Action:Infotour Around The Baltic Sea
The Baltic Sea, The Eastern Sea... It does not matter how you call it. It is our sea and it is the most polluted sea in the world. Horrifying, isn't it? This is why we must become active. And we do - by organizing the "Baltic Sea Infotour". » What is the Tour? » How do I participate?
Schedule of the Baltic Sea Info Tour 2010 (short version)
- Turku (FIN): June 19-21
- Åland (FIN): June 22-24
- Loviisa/Isnäs (FIN): June 26-28
- Helsinki (FIN): June 30 - July 2
- St. Petersburg (RUS) and Riga (LV): July 6-8
- Riga (LV): July 11-13
- Belarus and Vilnius (LT): July 15-17
- Jezioro Żarnowieckie (PL): July 21-23
- Greifswald (D): July 26-28
- Copenhagen (DK): July 30 - August 1
- Malmö (SE): August 3-5
- Stockholm (SE): August 9-11
- Olkiluoto/Rauma (FIN): August 14-16
- Oulu (FIN): August 18-20
check also the detailed schedule
Stop Nuclear Power - Baltic Sea Info Tour 2010
The Baltic Sea is one of the most radioactively polluted water bodies in the world (PDF flyer) - thus we think it is important to inform about nuclear power and its risks. The idea is to arrange an infotour around the Baltic Sea in summer 2010. That way we want to come in contact with local initiatives, carry out actions, take part in information events and organize some of those events ourselves, have network meetings with local activists, spread information about nuclear issues and maybe other topics, too.
- promotion materials for the infotour: flyer, postcard (older postcard), poster, invitation letter
Facing Nuclear Challenges of the Baltic Sea
The Baltic Sea Info Tour will inform about nuclear power and its risks as well as about the renewable alternatives. The Tour group will travel around the Baltic Sea in summer 2010, informing and emancipating young people and calling citizens of all ages to raise awareness of the challenges of nuclear industry and current development surrounding the Baltic Sea area.
The Tour is arranged by different groups, organisations and individuals who share the concern of radioactive pollution. The Tour topics will be arranged by local people. Everyone can take part and join the Tour by informing, arranging local action, joining the network meetings, spreading information about nuclear issues or just showing up in the events. Every step counts!
Informing through Local Events
The tour is an informative event, dedicated to the Baltic Sea, embracing the communities surrounding the Baltic Sea. We want to discuss the challenges with people living across the Baltic Sea and to give more information about certain issues connected to radioactivity, nuclear power and renewable alternatives.
The Baltic Sea Info Tour will consist of different kinds of activities: street actions, information events, workshops, performances, discussions, local gatherings, spreading of flyers and posters. The Tour will include several stops in the Baltic Sea countries. It will start from Finland in June and end again in Finland in August 2010. Please see the timetable of the stops near you for more information.
Baltic Sea Water Basin Polluted by Nuclear Industry
The Baltic Sea is one of the most radioactively polluted seas compared to other water bodies in the world. This has happened mainly because of the radioactive releases of nuclear power plants in the Baltic Sea area (mostly due to Swedish and Finnish power plants), the radioactive particles distributed from the Chernobyl accident, nuclear bomb tests in the atmosphere and Sellafield’s discharges.
Also the Russian and Lithuanian reactors increased the amount of radioactivity in the Baltic Sea. Additionally the proposed uranium mining projects and final disposal sites as well as nuclear transports are strengthening the risk of pollution for the vital sea between Finland, Russia, Baltic States, Poland, Germany, Denmark and Sweden.
Including the impacts of uranium mining, processing of the ore to produce nuclear fuel and the disposal of the created long-life nuclear waste, the operation of nuclear power plants has an immense impact to the global warming. Nuclear power is expensive and dangerous and the resources used in the nuclear industry would be more beneficial for present and future generations if spent in renewable energy systems.
The Info Tour has started as an action of concerned people of the Baltic Sea community. The tour will inform people about the facts of uranium energy and radioactive pollution of the Baltic Sea. The tour will activate and emancipate people to take part in the events of the local stops. The Tour will advance active courage both locally and in large social and ecological systems.
All hands on deck!
Immediate Closure of All Nuclear Facilities - Worldwide!
Getting Started
The idea of it arose at the NUCLEAR weekEND in Isnäs (FIN) in October, 2008. A first bigger planning and promotion meeting (Minutes) took place at the Youth Environmental Congress in Frankfurt/Main on 1 January, 2009. On April 17th-19th, 2009 another preparation meeting (Minutes) was organized in Stockholm. A virtual meeting was held on June 13th, 2009 via Skype. The Tour's project was also presented at Nuclear Climate Camp in Tervola, Finland in July 2009 where new poeple joined the project. Another prepartion meeting was held at the Youth Environmental Congress near Hamburg from December 25th, 2009 to January 2nd, 2010 and the next one took place at the International Anti-nuclear Network Meeting on March 25th-29th, 2010 in Helsinki. A "Western Baltic Tour" preparation meeting took place in Greifswald (D) on April 26th-27th, 2010. The last preparation meeting was held in Bonn (D) on May 31st-June 2nd, 2010. The Tour itself takes place in summer 2010 from June 22nd to August 21st.
Follow-ups of the Infotour
Nuclear Baltic Map
One central project within the infotour project will be to create a map showing the locations of all kinds of nuclear activities in the countries around the Baltic Sea and compiling information about them. The idea is to distribute this map and information on the tour. It will also be a helpful tool for planning the tour (route, contacts, issues etc.).
We will use this subpage for gathering and compiling the information.
Our Partner Groups
- Belarus:
- Finland:
- Aktionsgruppen för ett atomkraftsfritt Åland (Action group for a nuclearfree Åland) Swedish
- Baltic Tour Oulu project group
- Maan Ystävät Ry (Friend of the Earth Finland) Finnish
- Ranua Rescue Finnish
- Uusi Tuuli ry Finnish
- Youth for a Nuclear Free Finland (YNUFF) English/Finnish
- Germany:
- Greenkids German
- Latvia:
- Baltic Sea Info Tour Support Group
- Russia:
- Sweden:
- Baltic Sea Region Radioactivity Watch
- Miljöförbundet Jordens Vänner (Friends of the Earth Sweden) Swedish/English
- Klimax Malmö
- MILKAS Swedish
Contact Us
- E-Mail: tour AT[1]
- phone: +358 41 7243254
- promotion materials:
- Postcard: from 2009, latest version
- Poster: colour, black/white
- Flyer: colour, black/white
- media releases:
- Environmentalists call for a nuclear-free Baltic Sea (July 9, 2010): English, German, Russian
- Anti-nuclear Infotour Stresses the Threats of Nuclear Power (June 29, 2010): English
- Citizens Around The Baltic Sea Worried About Nuclear Developments In Finland (June 24, 2010): English, Finnish, Swedish
- Finnish Governments Proposal for Two New Reactors: Crazy and Irresponsible (April 23, 2010): English, Finnish, German, Swedish
- Facebook: Baltic Sea Info Tour
Media Coverage
- Finland: NPP Olkiluoto access road blocked by Lock-ons - Indymedia Germany, August 28, 2010 English
- Finland: Street theatre against atomic power in OL - Indymedia Germany, August 28, 2010 English
- More blockades on Olkiluoto's streets - Indymedia Germany, August 28, 2010 English
- Olkiluoto - blockade of mainroad + highway - Indymedia Germany, August 29, 2010 English
- OL/FIN: Lock-on blockades violently broken up - Indymedia Germany, September 4, 2010 English
- Info tour in Belarus - Indymedia Germany, August 23, 2010 English
- "Raumalla on paljon ydinvoiman vastustajia" - article about the infotour in Rauma and Finnish nuclear situation, August 16, 2010 Finnish
- Protester mot kärnkraft - August 5, 2010 Swedish
- Finland risks digging itself into a nuclear grave as it moves ahead with plans for more reactors, new deep undeground repository for nuclear waste - August 2, 2010 English
- Антиядерный инфо-тур вокруг Балтийского моря. Белоруссия. - article about the infotour on (August 2, 2010) Russian
- Polska bez Atomu - Street action in Gdansk, August, 2010 Polish
- Polska bez Atomu cz. 2 - Information event in Gdansk, August, 2010 Polish
- Anti-Atom-Infotour machte Station in Russland. UmweltschützerInnen fordern eine atomkraftfreie Ostsee - Russian stop of the infotour, August, 2010 German
