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A Uranium Action Day is will take place on September 20, 2008. One year after the big Uranium Conference in Germany activities are planned in many places in different countries to draw attention to the bad consequences of uranium mining and the dangers of transport of this material.

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Call for action / Aufruf zum Aktionstag / Appel

Call for action (English)

European uranium action day

20th of September everywhere

Stop nuclear waste before it is produced!

A lot of countries have uranium mines and uranium factories. For example Urenco is one of the biggest multinational companies dealing with uranium. It has uranium enrichment plants in Capenhurst (GB), Almelo (NL) and in Gronau (GER). Eurodiff, a subsidiary company of the French company Areva, runs the nuclear plant in Tricastin- Pierrelatte. The recent accident in Tricastin shows how important resistance against this inhuman politics is. A substantial amount of water contaminated with uranium (the estimates vary between 75 to 360 kilograms uranium) was spilled, which necessitated the local authorities to forbid the use of drinking water.

As another example, in the beginning of 2005 the extension of the uranium enrichment facility in Gronau was authorized in spite of ongoing protests. In the Netherlands the authorization procedure for the extension of the plant in Almelo is happening now. The facility in France is getting enlarged as well; Areva holds the patents for Urenco. In the last few years the transports of uranium hexafluoride from Gronau to Russia and from France to Gronau increasingly drew international resistance.

Uranium is needed constantly for the production of fuel elements for nuclear plants (and for nuclear weapons). That is why there are regular transports of uranium across Europe and the world. The international networking against these policies needs to be strengthened, because it entails serious dangers for humans and nature. Resistance has to start at the beginning of the nuclear spiral:

Uranium mining, processing, transports and uranium enrichment/production of fuel elements.

Th spigot must be closed now and everywhere! Get active!

What can you do?

We ask everyone to organize an action on Saturday the 20th of September. We are anti-nuclear activists and initiatives from Russia, Germany, France, Finland etc. We have decided on anti-nuclear conventions in Dortmund (GER), Helsinki (FIN) and Ahaus (GER) so that we all together will set an example against uranium mining and utilization. We provide the structure for the joint protests on September the 20th.

This is how its planned:

Every local initiative or group chooses its favourite form of protest. Whatever form you prefer, a lecture, a discussion meeting, street theatre, direct action or a press conference, a demonstration or civilian committee of inspection in your local nuclear facility. There is room for new ideas, spontaneity and fantasy.

The multiple facets of the worldwide machinations of the nuclear companies are in the focus of our joint actions: Uranium mining, transports, uranium enrichment, military use of uranium etc.

You want to join?

We want to give our protest an international dimension. To get an overview over the protests taking place, it would be great if you put your initiative / planned event in the wik or send the information to info ÄT uranium-action-day.info[1]. Please don't forget to put place, time and contact dates.

Aufruf zum Aktionstag (Deutsch)

Europäischer Uran-Aktionstag

20. September 2008 – Überall

Atommüll verhindern bevor er entsteht!

In vielen Ländern wird Uran abgebaut und sind Uranfabriken in Betrieb. Der multinationale Urenco-Konzern beispielsweise ist einer der weltweiten Uran-Akteure und betreibt Urananreicherungsanlagen (UAA) in Capenhurst (GB), Almelo (NL) und in Gronau (D). Eurodiff, eine Tochterfirma vom französischen Konzern Areva, betreibt die Atomanlage in Tricastin-Pierrelatte. Der jüngste Unfall in Tricastin zeigt wie wichtig Widerstand gegen diese menschenverachtende Politik ist. Dort sind erhebliche Mengen an uranverseuchtem Wasser (es war die Rede von 75 bis 360 Kilo Uran) in die Umwelt gelangt, woraufhin die örtlichen Behörden die Verwendung des Trinkwassers untersagten.

Anfang 2005 wurde zum Beispiel trotz Protesten der Ausbau der UAA Gronau genehmigt. In den Niederlanden läuft ein Genehmigungsverfahren zum Ausbau der UAA Almelo. In Frankreich wird ebenfalls ausgebaut, dafür übernimmt Areva die Patente von Urenco. Zunehmend gerieten in den letzten Jahren Uranhexafluoridtransporte von Gronau nach Russland, und von Frankreich nach Gronau in den Mittelpunkt der internationalen Widerstandsaktivitäten.

Uran wird ständig für die Produktion von Brennelementen für Atomkraftwerke (auch für Atomwaffen) benötigt. Urantransporte finden hierfür regelmäßig quer durch Europa und der Welt statt. Die internationale Zusammenarbeit gegen diese Politik muss weiter ausgebaut werden, denn sie bringt erhebliche Gefahren für Mensch und Natur mit sich. Der Widerstand muss am Anfang der atomaren Brennstoffspirale beginnen:

Uranabbau, Uranverarbeitung, Urantransporte und Urananreicherung/Brennelementefertigung.

