Gorleben Castor Resistance in Germany 2011
Police car full with anti-Castor stickers at the Students' rally in Lüchow |
![]() Art action: soft toys' rally at the 2010 Castor transport |
![]() Sit-in blockade in front of the main gate of the interim repository in Gorleben 2010 |
![]() Abseiling action of climbing activists from a 70 meters high bridge above the Castor tracks in 2010 |
![]() Street theatre: "Pirates of the Atomia" in the Castor ralley 2008 |
![]() Information event with international guests at the 2008 Castor transport |
![]() Police tank clearing barricades during the Castor days in the Wendland region |
![]() Clowns disturbing police at the Castor transport |
![]() Sit-in blockade on the tracks by Harlingen in 2008 |
Thank you all for your support, attention and participation in the Castor protests 2011! The next Castor transport is supposed to take place in 2017 from the plutonium factory in Sellafield (UK - high level radioactive waste in Castor casks) and from La Hague (F - intermediate level radioactive waste in Castor casks). Check out the reports! (coming soon)
A big number and high variety of actions is expected for November 23-28, 2011, due to the 13th transport of high level active atomic waste (the so-called Castor transport) from the reprocessing unit (plutonium factory) La Hague in France to the temporary repository in Gorleben, Germany. In 11 Castor containters the shipment contains the radioactivity of 44 Fukushima disasters, Greenpeace says[1]. Police operated with 20,415 officers[2] to "protect" the transport[3]. To the mass demonstration on November 26 in Dannenberg about 200 coaches[4] from all over Germany will bring protesters to the region[3].
The shipment started already November 14th on special trucks at the La Hague "usine d'extraction de plutonium" (the original title of the facility) to the loading station in Valognes to be put onto railways. There it is now supposed to leave on November 23th around 2 PM. In Forbach/Saarbrücken, Straßburg/Kehl or Lauterbourg/Wörth the transport will cross the French-German border. After several hundreds of kilometers on public railway tracks across France and Germany, behind the city of Lüneburg the train will take railway tracks that are only used for the nuclear transport during these days. Due to this fact, this section of some 40 kilometers of tracks was in the focus of a big number of direct actions against the Castor transport in the past. In Dannenberg, the final destination of the nuclear train, the containers will be put from the tracks onto trucks to be transported some additional 20 kilometers on the roads to the repository in Gorleben.
The French operator of the La Hague atomic facility Areva and the French railway company SNCF have decided to start the Castor transport one day earlier than supposed at the French loading station in Valognes. The reason is the big mobilization in France to blockade the transport at the very beginning on November 24th. The protest in France and in the Wendland is prepared and able to flexible react on the changed schedule.[5]
Check the English translation of the Castorticker! Also available a French chronology of this year's Castor protests.
important information: about | how to get there | accommodation | food | meeting point | what to bring | schedule | legal advice | information | contacts
- see also: Castor resistance 2010 and 2008 and a short history of the Castor transports to Gorleben on this website
Disputes about falsified radiation measurements are questioning the future usage of the Gorleben repository. First a Lower Saxony's authority detected radiation levels being so high that the legal annual limits would be exceeded if more Castor containers would be stored there. The operator tried to save the day commissioning other experts to make new calculations to show there would not be any problem. The results were as expected: everything fine. But: the expert is wellknown since decades for the pro-nuclear studies they produce. As of October 26, several environmental organizations published expertises showing that the calculations are wrong. And, even mor, they proofed that the published radiation data was falsified since several years. Gorleben actually had no licence for accepting Castor containers since some years already. As the politicians seem to want the radioactive shipment to happen, it will be interesting how many new lies and breaches of law they will produce until November 23, when the transport is supposed to start.[1] Read more on the radiation measurements scandal
The shipments includes 11 Castor casks (type: CASTOR HAW 28 M) containing 301 barrels of high level radioactive waste with an inventory of 3,756.5 peta becquerel (PBq) or 3.75 quadrillion becquerel. The convoi will exceed a weight of 2,000 tons.[6]
November 23, a transport of high level radioactive waste, so called "Castor" containers, will be shipped from Valognes (it started in La Hague already on November 14) in France to Gorleben in Germany. Massive resistance is expected to stop this dangerous shipment, and to push the authorities and industry to immediately phase-out nuclear power.
We want to invite you to join us in the "Wendland" region, the destination of the Castor transport. We are going to prepare a framework for international guests of the Castor resistance to come in contact with other English speakers and to help you to understand what is going on there. We will have a common meeting point where you can sleep, get food and information about actions and possibilities to join the protests.
The anti-nuclear protests against the Castor transports are unique. You will get to know a supportive atmosphere as the residents of the county are mainly supporting the protesters, while thousands of anti-nuclear activists will travel to the region to blockade the shipment. Some 19,000 police will "protect" the transport, which means they want to prevent actions blockading the radioactive shipment. However, in the past most actions succeeded delaying the transport. Actions will take place from France to Germany along the hundreds of kilometers of tracks the train has to take to the city Dannenberg in the Wendland region. There the containers will be loaded onto trucks to make the last 20 kilometers to the interim repository in Gorleben on the roads.
Blockades are proposed to take place on the tracks before Lüneburg on public tracks used also by other trains, on the "Castor tracks"between Lüneburg and Dannenberg only used for the nuclear industry during these days, and on the roads to Gorleben. A number of organizations, alliances and groups already announced public actions in the Wendland region. The variety of activities is broad. You will find sit-in blockades, lock-on actions, climbing activists, barricades, creative farmers blocking streets with their tractors and much more.
We are offering to explore and join this colourful and creative resistance with each other, figuring out together what actions fit you, or just to visit actions to make experiences and get inspired for your own activities back home.
There will be some German activists who want to accompany and support the international guests. We will have transport provided by local supporters to easier get to interesting places, and there will probably be chances to speak about your anti-nuclear expertise or the fights you have in your region. For the local resistance it is also positive if we can show that the international community is supporting the anti-nuclear resistance and that it is not only a German struggle. It would also be a sign to the international public that anti-nuclear movements are supporting each other in Gorleben, and that we will do it in other places, too.
How to get there
Especially on Saturday, 26th of November, the traffic in the Wendland area will be jammed due to the mass demonstration in Dannenberg at 1 PM. About 170 coaches will arrive, and many people will arrive individually. Thus, if you would come by car, you should expect traffic jams and take more time for your arrival. Better it would be to come earlier. Basic information for the arrival in Dannenberg for the demonstration on November 26 is provided by the Castor alliance.
If you will come by train, there are basically three possible train stations for you to reach, all outside the Wendland region: Salzwedel, Uelzen, Lueneburg. The reason: the railway to the Wendland will be closed by the operator for the Castor days and will be exclusively used by the atomic industry for the Castor transport. Thus, you will need a lift from the station to the Wendland. There are some public bus services, but there will be lifts in shared car rides and the possibilities to hitchhike will be much better than usually. If you want to join the international group, we will try to help you to get from the train to our meeting point, or pick you up ourselves. Just call us in this case! (due to the situation of the international meeting point, the railway station in Salzwedel suits us best)
For transport with individual cars, you should check route planners like Google Maps. As long as you don't plan to arrive on Saturday November 26th (there will be extremely much traffic on the roads), there are no special instructions for the arrival. Only for that specific day the organizers announced specific routes for cars to enter the area.
In principle, it is possible that police will be harassing protesters entering the region. They could stop cars to check the passengers and the luggage. And, for sure, they would try to send people back if there are actions and blockades nearby. We can't provide specific recommendations for these situations. Basically, you usually will find other routes to reach your destination, and police has basically no right to not allow you to reach your destination at the camps, info points and legal demonstrations.
For the time between, get inspired by this mobilization video.
For international guests of the Castor protests indoor accommodation is provided by the project "KURVE Wustrow". We invite you to join us here, where you will be supported to understand the activities going on and the international group can decide together whether or not they want to participate in specific actions or do individual activities.
However, there is a general possibility to sleep - individually, self organized - in one of the protest camps. In the camps big group tents are provided for all activists, so that we could join people there and stay over night together in one of these tents. In this case, you would need good sleeping bags and foam matresses. If you can't bring it yourself we will try to help you, but we need to know it as early as possible - best before Tuesday, November 22nd.
If you have special needs, you should anyway contact[7] us as soon as possible.
Besides foot stalls of all types and the usual restaurants and cafes there will be many D.I.Y. kitchens at the protest camps, mobile on the roads and in other places.
For food at D.I.Y. kitchens you will usually be asked for a donation. It is your own decision how much you can afford or how much you want to give. We prefer to use the D.I.Y. kitchens and won't organize special food supply for our group. In case you want to buy food in a supermarket or organic / health shops, there are possibilities in the region.
Meeting point
The common meeting point for international activists will be at KURVE Wustrow, a political education center in the Wendland with focus on non-violent action. There you will find a place to sleep, space for group process and to relax, and bathroom facilities. The aim is to have an atmosphere being comfortable for people who don't speak German properly or at all. It will also be easier to organize ourselves if we stay in the same space.
As Wustrow is not directly at the Castor route, transport will be provided by local supporters. When you arrive in the Wendland region, you probably want to get a ride to Wustrow. You should tell us as early as possible your supposed arrival time to make it easier for us to arrange a lift for you. During the Castor transport days, we will have at least one van to be mobile as a group. However, it will be possible for you to join actions and other activities on your own as local supporters provide transport service for the international group.
What to bring
We will provide you with recommendations what to bring to the Castor protests and what to leave at home. As we think that other basic information is more important at this point of time, we will provide this information later at this place.
This list is not complete!
- warm sleeping bag and foam matress
- torch (red light better than white light to not become night-blind)
- small radio (for latest news - Castor Radio (Radio ZuSa: 89,7 MHz) will be in German!)
- warm clothes (it will be cold), robust shoes and extra clothes (in case you got wet or faced to police pepper spray)
- rain cover; plastic bags to protect your extra clothes and other stuff from rain or police water cannon
- thermos flask for hot drinks, snacks
- marker, pen and slip of paper (to make notes for instance in case of police assaults)
- ID/passport and visa (non-EU citizens), health insurance card/police
- some cash (for donations to the D.I.Y. kitchens, phone calls in police detention etc.)
- important phone numbers (e.g. legal support group)
- medicine you really need
- optional (should be available within the affinity group): first aid pack, water (for cleaning eyes if attacked with pepper spray), rescue blanket, triangular bandage, baby or olive oil (treatment of pepper spray injuries), maps of the region (available also at the info points)
- also helpful: photo or video camera (for documentation), compass, GPS device, goggles (protection against tear gas)
- maybe you also want to bring: your own tent
The following items you should for your and other people's safety leave at home: calendar, address books, not necessary phone numbers on paper and in your mobile phone, alcohol and any other drugs, arms.
2011 Castor blockades
A big number of actions and blockades will take place at the end of November 2011 to stop the atomic shipment. Lots of actions will not be announced beforehand as many action groups are probably planning activities. In the past these were for instance lock-on actions, climbing actions, concrete pyramids, vehicles with concrete blocks and people locked to them and to the ground, tractors left on roads closing them for police and Castor as well as barricades and tunnels beneath roads and much more. A few mass actions are announced publicly to invite people to join them, but you will see there is much more.