- Atomkraft an der Ostsee - July, 2010 German
- Anti-nuclear Stop in St. Petersburg - Indymedia Linksunten, July 30, 2010 English
- Anti-nuclear Stop in Lithuania - Indymedia Linksunten, July 30, 2010 English
- Baltijos jūros radiacinė tarša kelia pavojų ir poilsiautojams - Other media took the message from the news agency, July 30, 2010 Lithuanian
- Anti-nuclear Tourstop in St. Petersburg - Indymedia International, July 29, 2010 English
- Anti-Atom Stop in St. Petersburg - Indymedia Germany, July 29, 2010 English
- Anti-Atom Stop in St. Petersburg - contrAtom coverage of the indymedia report, July 29, 2010 English
- Anti-Atom Stop in Lithuania - contrAtom coverage of the indymedia report, July 28, 2010 English
- No More Nuclear Pollution - Tour Stop in Lithuania - Indymedia International, July 28, 2010 English
- Anti-nuclear tour: Stop in Lithuania - Indymedia Germany, July 28, 2010 English
- Green Kids zu Gast in Greifswald - July 26, 2010 German
- Atomic Death in Riga - Indymedia International, July 25, 2010 English
- Atomic Death in Riga - Indymedia Linksunten, July 25, 2010 English
- Atomic Death in Riga - Indymedia Germany, July 25, 2010 English
- Зарубежные эксперты побывали «в гостях» у белорусской АЭС - article about inspection of the Belarusian NPP construction site, July 20, 2010 Russian
- Antroji Baltijos antibranduolinio infoturo diena: „Prieš branduolinį monkės biznį!“ - Infotour activities were reflected in a number of eco-blogs and other activist's media, July 17, 2010 Lithuanian
- Baltijos antibranduolinis infoturas - Infotour activities were reflected in a number of eco-blogs and other activist's media, July 17, 2010 Lithuanian
- Pirmoji Baltijos antibranduolinio infoturo diena: „Baltijos jūra – ne pamazgų duobė!” - Infotour activities were reflected in a number of eco-blogs and other activist's media, July 17, 2010 Lithuanian
- Anti-nuclear protests in Vilnius, July 16, 2010 - YouTube film, July 16, 2010
- Anti-nuclear protests in Vilnius, July 16, 2010 (Polish embassy, European Commission) - Photos, July 16, 2010 English
- Pirmoji Baltijos antibranduolinio infoturo diena: „Baltijos jūra – ne pamazgų duobė!” (foto, video) - Infotour activities were reflected in a number of eco-blogs and other activist's media, July 16, 2010 Lithuanian
- Lithuanian national radio "Ziniu radijas" had a report on the tour.
- Baltijos jūros radiacinė tarša kelia pavojų ir poilsiautojams - News agency report, July 15, 2010 Lithuanian
- Baltijos jūros radiacinė tarša kelia pavojų ir poilsiautojams - Other media took the message from the news agency, July 15, 2010 Lithuanian
- Baltijos jūroje - didžiausia radiacinė tarša - Other media took the message from the news agency, July 15, 2010 Lithuanian
- Anti-nuclear protest near Finish Embassy in Vilnius, Lithuania July 15, 2010 - YouTube film, July 15, 2010
- Anti-nuclear protest near Finish Embassy in Vilnius, Lithuania July 15, 2010 - Photos, July 15, 2010 English
- Anti-nuclear protest near Swedish Embassy in Vilnius July 15, 2010 - YouTube film, July 15, 2010
- Anti-nuclear protest near Swedish Embassy in Vilnius July 15, 2010 - Photos, July 15, 2010 English
- Датский эксперт: Белорусская АЭС будет загрязнять Балтийское море - article about the infotour in Belarus, July 15, 2010 Russian
- Kvietimas į spaudos konferenciją „Baltijos jūra - radioaktyviausia pasaulyje" - Invitation to the press conference, July 14, 2010 Lithuanian
- „Baltijos jūros infoturas” kviečia į akcijas prieš radioaktyvią Baltijos taršą - July 14, 2010 Lithuanian
- Нужны ли новые АЭС? - article about the press conference in St. Petersburg, July 14, 2010 Russian
- Atominė energetika teršia Baltijos jūrą - tour promotion and baltic sea radioactivity covering in political weekly, July 10-15, 2010 Lithuanian
- Nuclear Baltic Sea Tour events in Riga 11-13 July 2010 - coverage of the infotour in Riga English
- ПБК: Балтийское море подвержено риску радиации - film about the infotour in Riga, July 14, 2010 Russian
- Антиатомные активисты до 10 июля 2010 остановились в Петербурге - article about the infotour in St. Petersburg, July 8, 2010 Russian
- Экологи: "Безопасность атомной станции в Сосновом Бору экспериментально не подтверждена" - article about Leningrad NPP, July 9, 2010 Russian
- Экологи: территории, прилегающей к строящейся в Ленобласти АЭС, предстоит стать экспериментальным полигоном Росатома - article about Leningrad NPP, July 9, 2010 Russian
- Экологическая безопасность или новые АЭС? - report on the press conference in St. Petersburg, July 9, 2010 Russian
- Экологи требуют безъядерного Балтийского моря - information about the press conference in St. Petersburg, July 9, 2010 Russian
- Strahlendes Meer - Telepolis, July 8, 2010 German
- 7 июля в Санкт-Петербурге прошли акции Балтийского информационного тура под лозунгом "Остановите ядерную энергетику!" - information about planned activities in St. Petersburg, July 8, 2010 Russian
- «Остановите ядерную энергетику!» Акция против радиационного загрязнения Балтийского моря - Report on the street action in St. Petersburg and announcement of the information event Russian
- Люди в противогазах рассказали жителям Петербурга об опасности ядерной энергетики - another action report (July 7, 2010) Russian
- Участники антиядерного инфотура выступили в Петербурге против строительства новых АЭС и за безъядерный статус для Балтийского моря - another action report with information about the tour (July 7, 2010) Russian
- Балтийский антиатомный инфотур - Media invitation of the Regional Press Institute to the press conference (July 7, 2010) Russian
- Seminārs „Radiācijas problēma Baltijas jūrā un atomenerģijas radītie draudi videi” - some kind of a press release about our event in Ministry of Environment, July 7, 2010 Latvian
- Tusiņš pie Somijas parlamenta - article about activities at the Parliament in Helsinki: "Party at the Parliament", July 5, 2010 Latvian
- Finnland beschließt den Bau neuer Atomkraftwerke - Telepolis, July 5, 2010 German
- Ostsee ist das radioaktivste Meer der Welt - Red Globe, July 2, 2010 German
- Nuclear Shadow on Aland - Indymedia International, June 25, 2010 English
- Nuclear Shadow on Aland - Indymedia Linksunten, June 25, 2010 English
- Action + Workshops in Aland - Indymedia Germany, June 25, 2010 English
- Anti-Nuclear Bike Tour from Turku to Mariehamn - Indymedia International, June 21, 2010 English
- Anti-Nuclear Bike Tour from Turku to Marieham - Indymedia Germany, June 21, 2010 English
- Anti-Nuclear Bike Tour from Turku to Mariehamn - Indymedia Linksunten, June 21, 2010 English
- Stop Nuclear Power! Baltic Sea Infotour - Indymedia international, June 20, 2010 Englisch
- Stoppt Atomkraft! Ostsee-Infotour - Indymedia international, June 20, 2010 German
- Stop Nuclear Power! Baltic Sea Infotour - Indymedia Linskunten, June 20, 2010 English
- Stop Nuclear Power! Baltic Sea Infotour - Indymedia Germany, June 20, 2010 English
- Vastusta ydinvoimaa – liity Itämeren infokiertueeseen -, June 18, 2010 Finnish
- Stoppt Atomkraft! Ostsee-Infotour - Indymedia Germany, June 15, 2010 German
- Stoppt Atomkraft! Ostsee-Infotour - Indymedia Linksunten, June 15, 2010 German/English
- Saknas: Säker metod för slutförvar - Nya Åland, April 26, 2010 Swedish
Background Information And Other Stuff
- Nuclear Power and human health in Finland - article by Prof. Chris Busby
- Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission Long-lived radionuclides in the seabed of the Baltic Sea - Report of the Sediment Baseline Study of HELCOM MORS-PRO in 2000–2005
- The Baltic Sea is radioactive - article on as at December 2006
- Background information flyer about the radioactive contamination of the Baltic Sea
- Short film to become active against the pollution of the Baltic Sea by Pirates of the Baltic Sea
- Webpage of Pirates of the Baltic Sea Finnish
- ↑ For protection against automatical email address robots searching for addresses to send spam to them this email address has been made unreadable for them. To get a correct mail address you have to displace "AT" by the @-symbol.