NukeNews No. 9 - FINNISH

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*      NukeNews #9 - Ydinvoiman vastainen uutispalvelu     *

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0.  Alkusanat
Tässäpä melko hämmästyttävä kooste uutisista, joita saimme NukeNewsin 
tämänkertaista numeroa varten. Kaikkiaan 27 viestiä Australiasta,
Itävallasta, Kanadasta, Tsekin tasavallasta, Suomesta, Ranskasta,
Saksasta, Puolasta, Venäjältä, Sloveniasta, Tansaniasta,
Iso-Britanniasta, Yhdysvalloista sekä omalta verkostoltamme, joissa
kerrotaan tapahtumista, kampanjoista, ydinvoimapolitiikasta ja muusta
toiminnasta. Taustoittava artikkeli kertoo uraaniteollisuuden
toiminnasta Tansaniassa ja siitä kuinka alueen ihmiset kärsivät
uraanihankkeista. Toinen useissa jutuissa käsitelty aihe on
Kaliningradiin Itämeren rannalle suunniteltu ydinvoimala ja protestit
tätä suunnitelmaa vastaan.

Mukavia lukuhetkiä uutiskirjeemme parissa! Toivomme artikkeleita
projekteistanne ja toiminnastanne seuraavaan uutiskirjeeseemme. Lisää
ohjeita siihen löydät tämän uutiskirjeen lopusta…

Sisältö NukeNews nro#9
0.  Alkusanat
1.  Walkatjurra Walkabout -tapahtuma
2.  San Onofren ydinvoimalaitoksen kampanja esillä eri rintamilla
3.  Oikeuden päätös: rajoituksia Talvivaaran toimintaan
4.  Uusi vuoto Talvivaaran kaivoksella
5.  Uraanitoimintaleiri Suomessa lähellä Talvivaaran
6.  Together against Nuclear
7.  A short Chernobyl Day report from Poland
8.  Remember Chernobyl - The Irish Princess: St Bega and Sellafield
9.  Tshernobyl-projekti: omaleimainen valokuvakirja Tshernobylin
    unohdetuille uhreille
10. Chernobyl Day manifestations in Germany
11. Chernobyl NPP roof collapse - coverage and analysis
12. Some news about the atomic struggle in the UK
13. Online petition for a pan-European consistent insurance for
    nuclear reactors
14. No Société Générale funding of high risk reactors in Kaliningrad!
15. NPP near Kaliningrad - bad story that must be ended immediately
16. Network office looking for volunteers
17. IRSN report founds Krško unsuitable for NPP due to earthquake risk
18. Czech Republic: ČEZ wants to rob the citizens
19. Atomic policies in selected European countries
20. Sellafield Shut by Snow
21. Argumentation help: Why to Protest Nuclear Industry?
22. Czech Republic: State Office of Nuclear Safety critical to the
    nuclear waste storage program
23. Did Comic Art Save Cumbria from the Nuclear Dump?
24. Still not loving nuclear waste! - Free Republic of Wendland as
    stakeholder against final deposit law
25. "Sortir du nucléaire" launches new campaign on nuclear fuel chain
26. Indigenous protests against uranium mining, nuclear waste dumping
    and industrial abuse in Saskatchewan, Canada
27. Ympäristöskandaali uraaninetsintäprojektissa Tansanian Bahissa
28. Upcoming events
29. About NukeNews

1.  Walkatjurra Walkabout -tapahtuma
Walkatjurra Walkabout -tapahtuma järjestetään 4.-28.5.2013, ja
tämänkertaisesta tapahtumasta näyttää tulevan viimevuotista isompi.

Kävelytapahtuma on edelleen sekä juhlistus Australian Wangkatjan
seudulle että sisukkuuden testamentti yhteisölle, joka on taistellut
Yeelirriessä yli neljänkymmenen vuoden ajan uraanikaivostoiminnan
lopettamisen puolesta. Tapahtuma luo myös mahdollisuuden kokoontua
jakamaan yhteistä sitoutumistamme kestävän tulevaisuuden puolesta
ilman ydinvoimateollisuutta. Tapahtuma on mahdollisuus kokea yhteyttä
maahan ja elvyttää maan puolesta kävelemisen traditiota.