So far we know about the following publicly announced Castor actions:
Castor? Schottern! mass disruption action on the tracks, Ende im Gelände Metzingen specific organized chaos in the Göhrde forests by the Castor tracks, Südlockade mass blockade on the tracks in Berg/Pfalz, Valognes Castor Blockade on the tracks (France), WiderSetzen sit-in blockade on the tracks by Hitzacker, Wir kommen zum Zug! mass blockade between Uelzen and Winsen/Luhe on the high speed train tracks before Lüneburg, X-tausendmal quer sit-in blockade.
Besides these concrete actions, there are some calls for action: Ja! Wir stören (Wendland action groups), Atomstaat stilllegen! (call e.g. to disturb police operations).
Camps and info points
A special website provides an overview on camps and infopoints at the 2011 Castor resistance. Additional information is available on the Infopunkt Dannenberg website and on a pretty detailed map including Castor schedule, atomic plants and proposed police facilities in the area. The info points usually provide not only latest information, but also food and possibilities to warm up. To find out more, check the links to the provided webpages. Due to the earlier departure in Valognes, the camps and info points were supposed to be open from November 23rd, the BI Umweltschutz Lüchow-Dannenberg announced. The comments on the starting days of the info points and camps are probably not up to date anymore. This is a list of those camps and infopoints in the Wendland area:
- Info point Breese/Gümse, Breese in der Marsch, Hof Schmaggel (house No 12)
- phone: +49 5861 4967, siegmundschmaggel AT web.de[7]
- Info point Dahlenburg starts November 24th
- phone: +49 160 3231532
- Info point Dumstorf
- Info point Essowiese Dannenberg (BI Lüchow-Dannenberg, media, Greenpeace, Robin Wood, paramedics) starts November 24th
- phone: +49 5861 9892121
- Info point Gorleben starts November 26th
- phone: +49 175 7950440
- Info point Gorleben 2 (X-tausendmal quer) starts November 24th
- Info point Groß Gusborn starts November 24th
- phone: +49 5865 988232
- Info point Klein Gusborn starts November 24th
- Info point (Musenpalast) Laase (culture, food, warm-up) starts when the Castor transport arrives at the loading station in Dannenberg, at the latest from November 26th
- email: mail AT wittstamm.de[7]
- Info point Langendorf starts November 26th
- phone: +49 175 1291487, +49 160 1486461
- Info point Lüneburg starts November 24th
- phone: +49 1573 6919193, email: info AT lagatom.de[7]
- Info point Oldendorf starts November 25th
- Info point Splietau (Peasant Emergency Collective - Bäuerliche Notgemeinschaft) at Splietau Nr. 12
- Info point Suderburg starts November 25th
- Bahrendorf (near Hitzacker) starts November 24th
- phone: +49 5858 978191, email: andrea.baldemair AT gmx.de[7]
- Breese in der Marsch Camp (alternative media center etc.) starts November 24th
- phone: +49 5861 4967
- Dannenberg parish hall active from November 26th
- phone: +49 5861 8411
- Dumstorf Camp starts November 23rd - due to the prohibition of the camp by the police there was a camp instead in Dahlem
- phone: +49 170 9475976, anti-castorcamp-dahlem AT nadir.org[7]
- Gedelitz Camp (X-tausendmal quer) starts November 24th
- phone: +49 5861 8069515, email: aktionsunterstützung AT x-tausendmalquer.de[7]
- Hitzacker Camp (WiderSetzen, "Atomkraft Wegbassen" and others) starts November 24th
- phone: +49 172 5656258, email: castorgruppehitzacker AT googlemail.com[7]
- Hitzacker parish hall active when needed
- phone: +49 5861 8711
- Klein Bünstorf Camp (near Bad Bevensen) starts November 24th
- Langendorf Camp (Social Democrats) starts November 24th
- phone: +49 581 5281, castor2010 AT gorleben-soll-leben.de[7]
- Quickborn parish hall active from November 26th
- Reddebeitz Camp (Green Youth)
- Splietau Camp starts November 26th
- email: infosplietau AT web.de[7]
- Wendisch Evern Camp (ContrAtom, "Wir kommen zum Zug!" and others) starts November 23rd
- phone: +49 162 6634985, email: camp AT contratom.de[7]
- widerStands-Nest Metzingen ("Ende im Gelände" and others) starts November 24th
- phone: +49 162 8863594, email: trotzalledem AT gmx.net[7]
Besides these info points and camps accommodation is provided in several churches and other houses.
Castor transport schedule
- Monday, 14/11/11 first Castor containers already shipped on trucks from La Hague to the loading station in Valognes (F)
- Sunday, 20/11/11 setting up the Hitzacker Camp (D)
- Sunday, 20/11/11 setting up the Wendisch Evern Camp (D)
- Monday, 21/11/11 international blockade camp starts at 8 AM in Valognes (F)
- Tuesday, 22/11/11 rally at 6 PM at the station in Valognes (D)
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 rally in Valognes at 10 AM, followed by blockades (F)
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 action at 10.30 AM in St. Etienne du Rouvray (F)
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 rally at noon in Caen (F)
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 departure of the Castor containers at 4.01 PM in Valognes (F) - due to blockade actions the Castor transport started 1 1/2 hours later than it was supposed to[8]
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 start of the junior media camp in Gorleben/Breese (D)
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 procession at 3 PM at the Cathedral Square in Rouen (F)
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 action at 4.45 PM in Bar-le-Duc (F)
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 rally at 5 PM in Amiens (F)
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 action at 5 PM in Arras (F)
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 rally at 5 PM in Charleville-Mezieres (F)
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 action at 5 PM in Longueau (F)
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 rally at 5 PM in Metz (F)
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 rally at 5 PM in Nancy (F)
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 rally at 6 PM in Chambery (F)
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 action preparation at 6 PM in Karlsruhe (D)
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 action at 6 PM in Rouen (F)
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 rally at 6.30 PM in Bernay (F)
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 lantern procession at 7 PM in Langendorf (D)
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 action at 8.30 PM in Montérolier-Buchy (F)
- Wednesday, 23/11/11 rally in the night to November 24th in Reims (F)
- Thursday, 24/11/11 manifestation and rally at 8 AM in Berg/Pfalz (D)
- Thursday, 24/11/11 students rally at the library at 9.30 AM with some 2,000 people in Lüchow (D)
- Thursday, 24/11/11 rally at 5 PM in Strasbourg (F)
- Thursday, 24/11/11 lantern procession at 5.30 PM Ostfalia Hochschule in Suderburg (D)
- Thursday, 24/11/11 big manifestation at 6 PM with about 3,000 people in Metzingen (D)
- Thursday, 24/11/11 big vigil with some 200 people at 6 PM at the market square in Lüchow (D)
- Thursday, 24/11/11 lantern procession with some 150 people at 6 PM at the Hitzacker Camp (D)
- Thursday, 24/11/11 information and action gathering at 7 PM in Klein Bünstorf (D)
- Thursday, 24/11/11 agricultural machines show at 7 PM at the Imbiss at the B216 in Metzingen (D)
- Thursday, 24/11/11 lantern procession at 7 PM in the center of Metzingen (D)
- Thursday, 24/11/11 WiderSetzen meeting at 7.30 PM at the Hitzacker camp (D)
- Thursday, 24/11/11 Castor warmup party at 8 PM at the Wendisch Evern Camp (D)
- Friday, 25/11/11 the Castor shipment crossed the French-German border at 10.10 AM (postponed again!) (F/D)
- Friday, 25/11/11 "Castor? Schottern!" actions started around 1 PM on the tracks between Lüneburg and Dannenberg (D)
- Friday, 25/11/11 Ralley Monte Göhrde with some 500 people at 11 AM at the Castor tracks in the Göhrde area (D)
- Friday, 25/11/11 Castor vigil for 24 hours from 1 PM with some 100 people at the Darmstadt/Kranichstein station (D)
- Friday, 25/11/11 action training at 1 PM at Wendisch Evern Camp (D)
- Friday, 25/11/11 rally at 3 PM at Schmuckplatz in Hannover (D)
- Friday, 25/11/11 Südblockade at Haßloch with some 150 people at 4 PM on the tracks close to the French-German border (D)
- Friday, 25/11/11 Castor vigil at the station in Göttingen (D)
- Friday, 25/11/11 rally in Göttingen (D)
- Friday, 25/11/11 Castor vigil at the station in Rosdorf (D)
- Friday, 25/11/11 preparation day in the action camp of X-tausendmal quer including action trainings, legal support etc.
- Friday, 25/11/11 WiderSetzen action training at 2 PM at Hitzacker Camp (D)
- Friday, 25/11/11 "Hart Backbord!" rally with up to 2,000 people[2] at 6 PM at the Clamart Park in Lüneburg (D)
- Friday, 25/11/11 manifestation with some 300 people at 6 PM in Hitzacker (D)
- Friday, 25/11/11 lantern procession at 6 PM at the infopoint in Gedelitz (D)
- Friday, 25/11/11 WiderSetzen blockade meeting at 7 PM at Hitzacker Camp (D)
- Friday, 25/11/11 movie screening at 8 PM at Oldendorf Camp (D)
- Friday, 25/11/11 Castor warmup party at 8.30 PM in Breese i.d. Marsch (D)
- Friday, 25/11/11 "Rock gegen Castor" party at 8.30 PM in Groß Gusborn (D)
- Saturday, 26/11/11 early morning exercise at 9 AM at Oldendorf Camp (D)
- Saturday, 26/11/11 "Ende im Gelände" action since 10 AM with some 1,000 people in the Göhrde area (D)
- Saturday, 26/11/11 mass demonstration at 12.30 PM with some 23,000 people and 452 tractors in Dannenberg while some 3,000 people are on the tracks at the same time (D)
- Saturday, 26/11/11 Wir kommen zum Zug! blockades attempts blockading the tracks by Lüneburg (D)
- Saturday, 26/11/11 WiderSetzen blockade on the tracks since 2 PM for about 16 1/2 hours with up to 5,000 people (D)
- Saturday, 26/11/11 Cultur contra Castor at 6 PM at the infopoint in Langendorf (D)
- Saturday, 26/11/11 "Stresstest" lecture at 8 PM at Jägerhof restaurant in Quickborn (D)
- Sunday, 27/11/11 bike rally at 10.30 AM from the Castor loading crane ("Verladekran") in Dannenberg to the exploratory mine ("Erkundungsbergwerk") in Gorleben (D)
- Sunday, 27/11/11 chair testing ("Stuhlprobe") at 11 AM at the Castor loading crane ("Verladekran") in Dannenberg (D)
- Sunday, 27/11/11 110th Sunday walk at 1 PM at the atomic facilities in Gorleben (D)
- Sunday, 27/11/11 sit-in blockade of X-tausendmal quer of up to 1,800 people since 1.30 PM for some 26 1/2 hours between Laase and Gorleben (D)
- Sunday, 27/11/11 Gorleben devotions An den Gorleben Kreuzen at 2 PM in Gorleben (D)
- Sunday, 27/11/11 arrival of the Castor containers in the Wendland region - it left Lüneburg around 2.20 PM (D)
- Sunday, 27/11/11 church fare at 3.30 PM in Langendorf (D)
- Sunday, 27/11/11 concert of "Oldenburger Studentenchor Red Rooster" at 5.30 PM in Langendorf (D)
- Monday, 28/11/11 arrival of the Castor containers in Dannenberg (loading station) at 4.17 AM (D)
- Monday, 28/11/11 vigil at the market square at 6 PM in Dannenberg (D)
- Monday, 28/11/11 arrival of the Castor transport at 9.50 PM (last truck: 10.09 PM[2]) after 125 hours and 49 minutes at the Gorleben repository (D)
- leaked Castor schedule in France French
- overview of Castor events in France French
- overview of Castor events German
Legal advice
During the Castor days, the Ermittlungsausschuss (EA), a special legal support group for the Castor resistance, will be available by phone 24 hours a day. They will monitor police activities, coordinate lawyers and support people in police detention. Afterwards, they will support people being faced with trials. Note the EA number: +49 5841 979430 or +49 151 12910392.
