declaration:

8.  Days of Action in Russia: "Chernobyl 30 years"
Young Russian Socio-Ecological Union / Young Friends of the Earth
Russia, Youth Human Rights Movement and Ecodefense! are organizing
Days of Action "Chernobyl 30 years" in Russian-speaking space. On the
website you find positions of the organisers, list of supporters,
different anti-nuclear materials and a map of actions.

More information:

9.  Close the old and dangerous Pickering Nuclear Station (Canada)
Closing the Pickering Nuclear Station when its license expires in 2018
and getting to work on dismantling the plant immediately will be
safer, create more jobs between now and 2030, and save hundreds of
millions of dollars. Please sign the petition to close Pickering when
its license expires in 2018 rather than extend its life until 2024
which is the government's plan.


Read our new report:

10. UK: An Open Letter to the Mayor of Copeland in West Cumbria
People are understandably upset about the possible compulsory purchase
of their homes in order to clear a space for the building of temporary
accommodation for thousands of nuclear workers. "Population Mixing"
has been used as an excuse for Radiation Linked Disease such as
Childhood Leukaemia.

11. UK: Disappearing Trick: Birds and Nuclear Waste
Cumbria County Council will decide on 11th May 2016 whether to allow a
further tsunami of nuclear waste to be dumped in shipping containers
at Drigg on land that is a short distance from the shifting sands.

12. UK: Pro Nuclear Propaganda Ratcheted Up on the Fifth Year of the
    Ongoing Fukushima Disaster
While ordinary people around the world were holding demonstrations in
March to mark the fifth year of the ongoing Fukushima disaster, the
pro nuke propaganda is being ratcheted up.

13. Slovenia: Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of the Chernobyl
    NPP Accident
As part of the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl
NPP accident, several events were organized in Slovenia, an online
exhibition about Chernobyl was published, and the film Ukranian Zombie
Reactors, which was created as part of the project Catching the train
of development, was presented.

More info about actions, campaigns ans nuclear issues in Slovenia:

More info about Nuclear power plant safety upgrades in Ukraine:

14. Report: NEC2016 Conference: "Nuclear Energy - Expensive Gamble"
There were three opening and eight main speeches presented at the
Nuclear Energy Conference 2016 held in Prague on April 5. The
conference website includes the presentations, profiles of the
speakers, photos and audio recordings of all three sections in three

Speakers expressed their surprise at how there is still a need to talk
about the unresolved safety problems 30 years after Chernobyl and five
years after Fukushima. It was highlighted that energy economics has
changed: today we need flexible electricity systems and small units
such as renewable energy sources. These are getting cheaper, with
almost zero operating costs and negligible costs of disposal in
comparison to nuclear power plants. A pressing need to reduce risks
associated with radioactive releases to the environment was mentioned
and how the associated risks increase with a plant lifetime extension.
In connection with this there were serious concerns raised about an
indefinite license to operate the first block of the Dukovany nuclear
power plant which was issued in March 2016.

Read the complete article:

15. Brzkov (CZ): Will they stop the proceedings for extension of the
    protected deposit area?
It has been almost a year since the lawyer Luboš Kliment began to
represent the four municipalities (Brzkov, Věžnice, Přibyslav and
Polná), including owners of endangered estates and the association Our
Future Without Uranium (NBBU) from Brzkov. Since then a few
discussions with locals were held and many press releases to the media
were issued.

Learn more:

16. NukeNews Mini Camp in Middle Saxony/Germany
From 8th – 12th September, 2016 you are invited to a five days working
meeting in Döbeln, Middle Saxony. This mini camp will be a chance to
meet NukeNews activists and interested people from several regions
across Europe to discuss questions that appeared towards the work with
the newsletter system and to improve the quality and the impact of the
NukeNews. The project meeting will focus on developing the NukeNews
newsletter system further, to get to know each other and each other's
topics. Another aspect is also to have a nice time together to
strengthen our friendships and collaborations to flourish the success
of our future work.

If you want to join us, send an e-mail to
"newsletter AT nuclear-heritage DOT net". 

17. Thematic Anti-nuclear World Social Forum
March 23-28 the first thematic anti-nuclear World Social Forum (WSF)
took place in Tokyo. The idea arose at the 2015 WSF in Tunis.
Participants from more than ten countries on three continents called
for creating a worlwide network for exchange, mutual support and
co-ordinated actions against civil and military usage of nuclear
power. They agreed to arrange a second topical anti-nuclear World
Social Forum in Canada during the Montreal WSF in Quebec from 8th to
14th of August. A third topical WSF is supposed to take place in April
2017 in Europe during the anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster.

Support the call for a global network towards a world without nuclear:

18. Upcoming events
Feel free to send us your local and international events for the large
upcoming events collection on Nuclear Heritage Network website, and
for this extract in the NukeNews!

21/05/16-22/05/16: conference "Nuclear power in the Gulf of Bothnia?
                   Fennovoima's plans, nuclear waste and renewable
                   energy" at Medlefors in Skellefteå/Västerbotten (S)
21/05/16:          Jülich Castor autobahn action day - actions between
                   Ahaus and Jülich (D)
22/05/16 2 PM:     Stop Tihange rally at Plein 1992 in Maastricht (NL)
June 2016:         A month of protest against Trident at AWE
                   Burghfield nuclear weapons factory near Reading in
                   Berkshire (UK)
05/06/16-12/06/16: Karlalmyi Walk from Parnngurr to Karlamilyi River
05/06/16:          "200 000 pas à Bure" - action against final
                   repository in Bure (F)
19/06/16:          manifestation to close Beznau NPP: "Menschenstrom
                   gegen Atom 2016" (CH)
August 2016:       Walkatjurra Walkabout (AUS)
08/08/16-14/08/16: Second Anti-nuclear Thematic World Social Forum in
                   Montreal, Quebec (CDN)
24/09/16-25/09/16: 6th Temelín Conference 2016 at Temelín NPP (CZ)
August 2016:       Walkatjurra Walkabout (AUS)

19. About NukeNews
NukeNews is a multilingual newsletter system of the Nuclear Heritage
Network. It reflects the activities, topics and struggles of
anti-nuclear activists connected through this international community.
The messages are written and translated by activists, additionally to
their usual anti-nuclear activities. The newsletter aims to inform and
update as well activists as the interested audience.

Your contributions to the NukeNews are welcome! Send them via email to
"newsletter AT nuclear-heritage DOT net". The text should be very
brief and in English. Please don't make it longer than one paragraph.
We need a concise headline for your article, and you can add a link to
a webpage providing more information. Deadline for the 22nd issue of
the NukeNews is 17th of July, 2016.

Spread the word and learn more about the NukeNews: