Campaign:International Anti-nuclear Gathering (Youth Exchange)

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This is the complete text we sent to apply for the network gathering in summer 2012 planned to take place from July 29, 2012 to August 3rd, 2012 in Döbeln, Germany.

We won't publish the personal details of the applicants, partner groups, bank accounts and the sums of the grant on the webpage for data protection reasons.

Application: International Anti-nuclear Gathering 2012

Application for: Action 1 - Youth for Europe. 1.1 - Youth Exchange (Version of the application form valid as of 1 January 2012)

Part I. Project identification and summary

Name of the applicant
  • Greenkids e.V.

Title of the project
  • International Anti-nuclear Gathering

Type of Activity

This project is a Youth Exchange of the following type:

  • multilateral (at least 4 promoters from different countries)

The applicant is:

  • a promoter based in a Programme Country

Duration of the project

Start date of the project: (date when the first costs incur)

  • 01.05.12

End date of the project: (date when the last costs incur)

  • 30.11.12

The Activity starts:

  • 29.07.12

The Activity ends:

  • 03.08.12

Total duration of the Activity (in days), excluding travel days:

  • 6


  • Döbeln

Relevance to the general objectives of the Youth in Action Programme

The project:

  • promotes young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular;
  • develops solidarity and promote tolerance among young people, in particular in order to foster social cohesion in the European Union;
  • fosters mutual understanding between young people in different countries;
  • promotes European cooperation in the youth field.

Relevance to the priorities of the Youth in Action Programme

Permanent thematic priorities:

  • European Citizenship
  • Participation of young people
  • Cultural diversity
  • Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities

Annual priorities:

  • Youth unemployment
  • Global challenges and climate change

National priorities:

    • Inclusion of disadvantaged people in sense of § 13 SGB VIII
    • The youth exchange is integrated locally in the daily work of and with young people and/or will have impacts to the local environment of the youth exchange. The project and the results will be made visible and will effect follow-ups

Please explain here how the applied measure will foster the realization of the selected priorities:

The European Citizenship provides possibilities and rights to impact the decision making process of the European societies. Our project will gather concerned young people, help them to exchange their experiences with each other and to develop cooperation activities to raise the puclic awareness of the atomic risks, and to have an impact on the political decisions regarding the use of nuclear power. The International Anti-nuclear Gathering will help the young participants to understand their possibilities as European citizens and to act together to deal with the global ecological and human threats of atomic power.

The young people involved to the International Anti-nuclear Gathering will take part in the decision making and development of the project from the first moment when they join it. We will promote the gathering as early as possible to give people a chance to join the process from the very beginning. We will provide an email mailing list, Skype conferences and meetings in the non-virtual world to prepare the gathering, to discuss issues and to make decisions for the project together on an emancipated base.

In the presentations of the situation in their regions, but also in informal talks and as a result of the personal exchange in process of workshops and in the preparation of the activities of the International Anti-nuclear Gathering, the young participants will share their cultural diversity with each other. People will tell about their individual experiences, the political and cultural context in their societies and about challenges they are faced at home.

The International Anti-nuclear Gathering will take place in Döbeln, Middle Saxony, in a rural area. The local promoter Greenkids established a project house their and is currently developing cooperations and projects with local organizations and young people. The gathering will involve residents and give young people the chance to learn about other cultures, provide them possibilities to take part in the society and to make friends with participants from other countries to stay in touch with them in future. The project will have a positive impact of the charitable work of Greenkids in the region, and it will provide a new field of activities to the local networks.

Follow-up projects are proposed to be developed between local people and organizations and the international participants of the International Anti-nuclear Gathering. The gathering as well as the results and the follow-up projects will be promoted in local media and to young people through flyers, postcards and posters. We will also establish contacts to local organizations to motivate them to take part in the events.

As some of the organizers of the event as activists of Greenkids and other partner groups are unemployed or are faced to disadvantages caused by school dropout, this project offers them a possibility to take part in social activities, to develop their personality and skills to increase their future chances in life. Due to this experience we also encourage our partner groups to particularly invite disadvantaged young people to take the chance of this project, and we will figure out specific challenges of these people to join the gathering and develop solutions to give them the same chances as any other regular participant of the event.

Main themes for the Activity
  • European awareness
  • Environment

Summary of the project

In the shadow of the horrible Fukushima disaster started on March 11, 2011, we invite young concerned and dedicated people from several European countries to discuss the impacts of the atomic catastrophe, anti-nuclear activities going on in their regions and to plan common projects to raise awareness of atomic risks. The International Anti-nuclear Gathering will take place for six days in Döbeln, Saxony, and bring together approximately 40 young people from Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia and Sweden.

The International Anti-nuclear Gathering will consist of presentations, workshops, discussions, public events, street action and an excursion to an energy facility nearby. We want to address the threats of atomic power, exchange experiences and knowledge about the challenges in our regions and strengthen the networks of young people engaging in the energy field to understand their possibilities as European citizens and to take a stance.

Composition of the partnership
  • Sonne + Freiheit - Austria
  • Turva - Finland
  • Réseau Sortir du Nucléaire - France
  • Greenkids e.V. - Germany
  • - Lithuania
  • WISE - Netherlands
  • GAIA - Portugal
  • EKO-UNIA - Poland
  • Association of ecological movements of Slovenia - Slovenia
  • Milkas - Sweden

Total number of partner organizations/groups: 10

Part II. Applicant

A Information on the applicant

more information in the application form only

B Profile of the applicant
  • type and status: charity / Nongovernmental Organization
  • level of activity: local | regional | national | European/international

Please describe your organization/group briefly (activities, membership in associations, etc.), and provide information about your capacities and your motivation to become active in the field of your project.
Greenkids e.V. is an independent youth environmental organization, founded in the middle of the 1990ies. Greenkids works in the fields of nature and environment protection, and organized several successful campaigns, e.g. on the history of the nuclear waste final repository Morsleben and on environmental and other impacts the tobacco industry causes. During the last five years Greenkids focused more and more on international activities and was coordinating the international "Nuclear Heritage Network" and organized the anti-nuclear "Baltic Sea Info Tour 2010". Since 2010, Greenkids developes a project house in the region of "Mittelsachsen". For this reason, Greenkids aims with the selection of Döbeln as the location of the International Gathering to involve the new young local volunteers and interested people in their activities and to raise the awareness on nuclear issues in the area as well as to increase the publicity of Greenkids and their activities locally.

Greenkids will be the coordinating organization of the International Anti-nuclear Gathering. They will also bring in their experience with organizing international activities and the financial administration of projects of this size into the partnership. Greenkids will take over the formal responsibility for this application for the partnership of organizers of the International Anti-nuclear Gathering.

Greenkids e.V. and many of their partners are experienced in the field of international projects and cooperations since the second half of the last decade organizing and arranging international events (e.g. the "Nuclear Climate Camp" in Lapland in 2009, Greenkids was a promoter, YOUTH IN ACTION granted this project), youth exchanges (e.g. the "Baltic Sea Info Tour" around the Baltic Sea in 2010, Greenkids was the coordinator and applicant, YOUTH IN ACTION granted this project), youth initiatives (e.g. the campaign "Europe's Nuclear Heritage" in 2006, 2007 and 2008, Greenkids was the applicant during the first years of the project, YOUTH FOR EUROPE and YOUTH IN ACTION granted the project) and advanced planning visits (e.g. the network meeting in France 2006, Greenkids was a promoter, YOUTH FOR EUROPE granted this project).

Besides these projects, Greenkids was involved or partner in organizing international conferences on the field of nuclear power in Budweis 2011, in Helsinki 2010, in Ljubljana 2009 and in Frankfurt/Main 2008. The project coordinator Falk Beyer and his colleagues from other promoters of this projects also organized additional international events and activities particularly in Finland, Lithuania and Belarus during the last two years. They are involved in a wide informal network of concerned and active citizens on the field of environmental issues, while the Nuclear Heritage Network concentrates these activities and networks in the field of atomic power.

Did your organization/group received EU grants formerly already?

  • yes, please declare what fundings you received or applied for during the last financial year: Youth Exchange: Baltic Sea Info Tour

Part III. Partner promoter(s)

information in the application form only

Part IV. Participants in the project

information in the application form only (Basically we say that from each promoter four young people in the age between 18 and 25 and two "group leaders" of any age will be sent. The age of the young participants is a bit flexible - it couls also be young up to 13, or in exceptional cases up to 30. The gender of participants as well as of "group leaders" have to be balanced.)

  • number of participants: 40
  • number of group leaders: 20
  • total number: 60

Part V. Project description

Objectives and priorities

About one month before the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophe, four atomic reactors in the high technology country Japan exploded within a couple of days at Fukushima. The disaster stressed the fact that even accidents with low probability do occur. The series of explosions at the Fukushima Daiichi site showed in a spine-chilling way that it was not just for chance that one reactor had blown up, but that the constellation of incidents having an impact on the safety situation at the atomic power plant logically resulted into the catastrophe.

In Germany, Switzerland and a few other European countries this disaster lead to a nuclear phase-out policy with moretheless long remaining operation years for the existing nuclear power plants. So-called stress tests showed that none of the atomic plants checked would have been fine under the conditions of the catastrophe in Japan. However, without the European citizens to put pressure on national and European decision makers, the necessary consequences will probably not been taken. Non-governmental organizations from all-over Europe and the world are making an effort to raise the public's awareness and attention on the nuclear decisions made now.At the same time, the disaster had low impact on the policy of the governments of Poland, Lithuania and the Czech Republic as well as the Finnish government. They affirmed their atomic policies and announced additional nuclear developments.

The Fukushima disaster is still going on. News from Japan come sparsely as the Fukushima operator TEPCO as well as the Japanese authorities reveal the facts of the real impacts of the catastrophe. A couple of months ago the operator and authorities in Japan still confirmed an ongoing nuclear meltdown. Rumors of an end of the melting process haven't been confirmed yet. Thus, the catastrophe in still going on. Anyway, the radiation released within the nuclear site will reach the environment step by step even for the next years as it is impossible to totally enclose all contaminated materials. People in Europe will have to deal with the challenge of polluted food and goods imports as well as with the fallout's impact on local food production and neighbourhoods.

Besides the high topical context of the Fukushima disaster and its health as well as political consequences on citizens and communities in the European Union, the scheduled development of the EU nuclear waste (EURADWASTE) policy is an important factor for the motivation to this project. After a process of opinion survey during the last years, the Union terminated the future nuclear waste policy for Europe. It will be possible to store atomic waste from other countries in national final repositories, meaning a certain risk of abuse by those countries not willing to care themselves for the hazardous waste produced in their industries.

The idea to organize this big international youth exchange came up almost a year ago, when an international network meeting was organized in the Czech republic gathering people from several countries to learn about the nuclear struggle in the country and to meet with renewable and anti-nuclear organizers from Czech Republic and from Austria. In Döbeln we want to prepare a well-organized youth exchange to bring together young people from some European countries. We want to exchange knowledge about the atomic policies and developments in their regions, talk about our Citizenship and possibilities to make an impact and to plan activities to raise the awareness for the nuclear threats.

We want to learn about the global impacts of the nuclear industry and about the activities of young people in this field. We want to get to know new people, exchange experiences and also understand their cultural differences. In many European countries the way to reach the public and to interact with media, society and politicians is quite different. Talking with each other and organizing workshops and activities together will foster our mutual understanding of each other and of our differences. At the same time we want to support each other in our local struggles as many people have very different skills and experiences benefitting other people. We want to develope solidarity with each other and with the local communities affected by nuclear threats.

We also want to improve our connections to each other as organizations working in the youth field, strengthen the networks of engaged people critical towards the usage of nuclear power, start new cooperations and plan common activities together. Some of the participants met each other already in the past in public events, but we want this project also to emphasize the importance of transnational thinking and realizing these ideas when we strengthen European cooperation of young people in this field.

The International Anti-nuclear Gathering will be organized by young people on a par with each other. Everyone will be able to participate in the planning, preparation and realization of the project. We will try to come in contact with the participants of the youth exchange as early as possible to involve them in the process of organizing the event. Everyone will have the same rights in the decision making on programme, activities and organizing. Some of the young people involved to the preparation of the project cancelled their school education or are faced to unemployment. We will make possible their emancipated participation in the process despite their educational disadvantages and economical difficulties. We expect and actively invite further young unemployed persons as well as young people with school dropout background.

Partnership, theme and activities

We made contact with the Austrian organization “Sonne + Freiheit” at our very first international network meeting in Bure in 2008. Since that time we organized international meetings in Ljubljana (SLO) and Budweis (CZ).

Turva“ is the new name of the Finnish group “Youth for a Nuclear Free Finland (YNUFF)”, which was our partner group in projects during the last years, e.g. in the Baltic Sea Info Tour, the Nuclear Climate Camp in Lapland or the network meeting in Helsinki 2010. We will cooperate with them in this project again, and we will provide a coach to a possible follow-up project for the participants of the youth exchange in Finland, a protest camp taking place directly after our gathering.

Similar to our Austrian partner group, we had first personal contacts to the French anti-nuclear association “Réseau Sortir du Nucléaire” within our first network meeting in Bure 2008. Afterwards we met again in several events and were in close contact regarding several activities. The International Anti-nuclear Gathering will be the first official cooperation project between Greenkids and Réseau Sortir du Nucléaire.