This is a collection of multilingual legal advice and support information on the situation in Germany:
- Antirepression guide English
- produced for the G8 in Germoney 2007 by Queers against G8 (Attention, its not updated, but main contents haven't changed)
- produced for the G8 in Germoney 2007 by Queers against G8
- Lots of more information about police repression in Germoney, what is special about it, what measures you might face, what is legal and what illegal to wear at actions, etc, you find in the following document. It was also compiled for the G8 2007 by Rote Hilfe, german antirepression organisation that supports big variety of left political activists. (also not updated)
- Translations of juridical terms for solidarity work English | French | German | Greek | Italian | Russian | Spanish
- Audio: Jingle about how the EA (Ermittlungsausschuss/ Legal Team) works: English | French | German | Polish | Portuguese | Spanish | Turkish
- Made by the Berlin EA, but EA Gorleben works on similar principles
Legal assemblies "guarantee" free access to the area
The police has the duty to ensure free access for everyone to legal assemblies, even during the Castor transport days. Trials and court decisions of the last decade(s) clarified the legal situation, and usually police is following these rules. Thus, a couple of public assemblies have been announced along the Castor tracks in the Wendland area. These are legal assemblies, and you have the right to go there. If police stops you, tell them you want to go there and that they have to let you go!
- Bunte Hütte, northwest Tollendorf
- Grünhagen, 50 m north the railroad crossing
- Leitstade South, 50 m south the railway
- Leitstade North, 50 m north the railway
- Wanderhütte (lodge) between Leitstade and Grünhagen
- Harlingen South, 50 m south the railway
- Pussade, near Forsthaus Pussade
- Groß Gusborn, Im alten Dorf
- Laase, end of the bituminized crossroad
- Quickborn, cadastral section 6, parcel 2/1
Support for international guests of the Castor resistance
A group of activists is willing to support the participation of international guests to the Castor resistance in the Wendland region. We will try to gather all important information for you in English on this webpage. And we will organize a central point for meeting each other (including sleeping place possibility) in the region. There will be some people available to help you understanding what's going on as for foreigners with no German knowledge it is sometimes a bit difficult to follow the quick stream of information during the Castor protest days. We will translate for you if necessary and help finding what you need.
You are free to form an affinity group with other international guests gathering in our meeting point for doing own actions, participating in other bigger actions or for just visiting different actions to experience the specific anti-nuclear resistance in the Wendland region. You will for sure get much inspiration for your own anti-nuclear activities at home! :)
Read and spread the word about the invitation to international anti-nuclear activists!
Support the support for international guests!
We urgently look for donations or other financial sources to help international anti-nuclear activists with their travel costs expenses. Many of them can only make it to Germany if we can provide travel costs refunding. Please donate mentioning the purpose "International Castor Support" to our bank account!
In case you know possibilities to raise funding for the international activists' travel expenses, please let us know. Contacts to foundations or other organizations willing to help are welcome!
Check out and distribute our Gorleben Castor Resistance in Germany 2011/Call for Support in German!
This is a cooperation project with the BI Umweltschutz Lüchow-Dannenberg to support the participation of international activists in the Castor protests 2011.
Basis Castor information
- Gorleben Castor 2011 information website German/English
- French info website on the Castor 2011 French
- overview on Castor camps German
- possible Castor routes in Germany German
- Wendland Castor maps for printing yourself German
- Info point Dannenberg German
- Ermittlungsausschuss (legal support team) German
- collection of information on Castor and resistance German
- What does the Castor train look like? - detailed train description German
- background information on Indymedia German
Stay up to date
- Castorticker German
- Castor Radio German
- CastorTV German
- Castor Twitter German
- The Gorleben Project German
- Info-Göhrde Blog German
- AbschaltenTV German
Actions and groups
- Südblockade German/French
- Valognes stop Castor French/German/English
- Castor Schottern German/English
- Widersetzen sit-in blockade on the tracks by Hitzacker German
- X-tausendmalquer sit-in blockade German
- Castorgruppe Hitzacker German
- Kampagne Hart Backbord German
- Protest camp in Wendisch Evern German
- widerStands-Nest German
- Wir kommen zum Zug German
- Atomstaat stilllegen! Castor 2011 German/English
- Ja! wir stören. German
- Atomkraft Wegbassen German
- more links to groups and actions German
Other websites
Originally supposed to start November 24th in Valognes, France, the 13th Castor transport to Gorleben in Lower Saxony, Germany, had been pushed up by one day as hundreds of anti-nuclear activists were going to gather near the French loading station. However, hundreds of people were blockading the shipment already in Valognes when it was supposed to start, and actions followed on the route through France and Germany.
In the Wendland region around Gorleben, up to 25,500 people protested the atomic transport and the German nuclear policy not willing to accept the continuation of operation of nine atmic reactors. Up to 5,000 blockaded the tracks by Harlingen, some 1,800 blockaded the road by Gorleben, and several thousands joined actions along the railway and road routes. Almost 30 protest camps and info points had been created, about 150 events spread the word about the atomic shipment and prepared for actions in Germany and France. A concrete pyramid closed the railway route and could not be removed by police themselves. A number of additional lock-on actions took place between Lüneburg and Gorleben delaying the shipment to a total transport time of 125 hours and 49 minutes - it never took this much time.
Past activities
- mass demonstration in Dannenberg (D): 26/11/2011 at 12.30 PM
- information evening at Lagerhalle, Rolandsmauer 26 in Osnabrück: 25/11/2011 at 7.30 PM
- rally and afterwards vigil at Schmuckplatz in Hannover: 25/11/2011 at 3 PM
- information evening at Gasthaus Wiese in Gedelitz: 24/11/2011 at 7 PM
- students' rally in Göttingen: 23/11/2011
- lecture "Atommüll... und strahlt bis in alle Ewigkeit" at Alte Schule in Wendisch Evern: 23/11/2011 at 7.30 PM
- information event at Café Palaver in Karlsruhe: 23/11/2011 at 7.30 PM
- action training at Aktionsbüro Dannenberg: 23/11/2011 at 7 PM
- south blockade preparation gathering, info point and D.I.Y. kitchen at Gewerbehof Karlsruhe: 23/11/2011 at 6 PM
- information event in Reims (F): 23/11/11 at 5.30 PM
- Castor tour of campact at Brandenburger Tor in Berlin: 23/11/2011 at 10 AM
- information event and action training at KuZe in Potsdam: 22/11/2011 at 8 PM
- information event at Linkes Zentrum Hinterhof in Düsseldorf: 22/11/2011 at 8 PM
- action training in Heidelberg: 22/11/2011 at 7 PM
- "Last Call" - latest news on the Castor transport in Hamburg: 22/11/2011 at 7 PM
- Göhrde night hike at the railway station in Leitstade: 22/11/2011 at 7 PM
- rally in Valognes (F): 22/11/11 at 6 PM
- action training in Bremen, Buchte: 22/11/2011 at 5 PM
- leafleting at the city hall in St. Etienne du Rouvray (F): 22/11/11 at 3 PM
- Castor tour of campact in Braunschweig: 22/11/2011 at 1 PM
- gathering of the peasant emergency collective (Bäuerliche Notgemeinschaft) in Reddebeitz: 21/11/11 at 8 PM
- information event at Hochschule Fulda: 21/11/2011 at 8 PM
- public meeting in Valognes (F): 21/11/11at 7.30 PM
- information event at centro sociale in Hamburg: 21/11/2011 at 7 PM
- street action "Castor alert" at the university square in Greifswald: 21/11/2011 at 6.45 PM
- Castor vigil at the market square in Dannenberg: 21/11/2011 at 6 PM
- information action in Dieppe/Rouen (F): 21/11/11 at 6.45 AM
- information event at Ruscherei, Ubbostrasse 1 in Wilhelmshaven: 20/11/2011 at 5 PM
- action traing at the university of Lüneburg: 20/11/2011 at 4 PM
- action training in Wuppertal: 20/11/2011 at 3 PM
- Gorleben devotions An den Gorleben Kreuzen in Gorleben: 20/11/2011 at 2 PM
- Castor tour of campact in the city center of Lüneburg: 20/11/2011 at 1 PM
- action training in Hamburg: 20/11/2011 at 1 PM
- traditional Göhrde Sunday walk at X-Wanderhütte glade (south the railroad between Leitstade and Grünhagen): 20/11/2011 at 12 PM
- chair testing ("Stuhlprobe") at the Castor loading crane ("Verladekran") in Dannenberg: 20/11/2011 at 11 AM
- public action training in Berlin: 20/11/2011 at 10 AM
- Südblockade information event at Alarm-Raum in Offenburg: 19/11/2011 at 8 PM
- Castor-Gruppe Langendorf meeting at the fire basket at the street to the bog in Langendorf: 19/11/2011 at 7.30 PM
- Castor tour of campact in Hamburg: 19/11/2011 at 1 PM
- action training in Uelzen: 19/11/2011 at 12 PM
- action training at Arbeit und Bildung e.V. in Marburg: 19/11/2011 at 11 AM
- info stall in front of the Hildebrandt market in Gartow: 18/11/2011
- information event at Schützenhaus in Dannenberg: 18/11/2011 at 8 PM
- action training at Ökohaus in Rostock: 18/11/2011 at 7.30 PM
- open anti-castor plenum at DemoZ in Ludwigsburg: 18/11/2011 at 7.30 PM
- information event at Statthaus Böcklerpark in Berlin: 18/11/2011 at 7.30 PM
- action and blockade training at Schellingstr. 6 in Tübingen: 18/11/2011 at 7 PM
- legal advice workshop "Feindbild Demonstrant_in – über das Verhalten bei Polizeieinsätzen auf Demos" at Klex in Greifswald: 18/11/2011 at 4 PM
- Castor tour of campact in Bremen: 18/11/2011 at 1 PM
- information event at Nexus in Braunschweig: 17/11/2011 at 8 PM
- meeting of the Castorgruppe Höhbeck-Gartow-Gorleben in Höhbeck, Schwedenschanze: 17/11/2011 at 8 PM
- information event at the Ruhr university in Bochum: 17/11/2011 at 7.00 PM
- information event at Börse (Roter Saal), Wolkenburg 100 in Wuppertal: 17/11/2011 at 7 PM
- action training in Osnabrück: 17/11/2011 at 6.30 PM
- information event at Sama in Berlin-Friedrichshain: 16/11/2011 at 8.30 PM
- information event at Café Grenzbereiche in Platenlaase: 16/11/2011 at 8 PM
- Castor cinema evening at Filmwelt in Detmold: 16/11/2011 at 8 PM
- information plenum at Schellingstr. 6 in Tübingen: 16/11/2011 at 8 PM
- Castor documentary screening evening and D.I.Y. kitchen at Treibhaus in Döbeln: 16/11/2011 at 7.30 PM
- information event at Café Brazil in Lübeck: 16/11/2011 at 7.30 PM
- information event at Gängeviertel in Hamburg: 16/11/2011 at 7 PM
- affinity group evening at Aktionsbüro Dannenberg: 16/11/2011 at 7 PM
- Castor tour of campact in Hannover: 16/11/2011 at 1 PM
- central information and mobilization event at Paradox in Bremen: 15/11/2011 at 8 PM
- autonomous plenary session including Castor updates at Rote Flora in Hamburg: 15/11/2011 at 7.30 PM
- Castor transport information evening in Döbeln: 15/11/2011 at 7 PM
- atomic energy lecture by Ulrich Uffrecht at the university in Hildesheim: 15/11/2011 at 5 PM
- Castor tour of campact in Kassel: 15/11/2011 at 2 PM
- legal advice info evening in Café Grenzbereiche in Platenlaase: 14/11/2011 at 8 PM
- information event at the university (Hörsaalgebäude, Raum 115) in Marburg: 14/11/2011 at 8 PM
- information event at Oetinger Villa in Darmstadt: 14/11/2011 at 8 PM
- information evening at Café Exzess in Frankfurt-Bockenheim: 14/11/2011 at 8 PM
- information event at SubstAnZ in Osnabrück: 14/11/2011 at 7.30 PM
- information event at Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte in Berlin: 14/11/2011 at 7.30 PM
- information event at Centro Sociale in Hamburg: 14/11/2011 at 7 PM
- information event at Ökozentrum in Bonn: 14/11/2011 at 7 PM
- street action "Castor alert" at the university square in Greifswald: 14/11/2011 at 6.45 PM
- vigil at the market square in Dannenberg: 14/11/2011 at 6 PM
- Castor tour of campact in Frankfurt/Main: 14/11/2011 at 1 PM
- Gorleben panel at Trebeler Bauernstuben in Trebel: 13/11/2011 at 4 PM
- preparation workshop at Rote Flora in Hamburg: 13/11/2011 at 3 PM
- Gorleben devotions An den Gorleben Kreuzen in Gorleben: 13/11/2011 at 2 PM
- information event at Rote Flora in Hamburg: 13/11/2011 at 11 AM
- action training at Jean-Paul-Schule in Kassel: 13/11/2011 at 11 AM
- regional conference on energy struggles at W3 Altona in Hamburg: 13/11/2011 at 11 AM
- action training at Frei Waldorfschule Kreuzberg in Berlin: 13/11/2011 at 11 AM
- chair testing ("Stuhlprobe") at the Castor loading crane ("Verladekran") in Dannenberg: 13/11/2011 at 11 AM
- Castor action training at UJZ Korn, Kornstr. 28-30 in Hannover: 13/11/2011 at 11 AM
- Castor warmup party in Mammoissel: 12/11/2011 at 9 PM
- information event at OpenUni in Göttingen: 12/11/2011 at 8 PM
- information event at Alte Meierei in Kiel: 12/11/2011 at 6 PM
- action training at Verfügungsgebäude, Raum 1.103, Platz der Göttinger Sieben in Göttingen: 12/11/2011 at 12 PM
- "Unruhetag" ("unrest day") in the wendland region: 12/11/2011 at 11 AM
- public action training in Berlin: 12/11/2011 at 11 AM
- action training in Karlsruhe: 12/11/2011 at 11 AM
- Castor rally at the railway station in Uelzen: 12/11/2011 at 10.30 AM
- action training at BUND in Magdeburg: 12/11/2011 at 10 AM
- information event in Ottersberg: 11/11/2011
- info stall in front of the Hildebrandt market in Gartow: 11/11/2011
- atomic lantern procession at the library in Magdeburg: 11/11/2011 at 6 PM
- Castor tour of campact in Heidelberg: 11/11/2011 at 1 PM
- Castor action training at the university in Hildesheim: 10/11/2011 in the afternoon
- information event at IKUWO in Greifswald: 10/11/2011 at 9 PM
- meeting of the Castorgruppe Höhbeck-Gartow-Gorleben in Höhbeck, Schwedenschanze: 10/11/2011 at 8 PM
- information event at Kulturforum Serrahnstraße in Hamburg-Bergedorf: 10/11/2011 at 7 PM
- information event at the library in Adendorf: 10/11/2011 at 7 PM
- Castor transport information evening in Magdeburg: 10/11/2011 at 6 PM
- media release, flyer, poster and announcement
- action training at IKUWO in Greifswald: 10/11/2011 at 5 PM
- Castor tour of campact in Karlsruhe: 10/11/2011 at 1 PM
- information event at Frauenstraße 24 in Münster: 09/11/2011 at 8 PM
- meeting of the Castorgruppe Langendorf in Langendorf: 09/11/2011 at 7.30 PM
- information event at Neue Universität (Hörsaal 1) in Heidelberg: 09/11/2011 at 7.25 PM
- action training at Aktionsbüro Dannenberg: 09/11/2011 at 7 PM
- information event at Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Suderburg, Herbert-MeyerStr. 7, main entrance, room B23: 09/11/11 at 6.30 PM
- "organize the crowd" action training at Projektraum H48 in Berlin-Neukölln: 09/11/2011 at 6 PM
- information event at the university (Hörsaal 3) in Lüneburg: 09/11/2011 at 6 PM
- atomic energy lecture by Ulrich Uffrecht at the university in Hildesheim: 09/11/2011 at 5 PM
- BI on Tour at Freizeitheim Linden in Hannover: 08/11/2011 at 7 PM
- information event at the Ostfalia Hochschule in Suderburg: 08/11/2011 at 6.30 PM
- workshop and information event at AZ Köln: 08/11/2011 at 5 PM
- atomic energy lecture by Ulrich Uffrecht at Schneiderberg 50 in Hannover: 08/11/2011 at 5 PM
- Sébastien Briat memorial evening at the Café Grenzbereiche in Platenlaase: 07/11/2011 at 7.30 PM
- mobilization evening at Welthaus, An der Schanz 1 in Aachen: 07/11/2011 at 7 PM
- Sébastien Briat memorial vigil in front of the station in Lüneburg: 07/11/2011 at 6 PM
- action training in Gelsenkirchen: 06/11/2011 at 12 PM
- traditional Göhrde Sunday walk at Hinkelhagen (north the railroad crossing Grünhagen in direction to Posade): 06/11/2011 at 12 PM
- chair testing ("Stuhlprobe") at the Castor loading crane ("Verladekran") in Dannenberg: 06/11/2011 at 11 AM
- action training at Honigfabrik in Hamburg: 06/11/2011 at 11 AM
- Anti-Castor S-Bahn Tour from Berlin-Wannsee to Gorleben: 05/11/2011 at 11.30 AM
- "Unruhetag" ("unrest day") in the wendland region: 02/11/2011
- Castor Ratschlag (national preparation gathering) in Gedelitz: 30/10/2011 at 3 PM
- Atomic energy lecture by Ulrich Uffrecht at the university in Hildesheim: 01/11/2011 at 5 PM
- Castor route action day [[1]]: 29/10/2011
- BürgerInneninitiative gegen Atomanlagen Uelzen
- rally in Hildesheim starting at Huckup, Schuhstraße at 12 PM
- some 6,000 people took part in some 50 actions in Germany
- overview Castor protests - lecture (22 MB) German
- mobilization short film "ER KOMMT" German
- mobilization short film "Immer wenn der Castor rollt" German/English/French
- mobilization short film "Du schreibst Geschichte" German
- mobilization short film "Gorleben lebt" German
Media Releases
- International guests invited to join the anti-nuclear CASTOR protests in Germany English
- International participation in the Castor protests 2011 German
- Greenkids Call out to join the Castor protests German
- Castor information event in Döbeln on November 15 German
- Castor information event in Magdeburg on November 10 German
Media Coverage
- Mediale Kampagne: Gorleben und die Gewalt - (November 10, 2011)
- Radio Freies Wendland broadcasting downloads - (November 2011)
- Announcement on the Swedish anti-nuclear waste NGO Milkas website - (October 2011)
- video of the battle with French police at the Castor departure in Valognes - (November 24, 2011)
- Nuclear Heritage Network
- Am Bärental 6
- D-04720 Ebersbach OT Mannsdorf
- Germany
- email: join AT castor2011.nuclear-heritage.net[7]
- landline phone: +49 3431 5894177 (international network office )
- If no one answers the phone, please leave a message.
During the Castor transport days, you don't reach us at the landline number. Instead, we will be available at cellphones.
Mobile phone: +49 1578 3033157 (online from November 21st-30th)
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 http://www.contratom.de/2011/10/26/grenzwertuberschreitung-im-zwischenlager-gorleben-greenpeace-entlarvt-rechenfehler/#more-4021 as at October 26, 2011
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 http://www.presseportal.de/polizeipresse/pm/18181/2156490/pol-castor-castortransport-2011-bilanzpressemeldung as at December 8, 2011
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 http://www.abendblatt.de/region/article2095916/19-000-Polizisten-schuetzen-Umweltschuetzer-simulieren.html as at November 18, 2011
- ↑ https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=295382203816935&id=263328013689021 as at November 21, 2011
- ↑ http://www.contratom.de/2011/11/19/castortransport-startet-bereits-am-mittwoch-um-1436-uhr-in-frankreich/ as at November 20, 2011
- ↑ http://www.castor-suedblockade.de/2011/1414-castor-soll-in-valognes-24-stunden-frueher-starten.html as at November 22, 2011
- ↑ 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 For protection against automatical email address robots searching for addresses to send spam to them this email address has been made unreadable for them. To get a correct mail address you have to displace "AT" by the @-symbol.
- ↑ http://www.bi-luechow-dannenberg.de/chronologisch/pressemitteilungen/castortransport-startet-bereits-am-mittwoch-um-1436-uhr-in-frankreich-abfahrtstermin-um-24-stunden-vorgezogen as at November 20, 2011