NukeNews No. 20 - SLOVENIAN

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*    NukeNews #20 - Proti-jedrski informacijski servis     *

0.  Predgovor
Za vas smo znova zbrali nekaj zanimivih novic proti-jedrske mreže pod
zastopstvom Nuclear Heritage Network. Imamo nekaj poročil
proti-jedrskih dejavnosti na Finskem in Češkem, objav kampanj,
povzetek ukrepanja v Veliki Britaniji in novice o dogajanju v izbranih

Več o posameznih novicah najdete na povezavah, ki so objavljene pod
vsako novico. Od zdaj naprej bo sekcija o prihajajočih dogodkih
omejena na 10 dogodkov, s čimer želimo povečati preglednost. Vsi
dogodki so objavljeni na

Povzetek NukeNews #20
0.  Predgovor
1.  Avstralska vlada želi uran prodajati Indiji
2.  Problematična JE Dukovany
3.  Proti-jedrska dogodka v Pragi in Brzkovem
4.  Finska: akcijsko srečanje na Rtu
5.  Nesreča v JE Leningrad
6.  Southeastern European Anti-Nuke Network along Danube River
7.  Kakadu Charter marks 15 years of shared values
8.  Nuclear waste dump battle begins - again
9.  Film about the impossibility of finding the safest place on earth
    also in Czech now
10. Nuclear power won't save the climate!
11. UK Nuke news
12. Situation with Finnish Fennovoima NPP construction
13. Desert rains should bring Life, not pollution
14. Factsheet: Pediatric thyroid cancer cases in Fukushima Prefecture
15. Upcoming events
16. About NukeNews

1.  Avstralska vlada želi uran prodajati Indiji
Avstralska vlada želi uran prodajati Indiji, kljub svarilom, da je
dogovor nevaren. Ta posel se opisuje kot "največja ne-vojaški projekt
našega časa", medtem pa Indija nadaljuje s preizkušanjem jedrskega
orožja ter ima jasne namere, da bi s tem uvoženim uranom sprostili
potrebe po domačem, ki bi ga lahko uporabili za izdelavo jedrskega
orožja. Indijski generalni revizor je bil izredno kritičen glede
varnosti v njihovih jedrskih elektrarnah. Trgovinskega sporazuma
nismo uspeli ustaviti, vendar lahko in moramo ustaviti vsa odpiranja
rudnikov urana, ki bi omogočali uresničitev groženj v Indiji in

Medtem v Goldfieldsu v zahodni Avstraliji: za pripombe javnosti sta
trenutno odprta postopka za dva rudnika urana - Yeelirrie in
razširitev Wiluna rudnika.

2.  Problematična JE Dukovany
Kljub dejstvu, da septembrsko poročilo "Štiri leta po Fukušimi: So
jedrske elektrarne varnejše?", ki sta ga spisali Oda Becker in
Patricia Lorenz priporoča "takojšnje zaprtje jedrske elektrarne
Dukovany" in je vsekakor proti podaljšanju življenjske dobe temu
obratu, se na Češkem dogaja ravno nasprotno. Nekateri politiki,
Združenje Energetické Třebíčsko (ET) in guvernerja regij Južne
Moravske ter Vysočina podpirajo prizadevanja CEZ za podaljšanje
delovanja vseh obstoječih reaktorjev na lokaciji Dukovany. Istočasno
pa se ti isti politiki trudijo spremeniti amandma k stavbnemu zakonu
in zakon o javnem naročanju, z namenom pospešitve procesa gradnje
nove, pete enote JE Dukovany.

Preberite celoten članek:

3.  Proti-jedrska dogodka v Pragi in Brzkovem
V sredo, 4. novembra 2015, sta se zgodila dva zanimiva dogodka z dvema
skupnima točkama: rudarjenje urana in prisotnost župana Brzkovega. Že
18. decembra 2014 je Češka vlada dala dovoljenje za pripravljalni
postopek rudarjenja urana. 

Preberite celoten članek:

4.  Finska: akcijsko srečanje na Rtu
Konec aprila bo leto dni odkar je Fennovoima začela pripravljati
območja na rtu Hanhikivi za gradnjo nove jedrske elektrarne v severni
Finski. Hkrati praznuje svojo prvo obletnico tudi protestni kamp proti
Fennovoimi. Kamp je bil zmožen ostati znotraj območja gradnje več kot
pet mesecev in je upočasnil gradbena dela. Poleti je potekalo na
ducate blokad, časopisi so pisali o različnih sabotažah. V septembru
2015, po izselitvi, ki je trajala 8 dni, se je kamp preselil na
zunanjo stran gradbišča, kjer nadaljuje svoje aktivnosti s pomočjo
lokalnih podpornikov. Blokade in druge aktivnosti proti jedrski
energiji se tako niso ustavile.

Konec aprila 2016 se bomo vrnili na gradbišče. Cilj je za dlje časa
ohromiti gradbišče. Z dovolj veliko skupino lahko zavzamemo območje in
tam ostanemo. Ne želimo le nazaj zasesti območje, temveč tudi
zapolniti okolico območja z aktivnostmi proti Fennovoimi, jedrski
energiji, destrukciji narave in kapitalizmu.