We are in contact with “WISE” since many years. As promoters of the Nuclear Climate Camp 2009 in Lapland we were both cooperation partners. We were involved to several international events during the last couple of years. The International Anti-nuclear Gathering will be the first project with Greenkids e.V. as the coordinator and WISE as a promoter.

In connection with the Baltic Sea Info Tour we also met the Polish environmental NGO “EKO-UNIA”. They helped very much to get connected to several other Polish groups and establish good cooperations to activists there.

We had contact with people of the Portuguese “GAIA” NGO since a while, and members of their organization participated in events organized by Greenkids. This youth exchange will be the first big cooperation project together.

At the Baltic Sea Info Tour we also made contacts to Lithuanian activists; in December 2011 we took part in the preparation of an international conference in Vilnius. In the process of preparation of this application we asked our friends in Lithuania for their interest in participating in the International Anti-nuclear Gathering and got to know "". It will be our first cooperation project with each other.

Last year we met XXX (name decrypted in the application form only) from the NGO “Association of ecological movements of Slovenia” in a network meeting organized together with “Sonne + Freiheit” in the Czech Republic. Afterwards we started a process to raise the international public awareness of the nuclear developments in Slovenia. The International Anti-nuclear Gathering will be a good chance to strenghten the connections to Slovenian people on the energy field.

With “Milkas“ we cooperated already in the Baltic Sea Info Tour and participated together in several international events. With this project we will strengthen the cooperation between each other.

All promoters will be involved to the whole process of preparation of the youth exchange. We will use an email listserve to communicate, arrange Skype conferences from time to time to discuss certain tasks and arrange an Advance Planning Visit to meet in person with representatives of the partner groups. All people taking part in this process will be emancipated, having equal rights in decision making and to make proposals for changes of the concept and programme. We will share tasks between groups and people on a voluntary basis. During the youth exchange everyone will have the possibility to have some influence on the process, methods and programme. Afterwards, during the evaluation and valorization phase we will continue this concept and aim also to keep all participants, even those who maybe only joined the youth exchange on short notice, involved to the joint project process.

The main topic of the youth exchange is the global impact of nuclear power to humans and environment, and the influence everyone has as European citizen. We will inform about challenges connected to the use of atomic energy including uranium mining, risks of accidents and incidents, impacts of the regular radiation released by the reactors and the disposal of the long-term hazardous nuclear waste. Active people from the countries represented in the gathering will give presentations about the nuclear policies and developments in their regions. The partner organizations will give an overview of their projects and of the way they work. Eventually, we will figure out cooperation projects we want to develop with each other and work on these topics together in workshops. An excursion will give us an idea of the impacts of uranium mining in the former GDR or in the Czech Republic (this is a practical question to be decided later on, whether to visit the former WISMUT area or to have an excursion to the former mining area in the Czech Republic close to the German border). Some of our events will be public, we will invite residents, media and local NGOs to join them and to learn about atomic developments in other countries.

Organizing cooperation projects together in the gathering’s workshop will show possibilities and the importance of the European Citizenship to our participants. We will inform about human rights, methods of participation, campaigning strategies and project management to empower the young participants to act selfconfident and in cooperation with their friends at home and international on the topics that are important for them.

While the presentations of the situation at home in their regions will be prepared by the participants on an emancipated basis together with their local promoters before the start of the youth exchange, new projects – e.g. public actions, flyers, events or media – will be developed in working groups of participants with mixed origins. Some of these follow-up projects will be presented to the public at the end of the International Anti-nuclear Gathering.

The preparation phase of the project starts on May 1. For that point of time, the email listserve will be prepared and all partner groups with their representatives as well as the interested people will be included to this mailing list to discuss, develop and decide during the process of organizing the International Anti-nuclear Gathering. We will promote the youth exchange, and invite all interested people to join the preparation process, too. Those interested will be added to the listserve and involved to the decision making.

We will organize and produce promotion materials like posters, flyers, email invitation and also use the websites of our promoters, Facebook and listserves of our networks. We will prepare our Advance Planning Visit, clarify topics to be discussed in detail and figure out how to involve those interested co-organizers who can’t come in person (due to the limited travel costs refunding) to our discussions (e.g. by daily Skype conferences during the Advance Planning Visit). Another task to be worked on from the very beginning is to clarify the programme in detail, organize the presentations and workshops including methods to be used and practical arrangements. There will be working groups for each task like particular workshops or the proposed excursion. A booklet is supposed to inform the participants beforehand about the preliminary programme, and give an introduction to the promoters involved and summaries of the proposed presentations/workshops.

The Advance Planning Visit will take place in the middle of the preparation phase, and give us a chance to clarify specific challenges of preparation in person, get an impression of the proposed venue and set up an update of the state of preparation as well as a timeline of open tasks and responsibilities.

We will motivate interested people as early as possible in our promotion of the event as well as in our personal communication with them to join the preparation process to have an impact on the programme and methods, and to take the chance of an emancipated participation in the whole project.

The International Anti-nuclear Gathering will consist of a set of different formats: Presentations by the participants and promoters will inform about the atomic policy and developments in the countries of our participants, giving also an overview of the societies and the anti-nuclear movements. These presentations are the basis of understanding between the participants from different countries and cultures. We will publicly invite to attend these presentations, so that local residents also benefit from the gathering and have a chance to learn about the situation and culture in other European countries.

There will be a day excursion to a former uranium mine in distance of a couple of hours close to the German-Czech border or at the former WISMUT area. The participants will get an impression of the size of destruction and learn about the challenges regarding stockpiles of radioactive waste uranium, tailings and Radon releases caused by the mining.This excursion will be organized in cooperation with locally active NGOs struggling with the negative impacts of the uranium mining to get a guided tour and a lecture on the mine provided.

Every day we will have feedback and reflection circles to find out about the actual conditions, needs and wishes for the process of the participants. This is an important method to stay in communication about the programme to make it possible to respond to the needs of the young participants and to realize a really emancipated process with each other.

In brainstormings we will gather planned projects, events and activities and invent new ones. We will figure out what topics are most interesting for the participants and create working groups to focus on the discussion and development of these project ideas. In workshops some follow-ups projects will be prepared for future joint activities. At the end of the International Anti-nuclear Gathering we will present a couple of these proposed projects to the public.

Some meta workshops will cover topics important for international networking, project management and fundraising. We will propose topics in the preliminary programme in this application, but the final topics will be decided by the participants on an emancipated basis during the preparation phase of the youth exchange.

We will exchange contact details of each other to stay in touch, make agreements about the continuation of follow-up projects, and set up a timeline and clarify responsibilities for the evaluation and valorization phase of the project. This will start in a big group, and will be continued in an “open space” method to be concluded at the end again in a big group plenum to summarize the results.

At the end a reflection workshop will gather the spontaneous impressions and conclusions of the participants regarding the youth exchange. We will start with “flashlight” circles to get direct impressions, a brainstorming of topics/questions to be talked about more detailed, and smaller groups discussing these particular themes.

The evaluation phase starts with the reflection workshop at the end of the International Anti-nuclear Gathering. The responsibilities for the continuation of this process will have been decided in this workshop, and afterwards the responsible people will write the minutes and do the preparing of texts, photos and material collections to be presented to the participants. Following the provision of this material, the young participants will process them in working groups formed in the youth exchange on a voluntary basis to be published on our website, and partly to be sent out to media and our networks locally and internationally. The end of this phase is supposed to be at the end of September.

During the International Anti-nuclear Gathering the valorization phase already starts with workshops to form working groups and to clarify details of the supposed valorization product. For this issue the brainstormings and workshops of the gathering will be used. Timelines and separation of tasks and responsibilities will be carried out at the end of the youth exchange.

The main valorization will take part after the evaluation phase in October and November. We will work on the material created in the evaluation, edit it and produce our valorization product. It will be published on our website, to the media and to our networks via email and directly at the end of November.

We will rent or lend a car to be able to transport the participants from the railway station to the venue and back, and also to be flexible to get food and other supplies from the town to the venue of the International Anti-nuclear Gathering. For the transport of participants to the excursion we will probably lend cars from local people and organizations for one day. In case there should be good railway connections, we would prefer them. But the experience we made so far is that we will need individual cars for this excursion.

The food will be organized from local farmers, organic shops and we will also ask organic companies for food donations for the International Anti-nuclear Gathering. Beforehand, we will order certain food supplies from an organic distributor – e.g. dry supplies and canned products. A part of the vegetables and fruits will be provided by the ecological gardening project of Greenkids in Döbeln. A part of the food will be prepared and served in an outdoor kitchen we will construct for the gathering at the camp site that we will use. Two additional indoor kitchens can be used if special equipment should be necessary or if the weather should be too bad.

Food will be prepared and cooked by the participants in small groups shifting with each meal. One person will volunteer for the coordination of cooking all the time; the shifting groups will be built by all people involved to the gathering on a voluntary basis. However, it will be made clear that everyone’s participation in the cooking or dish washing is expected to make the youth exchange work in an emancipated way.

The accommodation will basically be take place in tents to be brought by the participants themselves, and in a few big tents as well as smaller tents provided by Greenkids and local cooperation partners. Two big tents are provided for workshops and meetings, while small groups and small workshops also will take place outside in the camp area. A big seminar room will additionally be provided as well as other indoor meeting possibilities in case of a bad weather situation. There will be accommodation possibilities also indoor at the place for participants who can’t sleep in tents or who prefer to sleep indoor for some reasons. Bathrooms and toilets will be provided by the seminar house, too. Participants will have to bring foam mattresses and sleeping backs to the youth exchange themselves. A few of these can be provided by us in case someone forgot it or couldn’t bring them themselves.

In the booklet that we will prepare for the International Anti-nuclear Gathering, we will also give travel instructions for the participants. We will inform about the arrival by train and by car, make recommendations for means of transport and demand to announce their arrival time at the railway station to get picked up there by shuttle transport to be organized by us. In this booklet we will also provide maps and timetables of the local public transport.

We will provide a landline and a mobile phone number to the participants which will be available 24 hours a day starting a couple of days before the beginning of the youth exchange until two days after the departure of the participants. Thus, the young people can call us, if they have urgent questions or problems with their travel connections, and they can also reach us in emergency cases.

Timetable of the youth exchange:
(this is a preliminary programme; we intend to update methods and details of the programme to adapt it with the wishes of the participants in the preparation phase and Advance Planning Visit; thus, the programme will be changed in details before the youth exchange starts)

July 28: Arrival Day
(participants will be picked up from the railway station and get introductions to the camp ground and seminar house in small groups; they can set up their tents and get to know each other in talks at the campfire or indoor)
8 PM: Dinner

- 1st overnight stay -

July 29: Preparation Day
9 AM: Breakfast

10 AM: Introduction of the youth exchange

10.30 AM: Presentation of the promoters of the gathering

  • - 10 minutes for the presentation of each organization

12 PM: Introduction of the participants

  • big circle of all participants: everyone tells their names, regions and another important fact they want to add about themthelves
  • “whisper rounds”: several phases of very small group talks (up to four people each group) to exchange expectations, wishes, needs and ideas for the youth exchange with each other within only five minutes; people make notes in their talking groups and bring up ideas of other people in the next rounds again; after several rounds most participants will have talked to each other or indirectly heard about other participants thoughts

2 PM: Lunch break

4 PM: Practical preparation work

  • together we will set up the workshop tents and some outdoor equipment for the next days

7 PM: Introduction of the preliminary programme

  • possibility to adapt the programme to the wishes and ideas of the participants

8 PM: Dinner

10 PM: Movie evening (e.g. “Under the Surface” – Sweden)

  • the films mentioned in the preliminary programme are proposals; the final decision which ones will be shown will be made during the preparation phase
  • documentary about a current attempt to set up a uranium mine on the Saami territory in Sweden; it was produced by our partner organization Milkas

- 2nd overnight stay -

July 30: The atomic situation in selected regions of Europe
9 AM: Breakfast

10 AM: Morning circle

  • “flash light”: 1 minute for everyone to express current mood, needs and wishes for the day
  • brief introduction and update of the day’s programme

11 AM: Presentation and workshop on emancipated group process and decision making

  • the youth exchange is supposed to take part in a fair and emancipated way; the introduction will explain the motivation and methods for the realization
  • some methods will be practised in smaller groups or in the big group to feel more confident

1 PM: Specific meta workshop (e.g. working with media)

  • the specific meta workshops mentioned in the preliminary programme are proposals; the final decision which workshops will be shown will be made during the preparation phase
  • the media workshop introduces press relations work, investigation of information using the internet, editing internet webpages and the design of print media like flyers or posters

2 PM: Lunch break

4 PM: The atomic situation in Austria

  • the presentations of the atomic situations in the participants’ countries will be prepared on a voluntary basis by the promoters together with their local participants befor the youth exchange
  • the presentations cover information about the current nuclear developments, atomic policies, the movements and their activities as well as the society, culture and specific challenges in the region

5 PM: The atomic situation in Finland

6 PM: The atomic situation in France

7 PM: The atomic situation in Germany

8 PM: Dinner

10 PM: Movie evening (e.g. “Into Eternity” - Finland)

  • this documentary is discussing the challenges of final disposal of the long-term radioactive waste of the nuclear industry on the example of the supposed repository “Onkalo” in Finland

- 3rd overnight stay -

July 31: The atomic situation in selected regions of Europe
9 AM: Breakfast

10 AM: Morning circle

11 AM: Specific meta workshop (e.g. fundraising)

  • the fundraising workshop will outline the challenges of financing project; it will give a general introduction to the topic, provide an overview of European funding programmes and specific national or regional funds and initiate an exchange of experiences of the persons gathered in this youth exchange

12 PM: The atomic situation in Lithuania

1 PM: The atomic situation in the Netherlands

2 PM: Lunch break

4 PM: The atomic situation in Poland

5 PM: The atomic situation in Portugal

6 PM: The atomic situation in Slovenia

7 PM: The atomic situation in Sweden

8 PM:Dinner

10 PM: Movie evening (e.g. “Deadly Cargo” – United Kingdom)

  • this documentary covers the transport of nuclear weapons in the UK and protests of citizens against it

- 4th overnight stay -

August 1: Excursion Day
9 AM: Breakfast

10 AM: Morning circle

11 AM: Excursion to a former uranium mine

  • packed lunch will be taken to the excursion
  • we will meet local organizations working in the field of uranium mining, they will provide us a guided tour and a presentation of the history, closure and challenges of the mine
  • the decision whether it will be an excursion to the WISMUT mining area or to the former Czech uranium mine close to the German border will be made during the preparation phase

7 PM: Evaluation of the excursion

  • exchange of impressions, discussion of conclusions

8 PM: Dinner

10 PM: Movie evening (e.g. „The Tenth Castor Transport to Gorleben“ – Germany)

  • documentation about the protests against nuclear waste transports in Germany

- 5th overnight stay -

August 2: Projects and Networking Day
9 AM: Breakfast

10 AM: Morning circle

11 AM: Specific meta workshop (e.g. project management)

  • the workshop introduces methods and technologies of project management for local and international activities

1 PM: Project brainstorming

  • brainstorming of planned projects, events and activities as well as of ideas for new follow-up activities; selection of those topics to be worked on in smaller groups later on

2 PM: Lunch break

4 PM: Working groups on common projects and follow-ups

  • these projects include networking activities to strengthen connections within our network, international events, publications or campaigns; some of them are supposed to be follow-up projects of this project
  • some working groups will take place at once, some will take place successively (depending on the number of selected topics/projects and on the participants who want to join several of these working groups)

8 PM: Dinner

10 PM: Movie evening (e.g. „Pieces a conviction” – France)

  • the documentary informs about French uranium waste used for street construction

- 6th overnight stay -

August 3: Evaluation and Conclusions Day
9 AM: Breakfast

10 AM: Morning circle

11 AM: Specific meta workshop (e.g. dealing with burnout challenges)

  • burnout is a threat and experience many active people are faced to, and it can have serious consequences for them; as responsible organizers we want to address this topic, exchange experiences, and discuss solutions to prevent burnout situationss

2 PM: Lunch break

  • some participants will present planned follow-up projects as part of a media conference at the same time

4 PM: Exchange of contacts, last appointments

  • we will provide participants the possibility to exchange contact data with each other to stay in touch for specific follow-up projects or for personal connections
  • brainstorming of open tasks to be discussed in the big group (e.g. for evaluation and valorization, but also regarding follow-up projects)
  • discussion and agreements for the continuation of work in smaller groups using the “open space” method
  • presentation of the results (timelines for the follow-up projects, evaluation and valorization) as well as the responsibilities for tasks in the plenum

6.30 PM: Reflection and feedback

  • flashlight circle: everyone can give a brief feedback (1 minute each)
  • brainstorming of topics to be discussed or analyzed deeper in working groups

8.00 PM: Dinner

9 PM: continuation of evaluation

  • working groups on these selected topics at once, and documentation of results for the whole group

11 PM: end of programme

- 7th overnight stay -

<u<August 4: Departure Day
9 AM: Breakfast

departure of the participants; departure of the coach to Finland for those who want to join the possible follow-up camp there starting around August 6

Protection and safety

In the preparation phase, particularly at the Advance Planning visit, we will discuss possible risks for the participants and measures to reduced or prevent these threats. At the beginning of the youth exchange, when the participants arrive and in the introduction we will instruct them about safety measures like telling what to do in case of fire and where first aid box or hand-held extinguishers can be found.

We will have a emergency phone number for participants they can call 24 hours a day. A German organizer will maintain this phone and help with advise or alarm emergency departments if necessary.

A specific threat we will discuss in the preparation phase and with the participants at the youth exchange is the existence of fascist structures in Saxony, who are known for being able to mobilize dozens of rightwing extremists in the villages, and who attacked foreigners or other people not fitting to their world view in Saxon towns during the past years. We will be carefully in our media work, instruct the participants (e.g. not to leave the venue alone and to call our emergency phone number) and think about other safety measures for the participants. We will particularly talk with local NGOs about this issue to learn from their experiences and to be prepared.

When we will have our excursion to the former uranium mining site, we will inform about the specific risks and instruct how to behave to not increase the risk of radioactive contamination. Officially these areas are opened to the public as the operators claim they wouldn’t harm people and environment anymore. However, we don’t trust those announcements and will be carefully. Especially in case the operator will provide an excursion to a decommissioned underground mine, we will instruct the participants about risks and safety measures in a mine (and the operator will have to give special instructions, too).

We will take care, that always people with first aid experience will be around during the youth exchange.

The usage of special devices (like in the kitchen, but also when setting up the big workshop tents) will be introduced and measures will be explained to get not hurt. As the International Anti-nuclear Gathering will take place in an open camp area, we will also inform where participants are supposed to remain and which areas are not to be entered.

Another topic of safety we will care about is the treatment of conflicts between participants. We aim to have a peaceful, harmonic atmosphere with each other, but if such a big group of people stays together for about a week, disagreements or misunderstandings are possible. We will introduce methods of non-violent conflict resolution in the workshop about “emancipated group process and decision making”. Besides that we will create a supportive and communicative group process and atmosphere. The methods and responsibilities to take care about this group process will be discussed in the Advance Planning Visit.

In the youth exchange any kind of discrimination (racial, gender, sexual, etc.) will be proscribed.

Advance Planning Visit

Have you planned an Advance Planning Visit? - Yes

The Advance Planning Visit will probably take place on June 2 and 3, 2012 in Döbeln, Germany. The dates and venue are not confirmed yet as it is a quite early state when we write this application. In case the dates and/or venue will be changed, we will inform you.

Arrival day would be June 1, while departure day would be June 4.

Preliminary programme of the preparation day:

June 2

10 AM – welcoming, introduction of the programme, presentation of the state of the preparation

11 AM – presentation of the work of the promoters of the youth exchange

12 AM – excursion and introduction to the venue of the youth exchange

2 PM – lunch break

4 PM – exchange of experiences with international projects, events and youth exchanges

5 PM – brainstorming on topics to be discussed and decided within this meeting

6 PM – working groups on these topics, e.g.:

- promotion, invitation of additional participants
- media work, involving more organizations to the networking level of the project
- financial situation: costs, financing, additional sources to cover open costs
- details of safety and protection of the participants, and maintainance of a good group process
- details of the programme of the youth exchange
- valorization: goals, schedule and methods in detail

8 PM – dinner

June 3

10 AM – morning circle: personal feedback, needs, open tasks

11 AM – continuation of working groups

2 PM – lunch break

4 PM – introduction and discussion: methods and decision making during the youth exchange

6 PM – brainstorming about open tasks for the preparation of the International Anti-nuclear gathering, setting up a timeline for these tasks with responsibilities, agreeing about next steps to be organized

8 PM – dinner

Project's content and methodology

The catastrophe in Fukushima has an impact on people all around the northern hemisphere as the radioactive fallout was detected almost everywhere. The same applies to other atomic accidents, the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki as well as to the atomic bombs testing. Atomic factories as the Sellafield (UK) or La Hague (F) “reprocessing unit” (plutonium factory) or the Studsvik (S) nuclear waste melting facility by the Baltic Sea are known for spreading radioactive traces in wide areas of seas and oceans. Several studies proved a significantly increased health risk connected to nuclear power plants. – These are some examples showing how atomic industries impact on the lives of young people.

All people living in the European Union are faced to the threats of nuclear power as these facilities and power stations are situated in their regions or in neighbour countries. With our project we want to illustrate the possibilities of young people to make a chance in their society. We will talk about democratic principles and basic rights as well as about civil organizations and techniques to express ones opinion. We will teach them, and each other, skills in project management, campaigning and public street activities. The European Citizenship provides young people in the European Union basic rights of expression of their opinion, public assemblies and impacting decision making on local, regional, national as well as European level.

Besides this general point of view, our main topics (global environmental impacts of nuclear power and the European awareness) meet the participants interests and needs as we will promote these topics strongly when we announce the youth exchange. Only those young people being interested in learning about and working on these topics will participate in the International Anti-nuclear gathering.

The methods of formal and informal learning used in the project are presentations, lectures, an excursion, group games, workshops and working groups. In detail there will be brainstormings, flashlights, openspace, fishbowl, whisper rounds, etc. The final decision what methods would meet our goals best will be made in the preparation phase of the project, particularly at the Advance Planning Visit.

These methods impart knowledge, foster the exchange of general and personal experiences, promote understanding of each other and the different backgrounds and cultures of the participants in the social process and support self-determined and self-reliant learning. Our methods, particularly on the basis of voluntary participation and emancipated decision making, foster the personal development of the young participants as they will discover and flower out skills and self-confidence.

The non-formal education within our youth exchange is reflected by several of the mentioned methods above. Group processes, the teamwork in workshops and working groups, social interaction e.g. chopping vegetables for food or practical work as setting up the tents and other facilities at the beginning of the youth exchange as well as personal talks in breaks, in the evening or during the workshops will support the exchange of knowledge, skills and experiences, and foster the understanding of each other, tolerance for differences and other cultures as well as valueing these differences of each other.

From the very beginning young members and activists of the promoters are involved to the development of the concept and programme of this project. We will keep on promoting the youth exchange and intensify the advertisement after May 1 with the official start of the project to get as many participants as possible involved to the project in an early state. Everyone who is interested in participating the International Anti-nuclear Gathering will be invited to join the preparation process of the youth exchange. We will be working on an emancipated and voluntary basis, so that all participants have the same rights to influence the programme and methods as well as other organizers. Within the framework the application and the guidelines of the YOUTH IN ACTION programme and other obligatory rules everyone has the same chance to change, improve or update the contents, principles, methods and programme of the project. We will make sure that people with different backgrounds, skills and experiences (depending on age as well as on disadvantages) can emancipated participate in the process.

At the youth exchange, the main activity of the project, we will introduce the state of the project, preconditions, spaces for creativity and changes as well as structures that have been set for decision making and group processes. We will communicate that everyone is supposed to take part in the group process and that fair and emancipated treatment of each other are expected, and that everyone will have the same rights to change or improve details of the youth exchange. Experienced persons will take over the job to support disadvantaged people, basically from eastern European countries or affected by school dropout and unemployment to provide them the same chances of participation and decision making as other people.

The same conditions will be valid and consolidated during the evaluation and valorization. Furthermore, we expect several of the young participants to get interested in joining the promoter organization and to continue to work emancipated in these groups in future, too.

Intercultural dimension

The International Anti-nuclear Gathering will bring together young people from former east bloc countries, from the north of Europe and from central Europe. A big number of very different cultures can be found within this variety of regions. Even within some of the participating countries of the youth exchange people live in very different cultures, partly with different traditions, clothing, dialects and social backgrounds.

While the participants of the project spend much time very intensive together they will get to know much about the way the others see the world and how they deal with challenges, how they work, what they like and learn about their experiences and the society they live in. This informal learning will be increased by formal lectures and presentations informing about the cultures of the countries the participants are descended from.

The young people will get to know both positive aspects how other participants deal with certain aspects and other kinds of behaviour that wouldn’t fit to their way of dealing with life. As they will work very intensively with them in workshops and working groups or discuss issues of the main topics of the youth exchange, they will learn to deal with these different types of doing things. They will find out that they can learn much from other cultures and that they can take over many things for their own lives. They will also learn to deal with those behaviours they probably don’t like.

Though the International Anti-nuclear Gathering will increase the participants’ positive awareness of and tolerance for other cultures. And it will also spread this message to the public because the project will show the positive effects of international cooperation.

The idea of the project is to cooperate and gather youth who care about ecology of their region and the whole planet, to work with existing activists and involve new ones.

In this project, people from western Europe will meet people from eastern Europe to live and work together and to teach, learn and share. Meeting people from neighbouring countries is a good way to find out more about other cultures, meet new friends, find people thinking similar and to exchange information. Western Europe has gone through capitalism, eastern Europe through socialism. Both methods have left footprints by mistakes that were made, and it has provided experiences.

The participants will be able to improve not only their knowledge but also their knowledge about environment but also their geographic knowledge and fade away myths and assumptions about other cultures.

As well as the youth exchange will give the participants the possibility to present their own point of view about their regions and cultures, it also provides methods to develop new ways to look at it if they are cooperating together on certain small projects. There people with different backgrounds will work together on common tasks.

It is very likely that we will gather people with pretty different opinions about many topics – even regarding the main topics of our youth exchange: global impacts of nuclear power and how to deal with its threats. We will foster discussions about different positions and support with background information and contacts to experienced organizers from other groups to learn about their points of view.

The participants from certain countries involved in the International Anti-nuclear Gathering are faced with special cultural, social and economical obstacles or challenges. Young people of different backgrounds and cultures will encounter with each other due to the youth exchange and learn from each other.

While the people joining the gathering learn about other cultures and work together on common tasks, this experience will reduce the preconditions for prejudice, racism and other attitudes leading to exclusion. In contrast the youth exchange will foster an awareness of the positive impacts different cultures, points of view, and ways to deal with daily problems have to create a better world. The International Anti-nuclear Gathering will stress the recognition that not certain cultures or so-called races are responsible for problems in the world as it shows that throughout the different cultures involved in the project certain problems like the nuclear threats are visible everywhere. They will learn about the political and economical reasons and circumstances that have a big impact on many challenges we cover with the main themes of the youth exchange.

The specific meta workshops, working groups and the presentations of the atomic situation in several countries as well as the social process of local activists and participants from several countries and cultures will promote the recognition that a variety of different attitudes is helpful to make a positive impact on the society we are living in. The experiences with the people of the International Anti-nuclear Gathering and their very different backgrounds and ways of dealing with their lives will help to combat all the mentioned excluding attitudes.

European dimension

Please indicate if and how your project reflects the following characteristics:

  • the project fosters young people’s sense of European citizenship and helps them to understand their role as part of the present and future of Europe;
  • the project reflects a common concern for European society, such as racism, xenophobia and anti-semitism, drug abuse…;
  • the project’s theme is linked to EU topics, such as EU enlargement, the roles and activities of the European institutions, the EU's action in matters affecting young people;
  • the project debates the founding principles of the EU, i.e. principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law.

Young people are probably the most active part of society. Teen years are also a period when person’s habits and preferences stabilize. Because of that, it is important to involve young people in exchange programmes, dedicated to environmental protection and educate about the ecological situation of our planet. After some years, these teenagers will become adult, find a job, chose their lifestyle and they may play a serious role in the future of our planet. Today people and regions are connected more than ever and that is what needs to be explained for people – why we need to care about things like water pollution in other countries, nuclear waste in eastern Europe, building new nuclear power plants in northern Europe. One of the aims of the gathering is to explain to the participants that anyone of them can play a role in the present and future of their region and Europe as well. Everyone is important because big things usually start from small steps.

Through the International Anti-nuclear Gathering the participants will learn to understand environmental and social challenges in certain regions of Europe. They will come in contact with active people who are working on these issues and learn about the society and politicial decision making. They will get to know and partly practise methods to reach other people, reach the public and how to make an impact on issues of the society. As part of an international youth exchange they will understand themselves as young Europeans and they will find out how they can influence their future and environment as European citizens. While they discuss the local and global challenges of nuclear power and develop projects together, they will realize their role as a part of the present and future of Europe.

Nuclear power is a basic mainstay of the European Union due to the EURATOM treaty, it is also a common concern for the European society, because many European countries use nuclear power and the environmental and health effects become understood better every year. The impact of the nuclear facilities and developments across Europe show strongly that radiation does not stop at national borders and that even countries withour nuclear power are harmed by it. There are transnational treaties intended to protect the people from pollution e.g. from nuclear power plants and nuclear waste dumping. In many European countries huge parts of the society take an active part in the struggle about the future development of energy supplies and many NGOs and citizens fight against nuclear power. One example showing strongly nuclear threats to be a common concern for the European society is the “Anti Nuclear European Forum (ANEF)” that has been founded in summer 2009 as an European platform of NGOs, which is supposed to gather again in spring or summer 2012. The International Anti-nuclear Gathering reflects this common concern with its main themes and by its activities throughout the youth exchange.

The EURATOM treaty and the search for final disposal sites for nuclear waste in Europe (EURADWASTE) show that the topics of our project are linked to EU topics. Some European institutions play an important role in this field, e.g. regarding the estimation of the health effects of nuclear power plants or to nuclear research activities. The decisions done by EU institutions have of course a big impact on young people as their future is threatened by the ionizing radiation released by nuclear facilities during the regular operation, by the immediate and long-term impacts of nuclear accidents that occure time after time as Fukushima showed strongly last year, by the destruction of large areas for uranium mining including the pollution of the environment and contamination of people living there, and by the insoluble problem of the final disposal of long-term radioactive waste.

Even other parts of the European policies have an impact in our main theme: the last last EU enlargements involved some new EU countries into the Union that operated nuclear reactors of the type of the exploded Chernobyl reactor and meant a great danger. As part of the agreement between EU and Lithuania the closure of the old Ignalina NPP was fixed and took place on December 31, 2009. Meanwhile the Lithuanian government aims to build a new atomic power station at the Visaginas site. We will as well stress the nuclear policies of the “new” EU members as those of “old” EU countries during our youth exchange and discuss with our participants what impact they have for the environment and society in these regions and for their neighbours.

In this connection we will also debate founding principles of the EU like democratic participation in decision making, human rights like the right for health and life violated by the atomic threats, and the questioning of fundamental freedoms in certain regions of Europe if citizens oppose to the nuclear policies of their governments. Also the rule of law will be a topic to discuss if we talk e.g. about offences against nuclear safety regulations by atomic companies for example in Finland during the construction of the “new” European Pressurized Water Reactor (EPR) in Olkiluoto. In other cases the legal regulations in Finland are still so undefined that uranium companies fight with the government about the question whether or not they need a permission for uranium drilling by the authorities. The (national and European) law and its meaning in the struggle about nuclear threats will be a topic debated at several points of the youth exchange.

Impact, multiplying effect and follow-up

The participants of the International Anti-nuclear Gathering will learn about the impacts of nuclear power and about opportunities for participation in decision making processes and about the different cultures the participants are descended of. They will develop their awareness to be European citizens and they will step in intercultural dialogue with people from other countries. Throughout the youth exchange they will train their practical and social skills, learn to organize events, to create and produce materials and how to communicate with people on the streets, with authorities and politicians.

The International Anti-nuclear Gathering will take place in in a rural area. The local promoter established a project house their and is currently developing cooperations and projects with local organizations and young people. The gathering will involve residents and give young people the chance to learn about other cultures, provide them possibilities to take part in the society and to make friends with participants from other countries to stay in touch with them in future. The project will have a positive impact of the charitable work of Greenkids in the region, and it will provide a new field of activities to the local networks.

The local community in Döbeln will benefit from the practical support they will get from the gathering when we all work together on the preparation of the events and they will have the chance to increase their impacts to the public with the projects they usually work on, because the visit of an international group will earn much more public attention than usual work, and as it is connected to them they will benefit from it. People living in the region will get more knowledge about the topics we will talk about and some of them will become encouraged by us to become active citizens and to take a stand in the struggle about polluting the environment.

The International Anti-nuclear Gathering aims not only to have the mentioned short-term effects (informing people about our theme, supporting local activists), but also to develop a network of active people that will remain even afterwards. The gathering is supposed to help to come in contact with activists from several groups (not only our local promoters) and to learn about their work. Throughout the youth exchange we want to start projects together or to join projects of the groups we will come in contact with. Thus the youth exchange will be a basis for future cooperation and follow-up projects. It will be the basis to develop a network of young people interested in protecting the environment.

Many of the materials we will develop within the project (e.g. flyers about general nuclear issues and special topics) will later be used by our local promoters for there activities. We will publish as much as possible on our website to provide a good knowledge about the impacts of nuclear facilitie, about travelling and doing events other countries and about the activities of people and groups we will have got to know during the youth exchange.

Most of the follow-ups we will develop during the International Anti-nuclear Gathering haven't been discussed yet. We want to create space for spontaneous ideas and cooperation with the participants of the youth exchange. For that issue we will use the workshops to develop certain project ideas and the evaluation workshops at the end of the youth exchange to make the tasks for the future activities clear. A few ideas already exist: e.g. youth exchanges in some of the participating countries to spend more time at one place and to learn more about those places; network meetings to develop a network of young active people; an international exhibition project about uranium mining that should be shown in several countries. These concrete ideas have been mentioned by some of our partner groups when we wrote the application for the itinerant youth exchange, but most follow-ups will be created during the project itself.

In the context of the International Anti-nuclear Gathering we see the “Nuclear Heritage Network”, a project created by the German partner group and developed within the YOUTH programme and YOUTH IN ACTION over the last years. Through this network project we will establish and develop our contacts and start new activities together with our partner groups.


Will the participants receive a youthpass as an appreciation for their participation and learning success? ( - yes


We will promote our project internationally to find participants and supporters for the International Anti-nuclear Gathering and because we want to use this project to increase the public awareness about the threats of nuclear power. For this issue we will create posters and flyers, we will write emails and send them to networks of interested people and we will do public relations work to reach the media interest for our youth exchange. For several local activities (like the presentations on the atomic situation in certain countries) we will invite the media, write press releases and usually we will also print flyers or posters to get public attention. Thus the project will be visible by the activities we will do.

All participants of the youth exchange will be informed about the funding by the YOUTH IN ACTION programme and many of them will start their own projects under this programme when we develop the follow-up projects. The financial support of the European Union will be mentioned in our PR work and the big number of organizations we will cooperate with will get to know the opportunities provided by Youth in Action, too. The promotional added value for the Youth in Action Programme will be realized by enlarging the number of people and organizations that know about it and by the new projects that will be developed by the International Anti-nuclear Gathering that will be realized with the programme, too.

Dissemination and exploitation of results

During the youth exchange we will have regular feedback circles to get feedback from all participants about their impressions, needs and suggestions to improve the project.

Parts of the workshops and events of the youth exchange will be evaluated directly afterwards. These evaluations won't be done by the whole group, but by the small working groups that worked on certain tasks.

We will make a documentation of all of our activities – take pictures, collect materials and provide most of this information on our website. We will write some articles about the International Anti-nuclear Gathering and the experiences we will have made.

At the end of the youth exchange we will have the evaluation phase. The aim is to gather feedback and criticism of the participants and to discuss about possibilities to make improvements for the next time.

After the International Anti-nuclear Gathering we will have a phase for the valorization / exploitation of the results of the youth exchange. The agreements about the tasks to be done by the participants and promoters will be done during the evaluation workshops at the end of the youth exchange.

For the evaluation and valorization we will make appointments with all involved people to discuss, collect feedback and make agreements about the tasks to be done using our mailing list and Skype conferences.

Do you plan additional activities of dissemination and exploitation of results or follow-up projects? - yes (in the application wrong: no, but correction sent by email)

For the additional exploitation of the results of the International Anti-nuclear Gathering we will produce a brochure about nuclear issues and active citizenship in European countries involved to the youth exchange. The contents will be supplied by the topics we work on at the International Anti-nuclear Gathering. We will learn about local organizations and their activities and projects as well as about the threats of nuclear facilities and developments. During the youth exchange we will collect this information and materials (e.g. pictures, interviews) for this brochure.

After the youth exchange we will start to work on this brochure. Some people will write articles, some will do investigations to gather more details for it, others will contact organizations and institutions to find out more. At the end of the production of the brochure some people will do the layout of it and give it to a printery. All these tasks will be discussed and divided to the participants of the International Anti-nuclear Gathering at the end during the evaluation workshops.

Later we will distribute the brochure to interested people throughout Europe. We will write press releases, send emails to networks of interested people and publish it on our website, too. We will inform organizations in Europe that work on familiar topics about the brochure and spread it all over Europe that way.

We will also prepare information events including slide shows, theatrical elements and lectures to present the International Anti-nuclear Gathering project in many European regions. The materials for these information events will also be gathered during the youth exchange and the tasks to be done to prepare it will be discussed in the evaluation workshops at the end of the International Anti-nuclear Gathering. We will make clear a minimal number of participants who want to present these information events in there regions or even internationally and coordinate the first dates of them. Later we will use the Nuclear Heritage Network structures to continue to give these presentations.

The timetable of the activities can be found in the section about partnership, theme and activities.

Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities

In our project we have involved young people having their origin in countries that face various obstacles, culturallly and economically. Historically, in eastern European countries, many young people will face the cultural challenge of not questioning the regime, there is a social and political pressure not to speak out and we will need to cater for this cultural difference by having an expert on board who can help to access and resolve the issues that arise.

In Poland, Lithuania and Slovenia, the young people face economic challenges which will need to be addressed and solutions found, such as assistance with travel and resources.

To assist with the various challenges, we will employ an expert whose skills would be utilized in helping the disadvantaged participants to overcome the challenges faced. Assessment will be used to identify areas within each different group where challenges were apparent and the expert will facilitate introductory workshops to aid social cohesion and overcome inclusion issues. In addition to the workshops the expert will observe, mediate and assist throughout the youth exchange as challenges arose on a day-to-day basis.

As we know from our partner organizations there will be also some participants who canceled their school education and people who are faced with unemployment. We will consider their specific challenges, e.g. if in discussions people expect a certain knowledge they maybe don’t have, and support them to join all parts of the youth exchange as well as other participants.

Number of young people with fewer opportunities directly involved in the project: 10

Please tick the situation(s) they face:

  • Educational difficulties (school dropout)
  • Economic obstacles
  • Cultural differences
  • Other – please specify: Unemployment

Part VI. Budget

information in the application form only

Part VII. Bank details

information in the application form only

Part VIII. Signature of the legal representative

information in the application form only

Part IX. Declaration on honour

information in the application form only

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