Ilmoittaudu täällä mukaan kävelytapahtumaan:

2.  San Onofren ydinvoimalaitoksen kampanja esillä eri rintamilla
Ei ole vielä selvää, miksi San Onofren ydinvoimalaitosta koskevaa
kriittistä raporttia ei julkaistu, vaikka se oli valmis ennen
11.3.2013. Los Angelesista vain vähän etelään sijaitsevaa voimalaa
koskevan raportin teki USA:n valvontavirasto GAO (Government
Accountability Office). Se julkaistiinkin vasta päivää sen jälkeen,
kun suuri julkinen kokous USA:n valtiollisen ydinvoimaa säätelevän
toimiston (NRC, Nuclear Regulatory Commission) kanssa oli ohi.
Raportti, jonka neljä USA:n senaattoria laittoi liikkeelle, paljasti
useita vakavia epäkohtia evakuointisuunnittelussa; erityisen
ristiriitainen oli suunnitelma evakuoida ihmisiä vain muutaman mailin
säteellä reaktorista vakavan onnettomuuden sattuessa.

NRC kieltäytyy käsittelemästä nk. "varjoevakuointia", eli väestöä,
joka evakuoi itsensä ilman lupaa, ja esittää, että vain 20 % väestöstä
10-15 mailin eli 23-30 kilometrin säteellä harkitsisi lähtöä. Nämä
kysymykset olisivat saaneet alueen median päästämään uutisen
otsikoihin. Sen sijaan tärkeät kysymykset peitottiin
uudelleenkäynnistämisuutisella. Viikkoa myöhemmin Los Angelesin
kaupunki äänesti yksimielisesti uudelleenkäynnistämistä vastaan, ellei
täysipainoisia julkisia kuulemisia järjestetä. NRC näytti vihreää
valoa kesäkuussa San Onofren yksikön uudelleenkäynnistämiselle 70
prosentin kapasiteetilla. Tieto tästä julkaistiin vain neljä tuntia
GAO:n raportin julkaisemisen jälkeen, mikä vähensi raportin uutisarvoa.
Koko kahdeksan miljoonan asukkaan alue on huolissaan laitoksesta, koska
sen uudet höyrygeneraattorit menivät epäkuntoon alle kaksi vuotta
niiden asentamisesta. Aluetta täplittävät mantereiden siirrokset,
joista San Andreaksen siirros on noin 75 mailia San Onofresta ja sen
aiheuttama suuri järistys Etelä-Kaliforniassa on jo 150 vuotta myöhässä
lasketusta ajasta.

3.  Oikeuden päätös: rajoituksia Talvivaaran toimintaan
Vaasan hallinto-oikeus on 2.4.2013 antanut välipäätöksen
poikkeusjuoksutuksista, joita Talvivaaran kaivos teki
ympäristönsuojelulain 62. pykälän perusteella. Kaivosyhtiö väitti,
että poikkeusjuoksutukset ovat välttämättömiä kaivoksen tilanteen
kontrollissa pitämiseksi. Kainuun ELY-keskuksen mukaan juoksutukset
olivat laillisia. Hallinto-oikeus on nyt kumonnut ELY-keskuksen
päätöksen ja antanut välittömästi voimaan tulevan rajoituksen
juoksutuksille. Lopullinen päätös asiasta annetaan myöhemmin.

Päätös rajoittaa etelän suuntaan johdettavien juoksutusten määrän
seitsemään prosenttiin Kalliojoen virtaamasta. Maksimimäärä perustuu
voimassaolevan ympäristöluvan määräyksiin. Näin ollen päätös
merkitsee sitä, ettei kaivos voi tästä lähtien johtaa etelän
suuntaan normaalia 1,3 miljoonaa kuutiota ylittävää määrää vettä.

Lue koko juttu:

4.  Uusi vuoto Talvivaaran kaivoksella
Talvivaaran nikkeli-uraanikaivoksella on ollut taas vuoto. Jätevettä
vuoti seitsemän tuhatta kuutiometriä tunnissa - kaikkiaan 350 tuhatta
kuutiometriä arvioidaan vuotaneen ensimmäisen päivän aikana.
Marraskuisen vuodon tuhannet kuutiometrit myrkyllistä ja
radioaktiivista jätevettä saastuttivat laajoja vesistöalueita. Uusi
vuoto alkoi yöllä 7. huhtikuuta. Kuten aiemminkin, kaivosyhtiö on
vähätellyt tapahtunutta: Talvivaaran tuotantojohtaja Harri Natunen
väitti ettei uusi vuoto ole yhtä vakava kuin kaivoksen toiminnan
sulkenut marraskuulla tapahtunut vuoto.

Lue lisää:

5.  Uraanitoimintaleiri Suomessa lähellä Talvivaaran
Talvivaaran fiasko ei ole harvinainen poikkeus, vaan arkipäivää
suurten kaivosyhtiöiden ympärillä. Saastuneet pohjavedet ovat olleet
tähän asti jokaikisen uraanikaivoksen hinta ympäristölle. Suomessa ja
Ruotsissa on käynnissä lukuisia hankkeita jättimäisten kaivosten

Ympäristön säilyttäminen elinkelpoisena vaatii määrätietoista
vastarintaa. Tule jakamaan tarvittavia tietoja ja taitoja sekä
toimimaan! Leiri sijaitsee 30 km päässä Talvivaaran kaivokselta.
Leirin ensimmäisen viikon aikana Rumon kylällä tutustutaan pohjoisen
kaivostilanteeseen, erilaisiin avoimen suoran toiminnan taitoihin ja
taktiikoihin. Ensimmäisen viikon aikana harjoiteltuja taitoja tullaan
hyödyntämään toisesta viikosta alkaen. Tarjoaa omaa ohjelmaasi!
Itseorganisoituvalla leirillä osallistujien oletetaan osallistuvan
leirin pyörittämiseen tarvittaviin tehtäviin. Kulujen kattamiseksi
toivotaan 5-10e/vrk osallistumismaksua henkilökohtainen taloustilanne
huomioiden. Yhteiskuljetuksia järjestellään, joten ilmoita
kyytitarpeestasi, mahdollisista allergioista ym. erityistarpeista
samalla kun ilmoittaudut osoitteeseen turva (at)
Ilmoittaudu 10.6. mennessä jos vain suinkaan mahdollista!

Lue lisää:

6.  Together against Nuclear
On May 30-June 1, 2013, an international anti-nuclear conference will
take place in Vienna and at Zwentendorf, the site of the only Austrian
nuclear power plant (stopped through public pressure). Invited are
anti-nuclear activists, experts and campaigners from all over Europe
who are interested n sharing their skills and experiences as well as
in joining strategic thinking on issues of nuclear power.

This conference is supposed to launch an annual event of this type to
strengthen anti-nuclear work on a national and international level.
The first one and a half days will take place in Vienna, the last day
will take place at the site of the former Zwentendorf NPP. At the same
time, the "TOMORROW FESTIVAL" takes place there, and will provide the
opportunity of practical capacity building (e.g. on social media,
crowdfunding, climbing, measuring, and interpreting radiation) as well
as on theoretical know-how for activism. The costs within the
conference will be covered by the organizers; people who can't afford
travel costs can ask them also for support.

Learn more:

7.  A short Chernobyl Day report from Poland
It was busy week. We had three rescue people from the Chernobyl
catastrophe for a week long series of conferences and meetings.
Involved was Volodymir Volchenko, the only one still alive from his
team working 2.5 months in the Chernobyl zone. The best were meetings
in colleges and with students at Warsaw University. Volodymir said
that Ukrainian government is planing to build 7 new atomic power
stations. We are planing to organize blockades of radioactive
transports. How to get to know where they will be?

8.  Remember Chernobyl - The Irish Princess: St Bega and Sellafield
April 27, Radiation Free Lakeland and 3 Weeks to Save the Lakes marked
the anniversary of Chernobyl at St Bees. St Bees was named after the
Irish princess who landed on the beautiful West Cumbrian coast about
900AD. What is the betting that St Bega would join the 1.3 million
households in Ireland in calling for an end to the illegal and immoral
radioactive poisoning of the Irish Sea from reprocessing at

Learn more:

9.  Tshernobyl-projekti: omaleimainen valokuvakirja Tshernobylin
    unohdetuille uhreille
Tshernobyl-projekti dokumentoi taiteellisesti Tshernobylin
ydinvoimalaonnettomuuden pitkäaikaisia vaikutuksia omaleimaisessa
valokuvakirjassa. Tavoitteena oli näyttää ydinvoimalaonnettomuuden
vaikutuksia ja kuvata sitä, mitä ihmisen hallinnassa oleva
uraanienergia voi saada aikaan. Kuvat puhuvat puolestaan.

Kuva-aiheet sisältävät autioituneita kaupunkeja, hajoamassa olevia
taloja, pelastautuneita elämässä saastuneilla alueilla, uhreja jotka
sairastuivat. Tällä hetkellä kirjan toimittajilla on kontakteja
paikallisiin ihmisiin, muun muassa Tshernobylin alueella asuviin
turmasta selvinneisiin. Toimittajien tavoitteena on saada selvinneitä
kertomuksineen haastateltaviksi, ja he suunnittelevat
haastattelumatkaa Valko-Venäjälle uhrien koteihin ja sairaaloihin.
Kirja edistää ihmisten tietoisuutta siitä, että ydinenergia ei ole
paras valinta ja että meillä on useita paljon parempia ja kestävämpiä

Tekijätiimi toivoo saavansa projektin kulut katetuksi
joukkorahoituksen ja kirjamyynnin kautta. Lue lisää:

10. Chernobyl Day manifestations in Germany
On Sunday April 21, 2013 about 1,000 people followed a call for a
protest and culture event on the occasion of 27th anniversary of
Chernobyl disaster around the moat shielding last operating NPP
Brokdorf located in the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
With peaceful atmosphere like folk festival with many families and
children it was more a reunion of well-known faces than an attack of
the nuclear industry. At the same time about 2,500 protesters were
going to Grafenrheinfeld NPP located in southern Germany. The gates of
Grohnde NPP were blocked by locked-on activists to protest against
fitting of extraordinary dangerous MOX-fuel elements delivered last
year attended to strong protests.

For mobilisation the German environmental protection group Robin Wood
held 3 weeks before T-Day a climbing-action-tour through northern
Germany. Between trees, lamp posts or flagpoles we placed a banner
dealing with evacuation area after an accident at Brokdorf NPP and
distributed leaflets.

Learn more:

11.  Chernobyl NPP roof collapse - coverage and analysis
A "combination of negative factors" rather than excessive snowfall
was the cause of the February 12 partial wall and roof collapse at
Chernobyl’s infamous Reactor Unit 4, recent findings of two
commissions that investigated the incident revealed. Notably, the risk
of concrete slabs collapsing over the reactor halls of the defunct
nuclear plant’s three other units had been discussed just one day
earlier, on February 11, in Ukraine’s Slavutich. And Russia has three
stations running Chernobyl-type reactors, RBMK-1000s – all three of
similar or older ages and still in operation. How badly should Russia
be concerned about its old stations’ safety?

12. Some news about the atomic struggle in the UK
Its been quiet here; the arm wrestling between EDF and the government
over the agreed price for electricity drag on. EDF want maybe £100 MWh
guaranteed for 40 years, the treasury here maybe £80. EDF demand £100
MWh double the current wholesale price of electricity, fixed for 40
years, while onshore wind currently costs £80 MWh. All a bit difficult
for the government as they promised no subsidies for new nuclear. As
maybe part of the manoeuvring, EDF laid off about 20% of their
workforce at Hinkley Point NPP, where they had started some of the

Us London people handed out 400 flyers to the workers entering the
treasury at 8am, in the middle of April. Tried to make it a bit jokey
as well as factual. Battle of Waterloo and all that. But to get 400
inside the treasury building was good. People coming out for a
cigarette later said they quite liked it.. We included our 2nd
Fukushima update, of which we have printed 5,000, in Japanese too, and
which we give out from 9am till 1pm outside the Japanese embassy here
every Friday. About 400 flyers are given out each Friday.