Der Hahn muss jetzt und überall zugedreht werden! Werdet aktiv !

* Was tun?

Wir rufen dazu auf, am Samstag, dem 20. September 2008 aktiv zu werden. Wir, das sind anti-atom-bewegte Menschen und Initiativen aus Russland, Deutschland, Frankreich, Finnland etc., die anlässlich von internationalen Anti-Atomkonferenzen 2008 in Dortmund, Helsinki und Ahaus beschlossen haben, einen gemeinsames Zeichen gegen die mit der Uranförderung und Nutzung verbundenen Gefahren für Mensch und Natur zu setzen. Wir bieten einen Rahmen für gemeinsamen Protest am 20. September an.

Es soll wie folgt laufen:

Jede lokale Initiative oder Gruppe wählt ihre bevorzugte Protestform aus: egal ob Infoveranstaltung oder Straßentheater, ob direct action des zivilen Ungehorsams oder Pressekonferenz, ob Demonstration oder Zivilinspektion einer Atomanlage. Platz für neue Ideen, Spontaneität und Phantasie muss gegeben sein. Die zahlreichen Facetten der weltweiten Uranmachenschaften der Atomlobby sollen im Fokus der gemeinsamen Proteste stehen: Uranabbau, Atomtransporte, Anreicherung, militärische Nutzung von Uran, etc.

* Deine Initiative will mitmachen?

Wir wollen diesem Protest eine internationale Dimension geben. Damit wir eine Übersicht über geplante Protestveranstaltungen bekommen, freuen wir uns darüber wenn Du deine Initiative/Protestaktion ins Wiki ( http://uranium-action-day.info ) einträgst oder die Informationen an info ÄT uranium-action-day.info[2] verschickst. Vergiss bitte nicht, Ort, Uhrzeit und Kontaktdaten anzugeben.

Appel (Français)

Journée Européenne d'action sur le thème de l'uranium

20 Septembre 2008 – Partout

Les meilleurs déchets nucléaires sont ceux qui ne sont pas produits

Dans beaucoup de pays, on exploite des mines d'uranium et il y a des usines d'uranium en fonctionnement. La multinationale Urenco est par exemple l'un de ces promoteurs de l'exploitation de l'uranium à l'échelle mondiale. Urenco exploite une usine d'enrichissement à Capenhurst (GB), Almelo (NL) et Gronau (D). Eurodif, une filiale du groupe français Areva exploite le site de Tricastin-Pierrelatte. Le dernier accident en date au Tricastin montre combien il est important de résister à l'échelle internationale contre cette technologie inhumaine. Au Tricastin, de grosse quantités d'eau contaminées à l'uranium se sont échappées dans la nature (on pale de 75 à 360 Kilos d'uranium), ce qui a conduit les autorités à interdire l'utilisation de l'eau dans la région. Début 2005, les autorités allemande ont autorisé l'agrandissement de l'usine d'enrichissement de l'uranium de Gronau. Au Pays-Bas, une procédure pour l'agrandissement de l'usine est en cours. En France aussi on fait des travaux, Areva a même racheté les brevets d'Urenco en ce qui concerne le processus d'enrichissement. Les transports d'uranium UF6 de Gronau à destination de la Russie et de la France ont, ces dernières années, été sous le feu d'une critique toujours plus grande et sont au centre d'activités de résistance à dimension internationale.

On a besoin d'uranium pour produire des combustibles pour les centrales nucléaires (et pour faire des armes nucléaires). Les transports d'uranium ont lieu régulièrement à travers l'Europe et le monde. C'est pourquoi la coordination internationale des actions de résistance doit se poursuivre. Cette politique est dangereuse pour l'homme et la nature. Notre résistance doit commencer au début du cycle du combustible nucléaire

Exploitation de l'uranium, conversion et enrichissement, transports, fabrication de combustibles

Le robinet doit être fermé partout et tout de suite! Soyez actifs!

* Que faire?

Nous appelons à une journée de mobilisation pour le 20 Septembre 2008 Nous sommes des citoyens et organisations actives contre le nucléaire, issus de Russie, de France, d'Allemagne, de Finlande, etc. Nous avons décidé, à l'issue des conférences antinucléaires internationales de Dortmund (Allemagne), Helsinki (Finlande) et Ahaus (Allemagne) en 2007 et 2008, de nous mobiliser ensemble contre les dangers pour l'homme et la nature liés à l'exploitation et l'utilisation de l'uranium dans le monde entier. Nous offrons ainsi un cadre ouvert pour protester ensemble le 20 septembre.

Le déroulement prévu:

Chaque groupe ou initiative locale choisi elle-même son mode d'action préféré: Peu importe qu'il s'agisse d'une soirée-informations, de théâtre de rue, d'action directe de désobéissance civile, d'une conférence de presse, d'une manifestation ou encore d'une inspection civile d'installation nucléaire militaire. Il faut laisser de la place pour de nouvelles idées, de la créativité, de la spontanéité.

Les nombreux aspects des monstrueuses activités du Lobby nucléaire doivent être au centre des actions: Exploitation de l'uranium, transport nucléaires, enrichissement de l'uranium, utilisation à des fins militaires...

* Ton groupe veut participer?

Nous voulons donner une dimension internationale à cette journée de mobilisation. Afin d'avoir une bonne vue d'ensemble sur les activités prévues, nous serions contents que tu inscrives ton activité dans sur le site Wiki consacré à la mobilisation : http://uranium-action-day.info Tu peux aussi envoyer un mail à info ÄT uranium-action-day.info[1]. N'oublie pas d'indiquer le lieu, l'heure et un contact.

actions around the world


International Uranium Action Day – Saturday 20th September: Melbourne Action at the MCG for semi-final ‘no u-mining on sacred ground’. ALICE SPRINGS ANGELA PAMELA COLLECTIVE will be doing Alice style action with stall at sustainability fair. Darwin: Thursday or Friday they will do something. BHPB Melbourne Actions: Monday 20th national Water week action at BHPB office Lonsdale St.HQ. To expose the amount of water that the uranium mining uses for the process. Thursday 23rd to coincide with BHPB London AGM and first day of International Indigenous Solidarity Gathering (23rd-26th).

Czech republic

In Czech republic we are preparing the event in the north our country, close the town Straz pod Ralskem, where was a biggest uranium mine during the comunism, undergound mine but also "in-situ". Now is going on the clean up operation which cost every year huge money from our government budget.

With the increasing price of uranium grows also the interest of the reserves of the uranium in the unworked areas in this region. One of these is the deposit Osecna - Kotel, near by the village call same. The poeple in this region are realy active against the new mines and they did already many action in this issue... http://podjestedi.rajce.idnes.cz/ Actualy now are the interest for the mine, not just from our state enterprise DIAMO, but also from the Australian company Uran Limited.

On the 20. September, we are preparing event in the village Kotel (under the 1000 age linden-tree!). The local theatre ensemble will make a show with the message that the water sourses in this region are more important for the public that the uranium. Dr. Gavin Mudd from Australia will take part with his speach: http://civil.eng.monash.edu.au/about/staff/muddpersonal/

The participants will get new information about the progress situation with the plans to renewal the uranium mine in Czech republic. After meeting in Kotel will continue the event in Dutch camp in Januv Dul for refreshment, music etc.

This event is preparing by the local NGO Nase Pojdestedi, local group of the Green party and our NGO Calla which focus the uranium mine issues in Czech republic.


European Uranium Action Day Event to be held on the day before International Peace Day

Lohijärvi Sports Hall, Ylitornio

Sept 20, 2008 between 3 - 6 pm
Transportation from Kemi bus station at 1 pm by bus - the route Kemi-Tornio-Ylitornio, Alkkula - Lohijärvi

The French-owned company Areva Resources Finland Ltd applied for a claim to mine uranium in the municipality of Ylitornio in south-western Lapland Province, the deposit is situated in the location called Rumavuoma, on the border area between Ylitornio municipality and Rovaniemi, the capital of the province of Lapland

Lapland Peace Committee (is a regional association of Finland's Peace Committee - Suomen Rauhanpuolustajat)

Contact for more information:
Ms. Tuula Sykkö, tuulasykko ÄT hotmail.com[1], 358 40 593 9680
Street address: Oklaholmankatu 29, 94700 KEMI, FINLAND


Maybe an action in Paris by AREVA-Headquater. To be confirmed by French activist.


20.9., at 12:00, we plan an action by the german-dutch border near Gronau for uranium action day. In Netherland some people plan actions in front of banks.
German Call for Action (PDF)

20th of september: from 10 a.m till 2 p.m. : Information table in the Bäcker Strasse
On Thursday bevor (18th): information evening about radioactive waste in Gorleben an Schacht Konrad

20. September, 10 bis 14 Uhr: Infostand u.a. mit Infos zum thema Uran in der Innenstadt (Bäcker Strasse)
18. September: Infoveranstaltung über die Endlagerstandorte (Ende der Atomspirale..) Gorleben und Schacht Konrad im Infocafé Anna und Arthur

Infos: http://www.ligatomanlagen.de/ oder liga-tom(at)gmx.de

10 a.m. Lüchow market place, information and cinema all around uranium. films will be shown from the mobilizing music fight trailer.

10 Uhr Marktplatz Lüchow, Informationsstand und Kino rund um Uran. Der Mobilisierende Musik Kampf Wagen (MMKW) zeigt Filme.

7 p.m. Dannenberg, Hotel Alte Post, lecture about uranium given by Peter Diehl

19 Uhr Dannenberg, Hotel Alte Post

-Vom Uranabbau zur Brennelementfertigung-
Referent Peter Diehl vom World Information Service on Energy (WISE) berichtet in einem Bildervortrag über die Folgen der Verseuchung von Mensch, Tier und Umwelt.

Bürgerinitiative Umweltschutz Lüchow-Dannenberg e.V.


It's really great to have this initiative, Uranium-Action-Day can help the otherwise isolated anti-nuclear groups all-around Europe.

We in Bátaszék(Hungary) recently are seriously endangered by a uranium mining company (WildHorse Energy ) that intend to open an ISL-mine close to our town. Unfortunatelly they found the way to the local authorities, who only see the financial side of it. Our town is hit not only directly by the nuclear industry itself but also by it's nuclear propaganda. Therefore our group tries to balance that propaganda and at the end make the local authorities hold local referendum.

In Hungary we organized several programs for the Uranium-Action-Day.

In Bátaszék there will be a little „protest festival" (A mi napunk=Our day), with many programs. It's pourpose is to draw people's attention to the hazards of having a uranium mine around us.

The brief list of the programs:

  • Greenpeace roadshow about „renewable energy resources.
  • An exhibition about the effects on environment of the Straz (Czeh Republik) uranium mine. (ENERGIA KLUB)
  • „Information tent" , that is a service of a local association (Élhető Bátaszékért Egyesület). Their pourpose is to help the people know more of the potential dangers of uranium mining.
  • A conference about the uranium mining and its impact on environment, health and tourism. The participants are the mayors of the towns and villages, that are close to the site of the mine, local civil organizations, Greenpeace, Energia Klub, and a lot of experts from different fields of related sciences.
  • Others, e.g. rock bands, karaoke, competitions, many more

In town Pécs in the Jókai Square there will be a protest against nuclear industry. Several activist will call the media and the by-passing people's attention on the problems of nuclear industry and other local environmental issues.


Several portuguese NGO will organize a visit and debate regarding the problems of uranium minning in the central region of the country (a region where for many years uranium minning existed).

  • Organizations involved:
    • Quercus - Associação Nacional de Conservação da Natureza,
    • Nisa.com - Associação de Comércio de Nisa,
    • ADN - Associação de Desenvolvimento de Nisa,
    • Terra - Associação para o Desenvolvimento Rural,
    • MUNN - Movimento Urânio em Nisa, Não!,
    • AZU - Associação Ambiente em Zonas Uraníferas,
    • Comissão de ex-trabalhadores da Empresa Nacional de Urânio.
  • Action: National journey against uranium minning
  • Location: Urgeiriça
  • Program:
    • 9.30h - Visit to old mines Cunha Baixa, Qta do Bispo e Urgeiriça;
    • 14:30h - Meeting between all organizations - common position;
    • 16:00 - Press conference (Casa do Pesoal da ENU - Urgeiriça).
  • Contact: Nuno Sequeira - +351 96 010 70 80 - E-mail: portalegre ÄT quercus.pt[1]


Discussion round table at Novotel hotel (hall: StPeterbsurg/Paris) in St Petersburg (m.Pl.Vosstaniya), 19 september, 12:00
Also action on Saturday, 20 september 13:00 in Avtovo, near the railway from St Petersburg port.
Contact: info ÄT bellona.ru[1], +7 921 995 61 18, Rashid Alimov

English translation will be available soon


News from Per Hegelund, Kontakt him, if you are planing an action in Sweden: valiantdk ÄT yahoo.com[1]

As it happens, I'm coordinating the Swedish Antinuclear Mo9vements participation and activities in the upcoming European Social Forum 16-21 of September - so we really should do something during this international Forum in Southern Sweden, in the city of Malmö. It really is a great event with 300 different cultural activities and 250 different seminars and workshop - maybe some of you in Germany should come up for this? Malmö is quite close to Germany (and I live in Copenhagen, right across the bridge). As you can understand - I'm personally mostly concerned with anti-nuclear issues, but actually these are only a small part of the full scope of activities during ESF. I made a list of anti-nuclear events during the forum last night - and today I received a similar list from Swedish Friends of the Earth (from Tord Björk, maybe you know him?). I'll attach both, maybe they can be of some use for you... Let me know if I can help in any way.

Your you can place information about actions/activities/events of yours in your region. Please tell theme, place, time and all further information you would like to publish for others to read here. Later you can put here articles, pictures and other material about your activities here, too. To do this you only have to register and login, then you are allowed to edit this page.


background information

För information på svenka om uranbrytning i Sverige se http://www.nejtilluranbrytning.nu/

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