Ta potekajoči kamp/akcija je velika stvar na Finskem, kjer ljudje
sodelujejo v državni nepokorščini, kar se ne zgodi pogosto.
Solidarnost in udeležba z drugih koncev Evrope je dobrodošla. Ta
kamp(anja) in aktivnosti okrog nje so sposobne zaustaviti jedrsko
elektrarno, v to smer se bo delovalo še naprej.

Preberite celoten članek:

5.  Nesreča v JE Leningrad
V petek, 18. decembra 2015, ob 13.50 uri, se je zgodila zasilna
zaustavitev druge enote jedrske elektrarne Leningrad. Razlog za
zaustavitev in hladitev reaktorja je bilo nenadno uhajanje
radioaktivne pare iz okvarjene cevi. Obe turbini, ki sta služili
reaktorju, so ustavili. Med ohlajevanjem je bila para iz reaktorja
izlita v okolje. Jugo-jugozahodni veter, ki je pihal 5 metrov na
sekundo (netipično za to območje), je odpihnil radioaktivno paro proti
Finskemu zalivu, v smeri Vyborg - Zelenogorska. Sevanje ozadja v
središču Sosnovy Bor, 5 km od urgentne enote, je bilo izmerjeno ob
17.00, s strani Green World-a. Znašalo je 20 μR/uro (značilna vrednost
sevanja za ozadje).

Tako je mesto Sankt Petersburg, ki se nahaja 40 km vzhodno od jedrske
elektrarne Leningrad, imelo tokrat srečo. Glede na nekatere vire se je
raven sevanja dvignila še nekajkrat višje kot je bilo sevanje ozadja
samo v območju jedrske elektrarne.

Več na:

6.  Southeastern European Anti-Nuke Network along Danube River
As a result of an international meeting in Lower Austria's regional
capital St. Pölten in 2014 the Vienna based NGO "Wiener Plattform
Atomkraftfrei e.V." with Paula Stegmüller, Maria Urban, Johanna
Nekowitsch, Margit Quendler and Magdalena Waygand as driving forces
were able to initiate an internet-based platform with nuclear-critics
from Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Slovenia,
Hungary, Rumänia and Bulgaria. They invite you to visit their new
multi-lingual website below and appreciate of course your cooperation
in further strengthening this network.

7.  Kakadu Charter marks 15 years of shared values
What started as opposition to plans for uranium mining at Jabiluka
has grown into a powerful platform for a different and better way of
doing business in Kakadu. ERA is now majority owned by Rio Tinto who
have publicly vowed not to mine Jabiluka without the consent of the
Mirarr. This significant improvement in circumstances was bolstered by
the end of threatened uranium mining elsewhere in Kakadu when the
former Koongarra Project Area was incorporated into the surrounding
Kakadu National Park and permanently protected from mining.

8.  Nuclear waste dump battle begins - again
After failed attempts to impose a national nuclear waste repository in
South Australia and the Northern Territory, the federal government has
embarked on its latest attempt to find a site. Six sites in four
states have been short-listed.

9.  Film about the impossibility of finding the safest place on earth
    also in Czech now
The (English/German) documentary "Journey to the safest place on
Earth" by Swiss filmmaker Edgar Hagen shows how in different parts of
the world it is absurd to think, finding a place for storing nuclear
waste was an easy thing. Edgar Hagen visits Germany, Austria, 
Australia, China, the USA, Japan, Switzerland or England. And what
does he find? The safest place on earth?

This film seems to be a very good instrument to show people whose
communities are in danger of becoming a big nuclear toilet, on which
grounds such localities are being chosen. Thanks to the NGOs Calla
"Sonne und Freiheit" as well as due to the support of the regional
government of Upper Austria this documentary can now be offered also
with Czech subtitles and already started to be shown in affected
regions in the Czech Republic. The film also was part of the film
Ekofilm Festival in Brno in South Moravia on December 3-5, 2015. If
you are interested in showing the film or organizing further language
versions you are welcome to contact one of the persons mentioned above
respectively can you find more information on the situation in the
Czech Republic at

10. Nuclear power won't save the climate! 
The French nuclear firm EDF was sponsoring COP21 and tried to promote
its nuclear-based electricity mix as climate-friendly. To counter this
greenwashing the French antinuclear network "Sortir du nucléaire"
launched a campaign and was acting during the COP, together with many
organizations from all over the world.

Learn more:!

11. UK Nuke news
Things have been very busy in the UK over the last few months with the
success of two British activists on trial over Trident being acquitted
because the Crown Prosecution Service couldn't find a charge they were
guilty of! The courts found that the the two weren't comitting
aggravated trespass as per the charge as they weren't on land as per
the definition of 'land' within the charge. The court case was early
September but we didn't manage the deadline of the last nuke news! It
will be interesting to see how the MoD manage the next protest at
Devonport Dockyard in Plymouth, and what charges they will conjure...

October saw the feelings against Hinkley finally ignited in the UK, the
month started off with a visit to Hinkley by Green Euro MP for the
South West Molly Scott-Cato, she was joined by the Vice President of
the French National Assembly who came to tell the UK why the French
people don't want EPRs.

The UK was also visited by the Chinese Dictator Xi Jingping who signed
a memorandum of understanding that China would invest in Hinkley in
return for being able to build own and operate a prototype reactor of
Chinese design at Bradwell. This really created a backlash amongst not
just the ordinary people but also senior military and intelligence
figures, although it made no difference to the sickening fuss made of
the Chinese oppressors who were wined & dined by the Royal family and
senior Tories such as George Osborne the Chancellor.

In response to this visit Somerset activists occupied EDFs newly built
roundabout at Hinkley with a big white elephant with a message in
Mandarin asking China not to invest in Nuclear here. The protests
sought to discuss British Energy policy using #OsbornesNRGfolly.

EDF backed down from evicting them and stopping their protest realising
it wouldn't look good in the shadow of China's human rights record.

Greater Manchester police were less concerned and carried out the
orders of the red army with Zeal in Manchester where they arrested
anti-nuclear protesters just for being there & before they could
protest at Mr Xi's presence.

12. Situation with Finnish Fennovoima NPP construction
Here is some information from a local activist of the Pyhäjoki area
where Fennovoima is intending to construct a nuclear power plant, a
company originally founded by German nuclear giant EON, these days
dominated by the Russian corporation Rosatom: Since last summer
interesting developments happened in Finland. After very messy
episodes, Fennovoima managed to leave it's application for a
construction license to the Ministery of Economics, and is proceeding.
The company has no construction licence yet, the application is in
process in the ministry and STUK, it takes until 2017-2018, before
they can make a decision. In any case, Fennovoima is making vast
destruction in "green field" area of Hanhikivi, Pyhäjoki in northern
Finland. There is not much we can do at the moment, the project goes
on and hopefully will end up to economical problems, but unlike to
anything else. Sorry to say this.

13. Desert rains should bring Life, not pollution
Toro Energy want to turn the East Murchison (Australia) into a
uranium mining and radioactive waste precinct with up to 7 uranium
mines spread over a 200 km area and 2 lake systems. The company plans
to truck uranium ore from the mine pits to a central processing
facility with radioactive waste tailings dams located on the edge of
Lake Way.

Send a submission to the EPA in response to Toro's Wiluna uranium mine

14. Factsheet: Pediatric thyroid cancer cases in Fukushima Prefecture
Out of the 137 cases of suspected or diagnosed with malignant thyroid
cancers, 23 out of the 25 people who were retested had been told that
they were clear of thyroid cancer in the first round screening.

Already late summer 2015, reports on pediatric thyroid cancer cases in
Fukushima have been made public at the 20th Oversight Committee for
the Fukushima Health Management Survey. According to those reports,
the number of children who were suspected of having thyroid cancer or
were diagnosed with malignant cases of thyroid cancer totaled 137. Out
of the 137 children, 25 of them were either suspected to have or
diagnosed with thyroid cancer in the second round of checkups, which
started in 2014.

More information:

15. Upcoming events
Feel free to send us your local and international events for the large
upcoming events collection on Nuclear Heritage Network website, and
for this extract in the NukeNews!

March & April 2016:5 years Fukushima disaster & 30 years Chernobyl
                   disaster remembrance 2016
27/02/16 12 PM:    "Stop Trident" national demonstration at Hyde Park
                   Corner, in London (UK)
19/03/16:          Conference on health effects of nuclear disasters -
                   and the way to renewables with speakers from
                   various countries at Mechanics Institute in
                   Manchester (UK)
30/03/16:          Conference on the (non)-nuclearisation of the
                   Middle-East in Clermont-Ferrand (F)
15/04/16-16/04/16: international scientific conference "Chernobyl
                   accident and society: 30 years after catastrophe"
                   in Minsk (BY)
05/04/16:          international anti-nuclear conference in Prague
22/04/16-01/05/16: Reclaim The Cape action week in Pyhäjoki (FIN)
10/05/16-12/05/16: annual meeting of the German nuclear lobby:
                   "Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2016" at CCH - Congress
                   Center Hamburg in Hamburg (D)
17/05/16-19/05/16: Health Effects of Chernobyl: Prediction and Actual
                   Data 30 Years after the Accident in Obninsk (RUS)
August 2016:       Walkatjurra Walkabout (AUS)

16. About NukeNews
NukeNews is a multilingual newsletter system of the Nuclear Heritage
Network. It reflects the activities, topics and struggles of
anti-nuclear activists connected through this international community.
The messages are written and translated by activists, additionally to
their usual anti-nuclear activities. The newsletter aims to inform and
update as well activists as the interested audience.

Your contributions to the NukeNews are welcome! Send them via email to
"news AT NukeNews DOT nuclear-heritage DOT net". The text should be
very brief and in English. Please don't make it longer than one
paragraph. We need a concise headline for your article, and you can
add a link to a webpage providing more information. Deadline for the
21st issue of the NukeNews is 24th of April, 2016.

Spread the word and learn more about the NukeNews: