PR:Challenging industry‘s fantasies of the atomic boon
Media Release
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
- for immediate release -
Activists and experts to discuss how to fight nuclear power:
Challenging industry‘s fantasies of the atomic boon
DÖBELN - Between August 12-18, 2019 anti-nuclear activists and organizers from across the world will gather in Döbeln, Germany to discuss the atomic industry‘s campaigns advertising nuclear power as a boon for humanity. This international anti-nuclear summer camp will be an occasion for activists and other people to exchange knowledge about atomic power, learn about campaigns and to strengthen the networks of committed people striving for an end to this dangerous chapter of technology history.
Leona Morgan, New Mexico based organizer, describes her motivation for this gathering: „As an indigenous person from Turtle Island (North America), we have been severely impacted by uranium mining and are fighting the transport of radioactive materials through our traditional homelands. Throughout the world, indigenous peoples are most hurt by uranium mining and nuclear waste storage in their lands. This international camp is a great place to connect our fights and learn new strategies from others, as well as to build solidarity in the worldwide fight against the nuclear beast.“
This one week gathering includes lectures, presentations, workshops, field trips and strategy discussions. Many topics of the nuclear threat will be addressed, like the unsolved disposal of the atomic waste, health impacts, atomic weapons, catastrophes and the impact of uranium mining on affected people, often indigenous communities. Specific discussions will cover current pro-nuclear campaigns, like the claim atomic power would save the climate, so-called economic solutions like small modular reactors, illusionary fantasies of safe designs like thorium reactors or the inefficacious transmutation approach to deal with atomic waste.
UK based organizer Kristīne Čeirāne adds: “I am glad that people have become more aware of the climate crisis and environmental issues and that the Chernobyl disaster is talked about again thanks to the TV series. It is a good start, however, much more needs to be done. Nuclear power is dangerous and coming to the camp is a good way how to get involved.”
The organizers intend to also involve campaigners committed to the climate movement to arrange concerted actions in the energy field aiming at an end of the fossil and atomic age towards a decentralized, renewable and efficient future supply. It is to end the military and energy companies giants‘ power to attain a peaceful, desirable future. Not only experienced people, but also everyone interested to learn about atomic power and to discuss strategies to put an end to this dangerous usage of technology is welcome to participate.
Many of the organizers have been involved to the „Nuclear Heritage Network“, a worldwide informal platform of anti-nuclear activists, which initiated gatherings like this since 2008. The last international anti-nuclear summer camp took place 2018 in Narbonne, France, and attracted about 120 organizers and activists from 17 nations on four continents. Even though the expected number of participants is smaller, already now participants from many countries registered: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, India, Japan, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom of Great Britain, United States of America.
Everyone interested in joining this outstanding international anti-nuclear event should register before early August via email to camp2019 AT nuclear-heritage DOT net[1]. Information on the still growing program and the composition of participants is provided by the camp‘s website:
Notes to Journalists and Editors:
You are welcome to contact us, if you have questions, for interviews, background information and to request additional photo material on anti-nuclear topics via landline phone +49 3431 5894177 or e-mail to "media AT nuclear-heritage DOT net"[1]. You can also check the website:
Media contacts (and languages you can use to contact them):
- Falk Beyer, Germany (English, German): +358 417243254, falk AT nuclear-heritage DOT net[1]
- Kristīne Čeirāne, UK (English, Latvian, Russian): kristin AT nuclear-heritage DOT net[1]
- Pinar Demircan, Turkey (English, Japanese, Turkish): demipinar AT gmail DOT com][1]
- Ewa Dryjańska, Poland (English, Polish): ewa DOT dryjanska AT gmail DOT com][1]
- Leona Morgan, USA (English): +1 505 879 8547, leona DOT morgan DOT nm AT gmail DOT com][1]
Nuclear Heritage Network
Am Bärental 6
D-04720 Döbeln
email: contact AT nuclear-heritage DOT net[1]
phone: +49 3431 5894177
Skype: projekthaus.mannsdorf
(available only during office hours)
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opening hours: Wednesdays at 2-4 PM CET