NukeNews No. 23 - CZECH

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*      NukeNews č. 23 - novinky z oblasti antiatomu        *

0.  Předmluva

Přehled nového vydání NukeNews, číslo 23.
0.  Předmluva
1.  Hinkley?- What's the Point
2.  California to close its last nuclear facility
3.  BY: New incident with reactor vessel confirms old problems
4.  CZ: Plaforma proti hlubinnému úložišti
5.  CZ: Ministerstvo životního prostředí dalo státnímu podniku DIAMO
    roční lhůtu 
XX. Upcoming events
YY. About NukeNews

1.  Hinkley?- What's the Point
After France made it's final decision to go ahead with Hinkley Point C
reactor the new unelected UK Prime Minister Theresa May called the
project in for review over security concerns about Chinese
involvement. However after initially stating that a decision would be
made in October, May capitulated to Nuclear & Construction industry
interests & gave the go-ahead. Sunday 18th September saw a
demonstration of anti-nuclear groups in Bristol against the decision.
representatives from SouthWest Against Nuclear & Stop Hinkley spoke
out against the deal & urged citizens to take action against the deal
which represents a very bad deal for UK electricity consumers, All of
the mainstream media and economic analysts are now against the project
& wondering why the government are hell-bent on going ahead - we know
the answer to this - weapons, nuclear is still & always has been a
military project.

2.  California to close its last nuclear facility
As is probably known the state's largest electric company decided to
shut down Diablo Canyon this past summer. The closure proposal went
before state regulators starting in September. A number of groups have
filed demands before the regulator to close Diablo earlier than the
proposed date of 2024. In a surprise move, the judge has agreed to
listen to our arguments. The decision won't be known until May of
2017. Another group has filed a separate lawsuit demanding that Diablo
be closed in 2018. As part of the Diablo closure aging activists that
go back to anti-nuke campaigns from the late 1950's onward came
together in late October for a brief reunion to remember and
celebrate. Many nukes were never opened thanks to dedicated
individuals and groups that got their start here. Southern California
activists are demanding that the spent fuel rods from San Onofre nuke
(near Los Angeles that was closed in 2013) be moved as soon as
possible over concerns that the dry cask units are not seismically

3.  BY: New incident with reactor vessel confirms old problems
It seems important to stress out that nuclear experts were in no hurry
(or maybe they had no intention) to inform about the incident. This
time, the emergency situation was reported by the readers of the website. It was a bit later when the official website of
the Belarusian NPP construction informed that "in a reduced clearance,
the protecting metallic transportation cover of the oversize cargo
(the reactor vessel for the Belarusian NPP) insignificantly touched
the catenary mast." It remains unclear what they meant by "touched the
catenary mast", whether the mast is in order, and whether the reactor
vessel is in order.

Do you remember how this summer (2016) the nuclear experts of Belarus
and Russia assured us of the non-significance of the damage at first?
And then it turned out the reactor vessel needed replacement...

Read the complete article:

4.  CZ: Plaforma proti hlubinnému úložišti
V České republice je v současné době 9 potenciálních lokalit pro
umístění hlubinného úložiště od května 2016, ve většině z nich místní
obyvatelé nesouhlasí s úložištěm, a 4. října 2016 byla založena
"Platforma proti hlubinnému úložišti", která sdružuje 28 obcí a
nevládních organizací v prosinci 2016. Pro více informací vyhledejte
tiskové zprávy Calla na

5.  CZ: Ministerstvo životního prostředí dalo státnímu podniku DIAMO
    roční lhůtu 
Pod tlakem ze strany místních obyvatel v Brzkově dalo Ministerstvo
životního prostředí státnímu podniku DIAMO lhůtu jednoho roku (do
30. června 2017) na získání chybějících dokumentů potřebných k možnému
požádání o rozšíření chráněného ložiskového území (CHLÚ) na ložisku
Brzkov-Horní Věžnice. CHLÚ znamená krok blíže k těžbě a je překážkou
pro rozvoj obcí. Podle původního harmonogramu mělo být rozšíření CHLÚ
dokončeno v srpnu 2015, ale nestalo se tak. Součástí chybějících
dokumentů je i přepočet zásob uranu na základě nového geologického
průzkumu. V prosinci 2016 DIAMO prohlásilo, že žádný nový geologický
průzkum za účelem přepočtu zásob uranu na ložisku Brzkov-Horní Věžnice
dělat nechce. Místo toho tvrdí, že stačí přepočet zásob bez průzkumu,
na základě něhož lze rozšířit dosavadní chráněné ložiskové území asi
šestkrát. Místní obce, spolek a vlastníci pozemků zastoupené právníkem
jsou jiného názoru a budou se bránit.









XX. Upcoming events
Feel free to send us your local and international events for the large
upcoming events collection on Nuclear Heritage Network website, and
for this extract in the NukeNews!

probably 2017:     Castor transport Resistance in France and Germany
01/03/17-01/04/17: Main hearing on the Environmental Court on SKB's
                   application to build KBS3 at District Court, in
                   Nacka (S)

YY. About NukeNews
NukeNews is a multilingual newsletter system of the Nuclear Heritage
Network. It reflects the activities, topics and struggles of
anti-nuclear activists connected through this international community.
The messages are written and translated by activists, additionally to
their usual anti-nuclear activities. The newsletter aims to inform and
update as well activists as the interested audience.

Your contributions to the NukeNews are welcome! Send them via email to
"newsletter AT nuclear-heritage DOT net". The text should be very
brief and in English. Please don't make it longer than one paragraph.
We need a concise headline for your article, and you can add a link to
a webpage providing more information. Deadline for the 24th issue of
the NukeNews is 26th of March, 2017.

Spread the word and learn more about the NukeNews: