Reclaim Hinkley - Mass Act of Civil Disobedience

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The text below is not the final version of our call-out, but is only to make sure it gets into the next newsletter (deadline today). We'll aim to get the final call-out done in the next few weeks, but please mark the dates.

Reclaim Hinkey - Mass Act of Civil disobedience

International Callout'
On Monday October 8th we invite you join us in an act of mass civil disobedience as we trespass on the development site of the proposed Hinkley C.

Sewing the Seeds of dissent

We will attempt to reintroduce some of the biodiversity that has been stripped through EDFs premature preliminary works. Once inside we will scatter wildflowers and other species native to this site. We will provide the seeds please do not bring your own! We are a growing movement on all levels. This mass action is for anyone who feels able to publicly trespass or bear withness by showing their support for stopping new nuclear as we express our contempt for this corrupt policy & criminal development. The centralisation of the planning process through the introduction of the new 'National Infrastructure Planning department' has completely undermined local democracy. Parliament has voted on new energy policy based on misleading information provided by government officials as exposed in the recent 'corruption of governance' report published by unlock democracy. EDF are eagerly destroying fields even though they do not yet have permission to build the reactors, nor do they have approval for their reactor designs, or even a final investment decision.

When injustice becomes law resistance becomes DUTY!

No More Nuclear Bailouts!

In 2004 British Energy the owners and operators of the UK Nuclear Fleet were bailed out by the taxpayer to the tune of 5.3 Billion pounds. This commitment of taxpayer money paved the way for Majority state-owned French Company EDF to take over the company. Despite the heavily disguised subsidies already on offer Energy Giants RWE & E-ON have pulled out of their plans to build new nuclear at Wylfa & Oldbury. They claim that number of factors influenced their decision to but it is clear that the on-going nuclear catastrophe in Fukushima is making new nuclear more expensive by the day.

Citibank last year advised Centrica EDF's junior partners in the UK new build to pull out saying that they have no experience of building or operating nuclear reactors. At Centrica's AGM this May shareholders were advised by CEO Sam Laidlaw “The investment case for nuclear has yet to be proven”. Greedy EDF, not satisfied with the already obcene subsidies they've been promised are demanding more from the UK taxpayer to effectively off-load ALL financial risk into current & future generations. In other words – We pay twice – once as taxpayers and once as a consumers through a levy on our energy bills, whilst EDF demand a pre-emptive bailout – even the fat-cat bankers messed up first! The concrete foundations of nuclear policy that the government promised investors is turning out to be nothing more than shifting sands.

Chernobyl and Fukushima – far from over Chernobyl

The crisis is far from over the sarcpohagus is falling apart and only now are attempts to build a new one beginning. The human populations in the most heavily contaminated territories are in decline – in Belarus before chernobyl 80% of children were born healthy now just 26 years later only 20% of children are born healthy.


Thanks to people power All of Japan's reactors have been turned off now for the first time in over half a century Japan is nuclear free. However the crisis at Fukushima is far from over. Tepco has had to be renationalised because of the cost of compensation and attempts to stabilise the reactors, not to mention the futile efforts at decontamination. Many people are still living in heavily contaminated territories that should have been evacuated.

Food across Japan is heavily contaminated and people are eing encouraged to support the Farmers of Fukushima by eating contaminated foods. The triple meltdown is still in full swing. All of the fuel pools in reactors 1,2,3 & 4 are in bad condition. The pool in reactor 4 is of particular concern and nuclear experts across the world as well as civil society in Japan are begging the international community to try & intervene as the technology required to remove the spent fuel from the pools in their current condition DOES NOT EXIST. Radioactivity escaping from Fukushima continues to affect the entire world and especially the Pacific.

There are alternatives

The government's own evidence shows that energy conversation offers the best value for money in over the short to mid term and that already just the possibility of investment in new nuclear is removing investment in alternatives. We need to create a long term sustainable energy plan that is based on meeting needs rather making profits. Shale gas (fracking), biofuels, 'clean' coal tar sands and nuclear are a way of scraping the bottom of the energy barrel and are a continuation of the irreparable, ecologically destructive practises that we needs to turn around. In May's minister for energy Charles Hendry had to give evidence to ministers in a select committee hearing where he assured them that their energy policy is robust enough that they can meet energy need even without nuclear in the mix.

Obviously no-one is obliged to pledge, the reason We would ask you to pledge because we want to show our strength before the action and because we are operating openly and accountably we have nothing to hide it is time to stand up for all current and future generations and saying No to New Nuclear


Stop New Nuclear
c/o 5 Caledonian Road
London N1 9DX
Phone: 0845-2872381
Email: campaign [at]

Stop New Nuclear is a campaign to stop new nuclear power stations and is an alliance of Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, CND Cymru, Stop Nuclear Power Network UK, Kick Nuclear, South West Against Nuclear, Shutdown Sizewell, Sizewell Blockaders, Trident Ploughshares, Stop Hinkley, and Rising Tide UK.