Decisions move closer in the UK
The announcement of a strike price despite a year of negotiations is claimed to be on the brink of agreement, with UK media speculating on a price of around 93 pounds per MWh more than twice the current market price - the condemned government are determined to feather the nests of big business by increasing fuel poverty through it's regressive energy policy.
It looks like China general nuclear power group will be EDFs investment partners and if they achieve the kind of stakes they're aiming for (rumour has it they're looking for an almost equal stake) then the coalition government will succeed in giving the worlds most powerful authoritarian state partial control of the most dangerous technology on British soil, with not one iota of the concern that Thatcher expressed in her day wen she had her government block Kuwaiti investment in the UK energy market.
British efforts to get EU rules on state aid relaxed have been somewhat thwarted in recent weeks with the EU competition commission deciding not to make a special concession for state aid for nuclear power, however the consultation period for the public has only just begun and states can still get their plans to subsidise new nukes assessed case by case on an individual basis.
The government after their failed attempt at imposing a geological disposal facility on Cumbria under the guise of voluntarism have gone back to the drawing board and redesigned it - to be even less democratic and more government led with veiled threats in the media about what lies in store for us if none of us volunteer.
The DECC have launched a new consultation on geological disposal facilities siting procedure on September 12th which runs until December 5th.
The coalition government are unsurprisingly, trying to wipe out the competition by stamping on the growth of renewables by reversing planning decisions to approve much needed windfarms. The subsidies received by renewables are as nothing to those received by the fossils and the eye watering nuke subsidies that are shortly to be announced. Number of planned new onshore wind farms has doubled since 2011