Background article on the EDF NPP issue:

Daily nuclear news in the UK:

13. Online petition for a pan-European consistent insurance for
    nuclear reactors
Coordinated by the Austrian Atomstopp NGO this initiative is
collecting signatures still until the end of July 2013 für a
pan-European insurance for nuclear reactors. The signatures are
addressing the responsible EU Committee for petitions. On the one hand
the problem is, that the liability limits are differing a lot from
country to country and on the other hand that the liability limits are
totally insufficient, particularly with France as the most extreme
example of significantly low limits.

Sign the petition and find more information:

14. No Société Générale funding of high risk reactors in Kaliningrad!
Starting on 26th April, the German urgewald NGO calls for protests
against the french bank Société Générale, which contemplates funding
turbines for the planned Baltic NPP in the Russian enclave
Kaliningrad. The project of the Baltic NPP is attended with enormous
risks, for example there was no evaluation of the seismic risks in
that area, neither did Rosatom, the company which is to build the
Baltic NPP, present a radioactive waste management plan. Furthermore
Rosatom expects that even the effects of a serious accident would be
limited on the area of the reactors – thus there are no evacuation
plans for the people living there.

By funding a big part of it through export credits, Société Générale
supports this kind of corruption and basically provokes another big
accident like Chernobyl. That’s why we ask Société Générale to back
out of this dangerous deal, just like HypoVereinsbank, BNP Paribas and
Credite Agricole already did. We expect Société Générale to decide on
this matter in late June – until then, we hope for your support
through phone calls and emails to Société Générale, informing them
about all the risks connected with the Baltic NPP, and asking them to
refuse funding of those.

Learn more:

15. NPP near Kaliningrad - bad story that must be ended immediately
For the first time in Russian history, the national nuclear
corporation "Rosatom" is attempting to build nuclear reactors not for
domestic supply but for the export of electricity to foreign
countries. This is the case with the Baltic nuclear power plant in
Kaliningrad region, located close to the border of the EU member
Lithuania, which opposes this project.

The energy demand in Kaliningrad is covered presently (as of spring
2013) for 100%. This is due to new natural gas power plant build just
two years ago. And it should not come as surprise that Kaliningrad
residents opposed to this nuclear plant. If built, the nuclear plant
near Kaliningrad will put people under the risk of a new Fukushima
and, additionally, will produce nuclear waste, dangerous for the next
million of years. And money will go into the pockets of nuclear

Since 1990, the nuclear industry attempted to lobby for the nuclear
plant in Kaliningrad at least three times. But every time local
authorities were opposed to the nuclear development. That position
changed after the federal government in Moscow introduced a political
reform. Moscow started to appoint new governors by the decision of
president, instead of public elections. And the first governor which
came from Moscow to manage Kaliningrad - Georgy Boos - quickly decided
to build the nuclear power plant. Three years later he was dismissed
as a result of largest political protests in the last 20 years in

Read the full story:

16. Network office looking for volunteers
From September, we are looking for international volunteers with the
Network Office located in Döbeln, Middle Saxony. People interested to
help to connect activists with each other or with experts in certain
fields, to support network gatherings to be organized, and to
coordinate the translation of reach out materials, are welcome to
spend a certain time at the project house. You can volunteer for a
time of one months to half a year, simple accommodation and food will
be provided. You would help to prepare information an nuclear issues
and to keep interested people up to date.

If you are interested, write until June 30, 2013 to office at!

Learn more:

17. IRSN report founds Krško unsuitable for NPP due to earthquake risk
A report of the French Institute for Radiological Protection and
Nuclear Safety (IRSN) notes that the Krško location in Slovenia is
unsuitable for building a second reactor of the Krško nuclear power
plant. Reason for this is, that the Libna fault could be still active
and therefore there is a risk of potential earthquake. This could have
effects on a working nuclear power plant. The Libna fault is located
at only a few hundred meters from the potential Krško 2 site, which
lies close to Krško 1.

The conclusion from this could be that, if location is not suitable
for a new, modern nuclear power plant because of the seismic risk, it
is certainly not suitable for a 30-year-old nuclear power plant
either, which is located in Krško. Unfortunately, this report has been
branded as less important, and leading personnel started to refer to
reports of other organizations that have a different opinion about the
Libna fault and its potential activity. The idea of building the
second reactor is, despite many arguments against it, still alive.

More information:

18. Czech Republic: ČEZ wants to rob the citizens
The Czech energy monopoly ČEZ wants state guaranteed feed-in tariffs
in order to start the construction of two new reactors in Temelín NPP.
Ecological NGOs have stated, that this would be a robbery committed on
energy consumers, who would have to pay 34 billion Euro during the
projected lifespan of the new reactors. This means, that the Czech
economy would loose 680 million Euro every year due to new Temelín
reactors. That such a plan would be an expensive failure is becoming
so obvious, that it is critised even by ČEZ's own shareholders. The
fact that even the Czech environment minister, Tomáš Chalupa, is
supportive of this madness, is one of the reasons he has been recently
rewarded by the "Ropák of the year", a tradtional anti-ecological

Learn more:

19. Atomic policies in selected European countries
Some introductive articles on the atomic policies in certain countries
have been published recently on our network's website connected to the
"Atomic Threats In The Baltic Sea Region" project and in result of the
last year's anti-nuclear summer gathering in Germany. Those and some
more are compiled within the new booklet "Atomic Policies in Selected
European Countries". The booklet can be ordered for 5 EUR + shipment
costs at "contact at".







20. Sellafield Shut by Snow
A broken pipe at Sellafield caused disruption to water supply on 22nd
March 2013. Sellafield quickly issued a statement to quash rumours
that the incident was affecting the whole site with workers needing
decontamination scrubs being held in decontamination units because
there was no water for showers, washing, toilets etc. This was denied
by Sellafield in a press statement.

Learn more:

Spike in Radiation - UK monitoring graphs show increases in radiation
at time of Sellafield emergency... some monitoring graphs are switched

21. Argumentation help: Why to Protest Nuclear Industry?
A webpage on the Nuclear Heritage Network is providing a collection of
arguments against atomic power for anti-nuclear activists to be used
in leaflets, for discussions in public, and for background
information. A part of this was provided by Jim McCluskey, British
author of "The Nuclear Threat".

You are welcome to use this page, to add further arguments, to comment
or to provide additional resources.

Learn more:

22. Czech Republic: State Office of Nuclear Safety critical to the
    nuclear waste storage program
The State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB) expressed its high concern
about the final nuclear waste storage program, maintained by the
Radioactive Waste Storage Administration (SÚRAO). In its annual report
for 2012, SÚJB states, that the current approach of SÚRAO in the
process of finding a suitable location for the first Czech final
storage is unsatisfactory. Shall it continue this way, SÚJB threatens
not to permit final storage location in 2025. This only underlines the
tension, which has been growing steadily in the recent months.
Villages in the seven locations considered for the storage have been
protesting the practice of SÚRAO, which has started preparing
geological surveys at the sites, after promising repeatedly not to do
anything, without a clear consent of the local population.


23. Did Comic Art Save Cumbria from the Nuclear Dump?
No of course not but it may have played a small part in waking Cumbria
County Council up to the reality behind decades of  pro nuke
propaganda and nuke industry spin. Earlier this year, Cumbria county
council woke up to the reality behind decades of government propaganda
and nuclear industry spin and rejected a plan to bury radioactive
waste in England’s Lake District.

Learn more:

24. Still not loving nuclear waste! - Free Republic of Wendland as
    stakeholder against final deposit law
What is the difference between a political almost-all-party-consensus
and a social consensus? It's worlds between it! The German federal
government started a legislative process to store high radioactive
nuclear waste. This law won't solve any problem! What we need is a
discussion through the whole country, a new start without
determination (for example of Gorleben as site), independent science
and a commission before legislation, not afterwards.

Our role? As the very best specialists, telling the insights. Being
the best critics. Showing no-gos. And of course, organizing publicity
and collecting, connecting, raising resistance.

