NukeNews No. 27 - CZECH

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*      NukeNwes č. 27 - Zprávy z protijaderného hnutí      *

0.  Předmluva
Vítejte u posledního vydání NukeNews roku 2017! Tentokrát máme radost,
že se s Vámi můžeme podělit o zprávy našich přátel z Indie, Spojených
států, České republiky, Švédska, Kanady a Polska. Dozvíte se od nich o
protijaderných akcích a o jaderné politice v uvedených zemích.

Přejeme Vám vše dobré a mnoho úspěchů v roce 2018!

Obsah aktuálních NukeNews č. 27
0.  Předmluva
1.  Mezinárodní spolupráce pro bezjaderný svět
2.  Aktuality z jaderných elektráren v Kalifornii
3.  Česká republika: vítejte v atomovém státě
4.  The Minister's decision to support RAWRA has disappointed the
    members of the Platform Against Repository
5.  India, climate change & nuclear power: denials, delusions and
6.  Nuclear India: Proudly Marching on the Wrong Side of History
7.  Solidarity statement with the anti-nuclear struggle in Chutka
8.  En route determining the final repository for HAW in Sweden
9.  Radioactive Colonialism - Uranium Bust in Northern Saskatchewan
10. Updates on nuclear policy in Poland
11. Upcoming events
12. About NukeNews

1.  Mezinárodní spolupráce pro bezjaderný svět
Vyjádřete solidaritu s naší mezinárodní spoluprací na ochranu
společnosti, matky Země a lidských práv před zničením nukleární
katastrofou. Udělejte to ještě dnes ... Jsme skupina organizátorů a
aktivistů, která pracuje jako plánovací výbor na koordinaci
mezinárodního tábora proti jaderné energii v Evropě v létě 2018.
Členové plánovacího výboru pocházejí z Indie, Japonska, Ruska,
Německa, Turecka, Francie a Spojených států. Společně pracujeme na
tom, abychom se znovu sešli. Zveme i další zájemce, aby se dozvěděli o
aktivitách různých skupin, prodiskutovali strategie a naplánovali
budoucí kampaně.

Více se dozvíte zde:!

2.  Aktuality z jaderných elektráren v Kalifornii
Californian Public Utilities Commission - regulační úřad státu
Kalifornie oznámí 14. prosince své rozhodnutí o zavření dvou reaktorů
v Diablo Canyon. Rozhodnutí o plánu firmy Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
koupit velké množství obnovitelné energie navrhuje soudce, který plán
po dobu jednoho roku dozoroval, odsunout až na další slyšení. S
uzavřením jaderného zařízení ale souhlasí. Aktivisté jsou ale s
plánovaným datem uzavření v roce 2024 nespokojeni a vyjadřují obavy z
možného zemětřesení. Zařízení by podle nich bylo možné uzavřít dřív,
budou-li k dispozici potřebné informace.

Více se dozvíte zde:

3.  Česká republika: vítejte v atomovém státě
Česká republika se stále víc proměňuje v atomový stát. Zatímco mnohé
země přistupují k redukci svých atomových plánů, ČR plánuje stavět
nové reaktory - ačkoli nikdo neví, jak a kdo je zaplatí. Zároveň se má
prodloužit život starých reaktorů. Jaderná lobby včetně Státního úřadu
pro jadernou bezpečnost se také pokouší vyšachovat ze všech jaderných
projektů veřejnost. Kromě stavby nových reaktorů jde o prodloužení
životnosti těch starých (PLEX - Plant Lifetime Extension) a o stavbu
trvalého úložiště jaderných odpadů.

Celý článek najdete zde:!

4.  The Minister's decision to support RAWRA has disappointed the
    members of the Platform Against Repository
"Just as it is not possible to revive corpses, it is impossible to
extend permits that have expired", this was lawyer Doucha’s reaction
to the Minister of the Environment Brabec‘s November decision to bring
the issue of expired validity of exploration permits for geological
exploration for potential repository sites in the Czech Republic back
to life. Since March, when the Minister took a firm position against
the Radioactive Waste Repository Authority (RAWRA)’s request to extend
the validity after the expiry date, there has been a 180-degree
turnaround. Members of the Platform Against Repository are
disappointed with the new developments.

Read more:

5.  India, climate change & nuclear power: denials, delusions and
Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, has been inconsistent at best
about climate change. Now the country has massive nuclear expansion
plans, which he claims is a solution. The apparent desire to appease
energy companies and the violent oppression of nuclear opponents are a
cause for serious concern.

Read the complete story:

6.  Nuclear India: Proudly Marching on the Wrong Side of History
The Indian nuclear ambition is huge not just in terms of aimed
capacity. The country is developing diverse and full-spectrum nuclear
capabilities – from new mines to fuel processing units and uranium
enrichment facilities, reprocessing plants, new designs of reactors
such as European Pressurised Reactors (EPRs), AP1000, VVER1200 and
indigenous PHWR-700s. Although India’s Department of Atomic Energy
remains in denial of nuclear waste problem and hence the need for a
burial facility, it has been looking for a deep geological repository
as well.

Read the complete story:

7.  Solidarity statement with the anti-nuclear struggle in Chutka
The resilient and courageous people of Chutka, India, who have been
fighting a relentless battle against the nuclear project in their
vicinity, which will displace them once again after the Bargi dam on
Narmada, and endanger their safety, organised a big rally on December
12th, 2017. This marked the culmination of the 2 month long grassroots
campaign that they started on 2nd October. You can see more details
about this campaign in the linked article.

Please feel free to circulate the statement shared with this article
in your circle, and request people to send their endorsement at
"editor AT dianuke DOT org". The petition can also be signed online on
the linked website.

Read more:

8.  En route determining the final repository for HAW in Sweden
Recently the until now biggest environmental case took place in
Sweden: during five weeks a jury of the Environmental Court listened
to the suggested solution (the KBS-3 method) from the nuclear industry
how to deposit highly contaminated nuclear waste totally away from
human beings and animals for 100,000 years. An impossible task! All
Swedish environmental organizations attended the trial and were
listened on in a democratic way. The jury will deliver their opinion
to the government on 20th of December 2017. And thereafter they will
probably decide after the elections in September 2018. We will keep
you informed about the procedure.

9.  Radioactive Colonialism - Uranium Bust in Northern Saskatchewan
Canadian uranium company Cameco, the largest employer of Aboriginal
people, announced as of January, 2018, they will be closing McArthur
River Mine and Key Lake Mill. 845 people will be laid-off. Industry
and government have fostered economic dependence pushing First Nations
and Metis communities into businesses servicing these mines.
Post-secondary education focused heavily on mining technologies. This
is leaving communities struggling with no other sustainable economy to
fall back on.

10. Updates on nuclear policy in Poland
The Polish Ministry of Energy (MoE) should submit the revised
Principal Nuclear Program from 2014 (PNEP) to the government. It's
preparation has been delayed, and now it is expected at the turn of
this and the next year. 

Read the complete article:

11. Upcoming events
Feel free to send us your local and international events for the large
upcoming events collection on Nuclear Heritage Network website, and
for this extract in the NukeNews!

soon possible:     next Castor transports from Obrigheim NPP to
                   Neckarwestheim NPP & protests (D)
from 2018 likely:  Nuclear Waste Transport to Ahaus & protests (D)
10/01/18:          regional conference "Braunschweiger Land" in
                   Brunswick (D)
26/03/18-12/08/18: "Twenty weeks for twenty bombs" - 2018 action weeks
                   at Büchel nuclear weapons base (D)
11/07/18-12/07/18: Protest at NATO summit in Brussels (B)
06/08/18-12/08/18: Nuclear Heritage Network Gathering in Southern

12. About NukeNews
NukeNews is a multilingual newsletter system of the Nuclear Heritage
Network. It reflects the activities, topics and struggles of
anti-nuclear activists connected through this international community.
The messages are written and translated by activists, additionally to
their usual anti-nuclear activities. The newsletter aims to inform and
update as well activists as the interested audience.

Your contributions to the NukeNews are welcome! Send them via email to
"newsletter AT nuclear-heritage DOT net". The text should be very
brief and in English. Please don't make it longer than one paragraph.
We need a concise headline for your article, and you can add a link to
a webpage providing more information. Deadline for the 28th issue of
the NukeNews is 16th of February, 2018.

Spread the word and learn more about the NukeNews: