Nuclear Heritage Network gathering 2014

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  • Nuclear Heritage Network's 2014 Network Gathering on August 4-8, 2014 in Döbeln (D) for networking, exchanging of experiences and knowledge regarding nuclear policies, skill sharing, preparing common campaigns, actions and projects and developing the network means, tools and structures of the Nuclear Heritage Network (probably including an excursion to an connected topic site)
  • the last Network Gathering took place 2012 in Döbeln, Germany
  • the gathering will take place before the bigger anti-nuclear summer camp (August 9-16, 2014) starts in Kiel; participants of the Network Gathering are invited to travel with us to this big anti-nuclear summer camp and also participate in actions, workshops and further individual networking; this camp will also be an activity used by activists around the Baltic Sea to meet each other, organize mutual projects, actions and campaigns


This is a first rough draft of programme.

  1. day (August 4): arrival, welcoming, getting to know each other
  2. day (August 5): presentations & lectures on activities of participants
  3. day (August 6): workshops on upcoming campaigns, projects and events
  4. day (August 7): workshops on network resources, tools and capacities + next steps (clarifying & making agreements on planned activities)
  5. day (August 8): buffer for additional topics, departure to the Kiel camp


Please add here the presentations you would like to offer at the Network Gathering.

  • presentation of the Nuclear Heritage Network
  • introduction to the ATOMIC BALTIC network/project
  • ...


Please add here the workshops you would like to offer at the Network Gathering.

  • Network Office looking for volunteers - introduction to the project
  • NukeNews workshop - to raise additional active support collecting news, making translations or to promote it more
  • introduction to the book project "Atomic threats around the Baltic Sea"
  • 2015 Network Gathering - where will the next gathering take place, who will arrange it?
  • Raising funding for anti-nuclear groups - workshop to figure out opportunities & discuss new tools for the network
  • ...

Brief review

Since the autumn 2013 we have as a new structure the "International Network Office" in Döbeln, Germany - so far it is offering opening hours every Wednesday from 2-4 PM CET to support anti-nuclear groups looking for experts and speakers for their events and to help them to connect to other anti-nuclear groups working in similar fields. Until the end of last year we had three volunteers in the Network Office, at the moment we are looking for new volunteers for the next months.

With the ATOMIC BALTIC network/project we also started a new regional anti-nuclear network for the Baltic Sea region which is now developing and providing some resources for groups in this area.

The NukeNews newsletter system has been extended in the beginning of 2014 and will until summer probably include three more Eastern European languages.

Upcoming events have been continuously collected and published on the Nuclear Heritage Network website - several hundred local and global events can be found there now. However, still a focus on certain regions from where the information flow works better, is visible. We would like to improve that and receive the events from other countries, too.

Besides that the plans to produce and spread multilingual information materials need active support, which should also be brought forwards in the gathering.

Travel costs support

If you want to participate in the 2014 Nuclear Heritage Network gathering, but your financial situation would make it difficult, please get in touch with us. We will try to support your travel costs expenses, if you contact us in advance. The earlier you send your request, the better the chances to find a cheap possibility of transport for you that we could support.

Participation & contact

We invite all interested people, activists, organizers and committed experts to join this 2014 Nuclear Heritage Network gathering, who are willing to improve the support structures for anti-nuclear projects, learn about nuclear topics, and discuss strategies to strengthen struggles against the atomic business. If you are interested, please announce your participation by July 10th, 2014. Spontaneous participation will be possible, too, but it is very valuable for us to have an idea of the participants to prepare the event.

The participation is free, but donations for our expenses (camp infrastructure, preparation, promotion, travel costs support) are welcome and important Find here the bank details for your donation. We can issue you a confirmation of your charitable donation for your tax declaration, if you send us your postal address with the transfer or in an extra e-mail.

You can send an e-mail to contact AT nuclear-heritage DOT net[1], call us in the International Network Office at +49 3431 5894177 during the opening hours (Wednesdays from 2-4 PM CET) or write a letter to Nuclear Heritage Network, Am Bärental 6, D-04720 Döbeln, Germany.

  1. For protection against automatic email address robots searching for addresses to send spam to them this email address has been made unreadable for them. To get a correct mail address you have to displace "AT" by the @-symbol and "DOT" by the dot-character (".").