Please sign the petition "Nuclear waste alert"! We are looking forward
to three events: June 10th at Magdeburg: trial against 4 people who
were part of the Berlin Treck in 2009. We are escorting our comrades –
hopefully with a small & beautiful treck, starting June 8th. Mid of
May: our colleague from Tanzania, Anthony Lyamunda is visiting our
region. Anthony is active against uranium mining. Beginning of June:
our colleagues from Japan are visiting us. Tigerman (Doro-chiba
railway workers trade union) and Yosuke Oda (Nazen network against
nuclear, 700 groups) will be here for networking towards a nuke free
world, an evening event, visiting the Gorleben salt mine and meeting

For further information visit following websites:

25. "Sortir du nucléaire" launches new campaign on nuclear fuel chain
Just during the 27th Chernobyl anniversary, the French antinuclear
network "Sortir du nucléaire" launched a new national campaign on the
nuclear fuel chain.

For most people, nuclear risk means an accident at a nuclear power
plant. But very few people know about the many pollutions, risks,
waste production and dangerous nuclear material transports that happen
at each step of the nuclear chain, from uranium mining to
reprocessing. A small video describes all these steps and proposes to
act to break this nuclear chain:

Three days of action are organized at the end of April to highlight
the "uranium road", with actions near facilities in the Rhône Valley
and on the regional railways often taken by nuclear transports around
Paris. In July, an international walk against uranium and for peace
will take place in the Rhône Valley with the participation of some
Aborigines people from Australia. It will start in Narbonne, where the
yellow cake arrives and stop near all the facilities where uranium is
enriched, transformed into pellets and burned in reactors.
More information:

You can find all the information about the campaign on the website:

26. Indigenous protests against uranium mining, nuclear waste dumping
    and industrial abuse in Saskatchewan, Canada
The Jan 5th Idle No More rally in Buffalo Narrows was a powerful
introduction of INM into northern Saskatchewan. It was attended by
over 200 people of all ages, mostly Metis & First Nations. There were
several speakers addressing, besides other topics, the uranium mining
support contract between Cameco, Areva and the Community of Pinehouse,
the plans to set up a nuclear waste dump in Saskatchewan, and other
industrial abuse on First Nations' territory. The rights of our future
generations to clean water was an overall theme repeatedly emphasized
throughout this event.

How can we as people develop our self esteem and contribute to shaping
the wellbeing of our society when we're pushed back down to struggling
for out basic human right to clean water? It was postulated that the
reason government and industry are determined to keep Indigenous
peoples down is because "they are afraid of us, afraid of our
potential once we reach our self-actualization". The rights of the
people to self-determination, and to stop industry and government's
suppression of that right is what Idle No More is attempting to

The rally moved outdoors for a peaceful march through Buffalo Narrows,
including many vehicles carrying Elders who wanted to participate but
could not walk. A megaphone broadcast several voices throughout the
walk, rallying the people with cries of, "We are proud to be United!",
"We do this for our children!", and "We are Idle No More!",
progressing through every community in northern Saskatchewan. The
march concluded with a Round Dance on the highway in front of the
Lakeview Complex, once again supported by the beautiful prayer songs
of the Buffalo River Dene Drummers and Singers.

Learn more:,_nuclear_waste_dumping_and_industrial_abuse_in_Saskatchewan,_Canada

27. Ympäristöskandaali uraaninetsintäprojektissa Tansanian Bahissa
Jo yli viisi vuotta useat kansainväliset yhtiöt ovat intensiivisesti
tutkineet potentiaalisia uraanivarantoja eri puolilla Tansaniaa.
Hiljattain kaivoslupa myönnettiin Mkuju River -projektille, jonka
yhtenä osakkaana on venäläinen ARMZ-yhtiö. Tämän projektin vuoksi
maailmanperintökomitea suostui muuttamaan Unescon
maailmanperintökohteen Selousin suojelualueen rajoja. Hanke koskee
myös kosteikkoja laskujoettomassa laaksossa Bahissa Keski-Tansaniassa,
noin 50 km länteen pääkaupunki Dodomasta. Tämän muutoin kuivahkon
alueen asukkaille se on tärkeä alue riisin kasvatukseen,
kalastukseen, laidunnukseen, pienimuotoiseen suolantuotantoon jne.

Alusta saakka malmioiden kartoitusta hallittiin korkeilta
hallintotasoilta käsin, kuten kaivosministeriöstä. Asukkaita ja
heidän oikeuksiaan ei kunnioitettu. Edes yksinkertaisimpia
ympäristönsuojelutoimia, kuten tutkimuskaivantojen täyttämistä, ei
toteutettu. Tietojemme mukaan alueilla ei myöskään ollut
radioaktiivisuuden tai muiden vaarallisten aineiden kuten
raskasmetallipäästöjen seurantaa esimerkiksi Tansanian
ydinenergiakomission toimesta.

Kylän asukkaat ilmaisivat vastustuksensa
uraaninluohintasuunnitelmiin useissa kokoontumisissa ja adressein,
koska he pelkäävät luonnonvarojensa tuhoa.

Vuoden 2012 lopulla useat yhtiöt - Mantra Resources, International
Gold Mining, Tanzoz, sekä yhdysvaltalainen koekairauksiin
erikoistunut yhtiö Layne - aloittivat vastoin asukkaiden
mielipidettä intensiivisen kairausohjelman Bahi Makulun ja Illindin
kylien alueella. Bahi Makulussa hanke koski erityisesti Mashamba
Mapyan aluetta (”uusi pelto”). Alueella oli aloitettu
riisinviljely vain viisi vuotta aiemmin. 

Sen jälkeen kun sateet alkoivat joulukuussa 2012, on ilmennyt
terveysongelmien kertymistä ihmisillä, jotka käyttävät alueen vettä.

Lue lisää:,_Tanzania

28. Upcoming events
(just an extract, tell us your events for the next newsletter)
more events:

04/05/13-28/05/13: Walkatjurra Walkabout 2013 against uranium mining
                   from Yeelirree to Leonora (AUS)
29/05/13-04/06/13: 3rd International Uranium Film Festival for a
                   Global Nuclear-Free Future in Rio de Janeiro (BR)
30/05/13-01/06/13: Together against Nuclear - International Conference
                   2013 in Vienna (A)
08/06/13-15/06/13: Emergency Management Action Days (D)
from 18/06/13:     Uranium action camp in Finland near the Talvivaara
                   disaster site (FIN)
12/06/13-15/06/13: Uranium Exposium in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (CDN)
summer 2013:       Walk For A Nuclear Free Future from Minnesota to
                   Buffalo (USA)
28/06/13-30/06/13: Bike tour to Grohnde NPP (D)
03/07/13-09/07/13: "Atomic Threats In The Baltic Sea Region" project
                   meeting in Döbeln (D)
19/07/13-27/07/13: Anti-nuclear camp in the Münsterland region (D)
21/07/13-23/08/13: "Reclaim Power Tour – Energiekämpfe in Bewegung
                   bringen!" action bike tour starting in Leipzig (D)
06/08/13-09/08/13: Joint Anglo-French Fast Action Against Nuclear
                   Weapons 2013 at the Burghfield nuclear base (UK)
                   and at the Eiffel Tower in Paris (F)
31/08/13 at 11 AM: Nuclear waste conference in Kassel (D)
14/10/13-16/10/13: European Commission EURADWASTE '13 conference in
                   Vilnius (LT)
11/11/13-13/11/13: InSOTEC second Stakeholder Seminar in Berlin (D)
12/12/2013:        Global Action Day Against Nuclear Power 2013
01/08/14-01/09/14: (estimated) main hearing on the Environmental Court
                   on SKB's application to build KBS3 final nuclear
                   waste repository at District Court in Nacka (S)
2014:              Probably Castor transport of high level radioactive
                   waste from Sellafield (UK) and of intermediate
                   level radioactive waste from La Hague (F) to
                   Gorleben (D) and protests

29. About NukeNews
The NukeNews are a multilingual newsletter system of the Nuclear
Heritage Network and are supposed to reflect the activities, topics
and struggles of anti-nuclear activists connected through this
international community. The messages are written and translated by
activists, additionally to their usual anti-nuclear activities. No
one is paid for that work, as we want to provide resources like this
information system to the anti-nuclear struggle as independent as
possible. The newsletter aims to inform and update as well activists
as the interested audience.

Your contributions to the next issue of the NukeNews are welcome.
Send them via email to news AT . It
should be brief information in English of not more than one paragraph,
including a concise headline and an optional link to a webpage
providing more information. Deadline for the 10th issue of the
NukeNews will be 21st of July, 2013.

Spread the word and learn more about the NukeNews: