PR:Six NGOs invite to an international nuclear waste conference in the Danish parliament building, Christiansborg

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Copenhagen, Aarhus and Hurup, 11 March 2015

Six NGOs invite to an international nuclear waste conference in the Danish parliament building, Christiansborg

Tuesday, March 24th, six green NGOs hold an international conference in The Common Hall (Fællessalen) in the Danish parliament building, Christiansborg, in Copenhagen. The subject of the conference is the environmental and safety impacts of the planned Danish final repository project for low and intermediate level radioactive waste from Risø National Laboratory. This project is still on the political agenda, although the time perspective for the political decisions has been slightly changed. Lately, the final repository project has been criticised by international experts and authorities in other countries and during the conference, some of the most prominent of these critics from Öko-Institut in Germany and The Swedish NGO Office for Nuclear Waste Review will get a chance to discuss these issues with the Danish authorities. Present will also be some of the leading political decision-makers in this field and representatives of the municipalities designated to potentially host the final repository, and citizens groups against nuclear waste in these communities.

The conference language is English and Danish. The organisers of the conference are NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark, SustainableEnergy, Society for Green Technology / Danish Society of Engineers, Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, Greenpeace Denmark and The Danish Ecological Council.

Conference program and registration (free of charge):

For further information, please contact:

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